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  1. Hello, As someone who owns a large lab this update doesnt make a whole lot of sense. Yes I do understand like look now you can go cook at the labs and you will have alot more interactions, but the risk verse reward is to unbalanced, people who run labs regularly know that people run in large groups. Basically in order to protect your cook at a lab you will need 15 people to protect one persons cook that takes around an hour per 100 LSD (example). I agree with the above post completely, drugs are the main source of income for crims and those of us that have been doing this for a long time and spent millions on property/tables/vents for it all be restricted in the sense now I can only cook on 10-20 tables instead of the 100 I have set up doesnt make a whole lot of sense. The spill timer takes away so much time thus restricting the amount of tables that can be in use at once. Real life people cook in private labs, if crims received a more balanced reward vs risk for cooking at a lab with 15 people thats different. Not to mention cops camp the labs because they are bored, nor do we have access to silencers anymore so one shot at LSD/garbage cops will already be there.
  2. This has been solved by ingame admin thanks.
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