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The Bridge Street Brotherhood

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A Meeting - Gone South

They formulated a line, a pristine, immaculate line, a strict colour scheme of fresh green and blood red as the iridescent sunlight cast a shadow behind them. Brothers – as you would call it – they exchanged laughter at humorous moments, and returned to a firm articulate state waiting for the third arriving party. The steel material of compact rifles, .50s and shotguns was broadcasting the raw sunlight, refracting it, as they lay firmly in their hands, ready to be utilized - if necessary. The trees rustled with a soft wind, the kind of wind that combined with a soft array of warmth would be perfect for the scenic moments. But this was not a moment to capture the scenery. This was business that needed a firm and time effective conclusion.


And from the corner, arose an array of colors, speeding down the road. The first perceptions: Randoms or undercovers. 

Consequently, a shirtless man took his mask off and his facial features broadcast who his group was; The Rising Suns. They came dressed in a soft cerulean blue, mixed with pure, snowy white, in a collection of chalk black and navy-blue vehicles. Which contradicted their previous colour schemes, to Ty's attention. He looked over at The Russians, and to no surprise saw a few wrinkles in their masks, suggesting they was smiling. Surprisingly, no steel content was visible in the possession of these people, suggesting they were taking a diplomatic perspective, or perhaps a submissive one. They confronted the opposing party confidently, standing a few meters away, some with arms crossed, some down their side, their blue clothing a possible conveyance of tranquility.  Some engaging in consistent eye contact, some looking away.Highcompressed_911029232.thumb.jpg.d9ca7b222122bf1534eaff810131af33.jpg

Throughout this mob of people, a few stepped forward from both sides, nodded at one another, and began to talk business. Over the next few minutes, a calm, intellectual exchange of words, ideologies, changes and future plans were implemented into the conversation, as the bulk of both groups sat back and listened. Throughout the chitter chatter, Ty couldn’t help but listen to the crackling of the radio in his pocket. With his curiosity increasing like some form of inducing anxiety, he listened closely to what the radio was broadcasting. What came next was not what Ty had wanted, in fact it was the very thing himself, his green and red counterparts would’ve hated to hear, would’ve hated to occur.  

Police. Two cruisers chilling at the entrance and more coming.” 

And a disheartened feeling was present. Feelings of anger. What if this was a setup. What if- He had no time to think hypothetically. None of them did. With Ty foreshadowing the arrival of cops to the group, they perceived this as their cue to go, and time efficiently.

Police Interest

The nose-sniveling and extensive interest of the police did not end there, with figures of light grey with body armor approaching Ty and inquiring about the incident. The SD officers were that desperate for anything to stick to him, to the point that they inspected every inch of internal peripheral of the vehicle from the windows. Yet they found nothing. He was off by the skin of his teeth, his .50 sitting snug in the corner of the glove compartment. Moreover, he couldn't say the same for his red counterparts who PD, SD seemed to have taken a particular interest in, engaging in fanatical, high speed pursuits. The night had ended with a swift evasion, in which not a single man or woman in green was arrested, The Russians singular objective of stripping the color red from The Rising Suns proved partially, if not completely, successful. 


And yet, the looming recollection of what just happened tested Ty's cognitive capabilities. He sat there, pondering how the cops could even have a remote idea this was going to happen when the upmost secrecy was held by The Russians and BSB. There was only one conclusive answer, and that was someone tipped them off, someone led them to this meeting. Ty reached over and retrieved the .50, grabbing it by the leather grip excessively. Any chance of it being his allies or his own family was excluded -  leaving one contender for whom it could be.


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The Story of Opal Villain.


It has been a long but rewarding road Opal has had. Opal was certain she had found the place for her, that accepted her for who she truly was. But that idea started to dwindle pretty drastically, And I’m about to tell you all about it. So, get comfy, it’s a long story…


So, her and Koda were the first recruits to Lost Santos Royals. OG’s to royals if you’d call it that. Although she didn’t precisely know what she wanted in joining them, she knew who she wanted to become. A strong, known and well-respected person within the city. And for the most part, she had become just that. But she started to learn fairly quickly that she wasn’t in the right place to better herself. To become the best version of herself possible.




Royals taught Opal a lot. Strategy, elegance and efficiency were key components to becoming successful. With these 3 attributes they robbed banks, stores and held labs consistently. Everything was going smoothly. Until royals had to change a lot about them to fit into the ‘perfect image’ to get to the top. Opal wasn’t happy with some of the changes, not wearing certain clothing, colours and acting certain ways. She felt that a part of her had been stripped away. That she wasn’t able to express herself and therefore turned into someone everyone else was happy with, but her.





So, she left. She left the only family she had known. Not knowing how she would survive on her on. She felt like it was the only possible action she could’ve taken. On the road; alone once again




 She had given it some thought and decided to join another organisation, she knew some people there from other organisations that had merged together, they were called ‘Shenzhen Dragons’. It was going well but unfortunately it came to a quick end when the leaders decided to disband.




However, whilst she was with Dragons and Royals. She kept hearing one name that took her attention. Right from the beginning she always said she liked how this gang went about things, how they handled situations and how they acted towards society. So, she set her attention to them, and asked around about them, gaining negative and positive opinions, her decision wasn’t influenced. She knew what she wanted to do, and that was to join





She Met Carl Daquarius, who him and Opal hit it off right away. From talking shit to each other she finally asked the question. He said he’d get in touch with her with high commands at BSB. He texted her telling her to go to Bridge Street, there she had met Christopher Bridge and Jay Valentino. They said after the talk that it was one of the strongest recruitments that they’ve had. And they happily offered her a place within BSB. And just like that, she was in.




The welcome she got was incredible, she already felt like she had known the guys forever, and it didn’t stop there. She was able to wear whatever type of clothing she liked, whatever tattoos she wanted. And to be able to be herself. She felt relieved. And with that, the fun had already begun. The were running labs daily. Getting into so many altercations it was exciting, it felt like something had switched inside of her and had finally become a better version of herself.




Therefore, we conclude it here, exciting to see where BSB takes her, teaches her and moulds her into the best version of herself. She can finally say she feels like she’s home.









To be Continued….




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Cheddar for the Trap

The day had just started. Christopher walked out from his house on Bridge Street. The amount of members seen was a sight to behold, 20 people standing around, dancing enjoying the presence of one another. This wasn't even all of them. Christopher had a realization, The Brotherhood had been growing at a rapid pace and gaining tons of solid heads with endless potential in the past few weeks. But with a great spike in growth some shady people are bound to slip through the cracks. Christopher had a sit down with Jay and spoke about what can be done to test people who could be potential informants for the opposition. A plan had been thought of and put into action the day after next. Put certain members on "temporary suspension" from the family and see if the punishment made them go bad on the gang. The first two men who were put to this test were Jits. Brody Long and Ryan Park. Brody was given a 5 day break and Ryan got 10 days due to different mistakes they had recently committed. Within 24 hours of the given punishment Brody and Ryan had told multiple people including an old, but still loyal prospect of the family Elijah Taylor their feelings and plans. Eli informed Christopher that the duo were upset and their end goal was to work with the enemy of BSB and raid Bridge Street and take everything they could from the family.


Rat Extermination

After Christopher had gotten tipped off about Ryan and Brody's plan he decided action needed to be taken immediately and it needed to be done cleanly. Christopher Immediately dialed Brody and told him to bring himself and Ryan down to the HQ because he had felt bad about the suspension and he was going to make it right. This was to lure them into thinking everything would be alright but there was one true motive at heart. Exterminate the rats at all costs. After gathering the two men Christopher took them to a remote location. As they stepped out of the Kamacho Christopher drew his pump "PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP RATS, YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOU COULD MAKE THIS HAPPEN." A short conversation ensued between the group and the two traitors. BSB members shared their feelings, mostly of disappointment and heartbreak, amongst the whole group. They had given these guys a chance when no one else had, stuck their necks out for them, and done the most to try and make them into the best men they could be. All for it to go up in flames. There was just one last thing to do. Dispose of them....



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Self Assessment

Christopher had done some thinking and after a few wise words and thorough thought between his Underboss Jay Valentino and Consig Harry Valentino, the trio decided there was going to be a few major as well as minor changes to the group to improve potential and overall success of the group in the coming months. There was a list of things that needed to be spoken about but the main topic was clear as day, Conflict. It was no secret The Brotherhood did not back down from conflict with any group and they were willing to do anything to assert their dominance and showcase their strength. Whilst meeting with other organizations and talking about their conflicts with other groups it was brought to their attention BSB should not be wasting their time fighting gangs such as Rising Suns. A group who kept to themselves and apart from a few of their members talking shit to the group on rare occasions the overall group had been nothing but respectful and only wanted to be left alone to tend to their business. So it had been decided, unless prompted otherwise the group was going to leave RS alone and focus on more important matters, such as conflict with the Los Santos Royals and a new group rising from the hood Zero Tolerance. The beef with Royals had stemmed from a few personal beefs that were backed by the new found family in the group, as well as the clear monetary gain from the ability to rob the opposition at labs and other parts of the city. "If you have something to take, we will." That was Christopher's mentality and outlook on the criminal world and everyone behind him strongly believed it as well. This was also the case for ZT. If BSB had a chance to make a gain they were going to take it. This seemed to work well for the group as many guns and assets had been acquired from taking them off the corpses of rival gangs and BSB found themselves on the receiving end of loss very rarely. As the gang found themselves fighting more often than before the high command decided a step back and assessment was necessary. Meetings with other organizations had been scheduled and they had plans to start making their way back towards the business-minded side of the criminal world while also still having the ability to make monetary gains up north.


Making Moves

There was two organizations whom The Brotherhood were primarily interested in meeting with. The objectives of the meetings were to discuss future business as well as gaining clarity on both of the groups' current allies and enemies within the city. The first organization they met with was The Rooks. The talks of the meeting were simple and to the point, each group asking whom they were aligned with as well as current and potential future conflicts. Talks of dealings with product for product trades were discussed but nothing had been set in stone. What had been set in stone is neither group had the intentions of conflicting with one another in the future. As the meeting wrapped up BSB left happy with their current standing and position with The Rooks and were looking forward to future business with the group.


The second group The Brotherhood had planned to meet with was the Russian Mob. Their previous relationship was good but both groups believed it could be better. After the recent disappearance of Dimitri, Christopher reached out to who he assumed would be next in line to be Boss, Alberto Panchino. The meeting was arranged with high hopes on each side. The meeting day had arrived and the two groups gathered in a spot that was familiar to them. The alley where the very first meeting between the two groups happened, a place where they met again in hopes to further their relationship towards an even brighter future than before. The two groups spoke about future goals for themselves as well as both groups' current relations within the city. The groups agreed to always have one another's backs. The discussion went on for sometime speaking about dealings and other business propositions that could be mutually beneficial to both groups. The meeting had eventually came to an end with both groups smiling and laughing with one another agreeing to the same terms, they were now officially Allies!


What The Future Holds

With the meetings done and the group seeming to get back on track to what they were striving to be, the hopes of BSB are at an all time high. Now it was just time to get to work. Recruitment had started to grow at a rapid rate and it felt everyday The Brotherhood was gradually growing in size. With this feeling Christopher assured himself he was going to make sure every person he brought into the group would be solid and exactly who they needed to be to fit right in. Future plans for BSB are to maintain their current relations as well as their operations up north. Christopher knew these times were crucial for the overall future of the group and he was going to be involved and assuring only the best for him and his group's future. The future of the group seemed brighter than ever, now only time would decide how it will unfold.


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A lot has happened since the last time Koda posted, Koda and Royals did a lot together. Ran stores, hit MANY banks, Had a ton of shootouts and even ran labs together, But everything must always come to an end. Now you may be asking “What made or caused Koda to leave a group you seemed to love to be a part of?”. So I'm gonna get into a little bit of that and also tell you where Koda plans to go from here!


So just like every gang or group there will always be flaws. Not everyone can be 100 percent happy all the time with stuff like changes and different approaches to situations that may arise. With being in Royals since the very beginning I guess Koda was just not cut out for the many changes that needed to happen to get where they wanted to be. Same with new members that slowly trickled in some members Koda enjoyed and some he did not. It is just what it is sometimes you click with people and sometimes you just do not. Unfortunately for Koda though the people he did not click with and did not click with him would go on to be or already where High Command and he felt as though he was slowly being pushed out and excluded from things. He faced that as long as he could, before he realized It is just not the environment he wanted to put himself in and formally left on good terms.




Now where does he  plan to go from here? Frankly Koda did not know and he found himself aimlessly driving around the city and doing just freelance shit and running solo labs until he remembered there was a group of certain people he really enjoyed hearing about, So he set his eyes on possibly trying to find one of them and seeing what they are actually about. After that talk he found himself really questioning the possibility of joining said group. Now you might be asking “What group?” well the least likely group most people saw him taking an interest in was none other than the good old boys of Bridge Street BSB. So he rolled down and met Jay Valentino and Carl Dequarius and got to talking. You know the usual stuff of what he can bring to the table? What are his expectations for them, and would he lay down his life for the brotherhood. After the meeting he found himself getting into colors and hanging around with them.




He could tell just from the first interactions he had with some members that he is really gonna enjoy my stay here in the brotherhood and despite what most people say about BSB obviously do not take the time to speak to them on a level that he has. They ALL seem like very well rounded individuals and all share a common goal that they strive to achieve everyday. Once again like he thought he felt in Royals at the beginning, but it slowly dwindled. In BSB he feels like he is a part of a family and can be appreciated for what he says and brings to the table. Here is to the future in BSB <3!












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Warming Up

With the influx of new members coming into The Brotherhood, Christopher had many suggestions to take initiative on making sure everyone in the group was physically fit for the lifestyle they were going to lead, the criminal world is no joke and The Brotherhood needed to be in the best shape as possible. So Christopher had set a plan, He was going to gather everyone and do a little bit of training. The training was going to consist of many things from climbing hills to swimming to strength training to fighting one another training their hand to hand combat. Christopher had told everyone to come to Bridge Street and to be wearing something comfortable. Once everyone arrived Christopher got everyone into a circle and had Opal lead stretches before beginning their activities.


A Short Jog and Swim

After warming up Christopher led the group to Mirror Park Gas where they grabbed food and water for their trip. After everyone filled up and was ready to go they met at the bottom of the hill leading up to the dam. Once everyone had gathered Christopher made them form a line and he had a short speech before they started their climb. "This is hill is a symbol for our family. We started at the bottom but with the support of one another and hard work we all will make it to the top. Now lets all climb this hill together and BSB will literally be on top hahaha. FIRST TWO TO THE TOP GET 10K EACH" Everyone began sprinting up the hill for the race to the top and their 10k. After completing the race everyone laboring to breath sat at the top. A new recruit named Pangi and Opal were the two winners. After a moment of rest the group took a jog down to the area where the tide had lowered and Christopher announced the next activity they all would be doing. Team swimming relays, the two winners from the hill climb were going to be captains and choose whom they wanted on their teams. Once teams were made one had went shirts and other had skins. The goal of the race was to have the two teams split in two and swap places with one another completing the relay. After long strenuous swims the shirts team had emerged victorious smiles on their faces they all posed for a photo "Winning Team!" 





Feel the Burn

Once the teams finished up swimming back to the shore Christopher instructed them to get into the same groups. They were all gonna do different exercises for 1 minute intervals each then swap activities team shirts started with sit ups working on their cores and shirts began to do push ups working on their arms and chest "If you ain't feelin pain then you ain't making gain." Once everyone finished those two exercises Christopher had everyone line up into rows and the group did jumping jack together working on their legs muscles and also their cardio. After the group finished Christopher called a break and there was a few minutes to rest he wanted everyone to get ready for the final and main event of the evening. 




Right Hooks & Jabs

Once everyone was full rested and ready to begin the next activity Christopher announced what it was going to be. "When you're in the city you might not always have a gun on you or within arms reach and you will need to be able to defend yourself adequately that's why the last activity of the day will be hand to hand combat training!" smiles came across the faces of everyone in front of him and they all looked ready to begin to work. Christopher paired everyone up into groups of two and they all squared up and began their training with one another. Mean right hooks, leg sweeps, rib shots. Those we just some of the many different kind of attacks used on one another. After watching all of his people fight one another seeing each one put up an incredible effort everyone learning new moves from one another, Christopher had a smile slowly come across his face. He knew the potential of this group was significant and it was solely up to them to be successful, He knew their fate was in their own hands. After everything was finished and everyone had recovered from the fights everyone lined up and took one last picture with the whole group to remember just how successful the outing was, this group was truly Family.



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The Story of Bruce Hardings


Bruce Hardings grew up in the troubled streets of Washington D.C. surrounded by drugs, money, and guns; his childhood wasn't of the typical American. From the young age of 9 Bruce watched as his mother was thrown into the back of a police cruiser not to be seen ever again... Bruce's father Tyrone Hardings on the other hand was the leader of one of the biggest gangs in the city, meaning Bruce practically had to fight for himself on the lone streets of Washington, quickly turning to a criminal lifestyle from a young age. Bruce looked to the streets to be his family. Tyrone Hardings showed Bruce how to survive on the streets so he could become his own man. Four years later, he had already held his first gun and sold his first bit of drugs, and his father’s gang had grown immensely and was now under investigation from the FIB.  Soon after Bruce's 18th birthday on a freezing winter night in DC, Bruce jumped out of bed to the sound of three loud bangs. “THIS IS THE FIB! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP OR FORCE WILL BE USED!” Bruce's father grabbed the .50 from under his bed and stormed into his room, with a look of worry on his face, he looked Bruce straight into his eyes and said “Run!” Without hesitation Bruce jumped out his window and never looked back...  
 tear slowly rolled down his face as he realized what had just happened, Bruce vouched to never go back to that life. He went straight to the airport and caught the first flight available. “Los Santos”, the ticket stated. 

Starting a new chapter in his life…



Welcome to Los Santos

After a long flight to Los Santos, Bruce stepped off the plane and went straight to work. He managed to secure a job at LSC and began oil mining to get some extra money to his name. After a couple of weeks of grinding at LSC, Bruce found himself bored and looking for something more. Bruce quickly realized that the legal life wasn't for him. When at the bank to collect his salary, Bruce met one of his soon to be closest friends, Cameron Fade. After meeting and getting to know Cameron, he took Bruce under his wing and showed him the criminal ways of the city, resparking Bruce’s desire for the criminal life…




Beginning Criminal Life


Bruce's first days as a criminal were with MS-13. During his time in MS-13 he reapplied his skills as a criminal by doing illegal activities with his new gang such as robbing stores and people, holding labs and hitting banks. After MS-13 disbanded, Bruce and his close friends moved to The Lost MC, this is where he learned many skills like how to cook drugs and how the cartel worked. This is where Bruce was able to see the financial gains from being a criminal. After gaining all those skills from The Lost MC, he and his friends decided to part ways from Lost and create their own gang, The ‘East Side Locos’, where he quickly learned all the politics about how gangs operate. Unfortunately, there were a multitude of events that lead to the eventual disbanding of ESL, thus leaving Bruce solo again in search of a new home.


Meeting The Brotherhood

After the disbanding of ESL, Bruce was left lonely and stuck wondering what to do. Many of his friends from the past had left the city. Due to this, he was heavily considering leaving the city himself. This quickly changed a few days later when Bruce was rolling around with his closest friend in the city, Cameron Fade, where they had rolled across a gang wearing green in Mirror Park. Curious, Cameron and Bruce stepped out of their cars and began interacting with them. They identified themselves as ‘The Bridge Street Brotherhood’. After a couple of hours on the block, Bruce and Cameron could tell the group had lots of potential and made it a priority to visit the block everyday. After a couple of days of talking to the members of BSB, they wanted to get more involved, so they asked if they could roll around with them when they were getting into shootouts. Talking business with The Brotherhood, Bruce felt at home and wanted to become an official member. The environment, the people - it just felt right. The pair felt like they were wanted no matter their past; it felt like a family they wanted to be a part of. After a talk with Christopher Bridge and Jay Valentino, Bruce and Cameron were officially in the Brotherhood starting out their prospect phase. 



Brewing Conflict

After a week with the Brotherhood, Cameron and Bruce had been enjoying themselves. On a warm Sunday afternoon, the pair were driving around town, listening to music, enjoying themselves. Since they had just joined the Brotherhood a couple of days ago, they decided to go up to Bayview Auto Shop for a new paint job. After looking at the modification catalog, and sending it to Bayview, Cameron signed the invoice and the mechanic had brought his Sultan Classic into the garage. Unexpectedly, a random man swiftly ran into the garage stealing the Sultan Classic. Noticing this quickly, Bruce yelled for Cameron to hop into his Issi and they began pursuing the Sultan Classic. Unfortunately, they were unable to track it, so they quickly explained the situation on freq and the Brotherhood began roaming the city checking chop shops. Bruce and Cameron made their way to Left Lake first. They drove on the hill to see something they hadn't expected. A shipment container sitting on the ground with 6 people going through it. Bruce instantly called on freq, "There's a drop, Alamo Sea, get here now!". They stayed in their Issi and tried to stay on top of the hill to stay hidden. They were quickly seen by a BF400 that was sitting on the hill with them. The man on the BF had a red t-shirt on with white shorts and a red and white mask. Cameron stated on freq, "It’s Rising Suns”. The BF400 drove over to them. "Leave now or we will shoot!". Bruce frantically drove away but kept a good enough distance to still keep an eye on them while backup was on the way. The Rising Suns were quick to pick up everything in the shipment, transport it to their Contender, and get out of the area. Bruce, knowing backup was still minutes away, started to follow the Contender packed with 4 Rising Suns and the lysergic. Cameron had given callouts on the radio stating their location and where they would go. Bruce got distracted by something in his mirror and had lost them, but the Brotherhood kept looking. Knowing the Rising Suns HQ was in Vespucci, that's where everyone was headed. After a couple of minutes searching for the Contender, a BSB member spotted them outside of a house in Vespucci. "Everyone to Little Tokyo now! I see the Contender". The gang was quick to respond, showing up in seconds. Everyone arrived to the area and saw some Rising Suns entering the house. The Brotherhood was quick to push into the house together. Guns were pulled, shots were fired and the Brotherhood had control of the situation. 2 Rising Suns were on their knees and 1 was dead. The Brotherhood frisked the Rising Suns, and ordered them to go in the house and unlock everything. The Brotherhood thoroughly searched through everything, taking all items of value for themselves and were out of the house in minutes. Although not much was in the house, it sent a message to the Rising Suns. Bruce and Cameron were heavily impressed all around by the response of all members of BSB and how quickly business was carried out. 321632204_BSB2.thumb.png.ca61237dbb12ff673473debc6b1c5f46.png

Current Life

During his time in BSB, Bruce has realized this is the exciting life he’s been seeking for since he left home. From shootouts to barbecues, The Bridge Street Brotherhood has been everything Bruce has needed. He’s met friends that he will forever remember. Bruce has made it his priority to always do what is best for the gang and this hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. During his time, Bruce found himself slowly climbing the ranks to where he is today earning the title “Head of Arms Trafficking '' and becoming a member of command. Bruce is excited and looking forward to the future of BSB...


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Where you at? I'm on the way.

Christopher woke up slowly his eyes barely being open. Chatter on the radio filled his ears immediately. "Do we have numbers?" It seemed there was an operation goin' on up north. Christopher was interested in what was going on so he headed north himself. Once he arrived he noticed there was a large amount of people up north looking to engage with the Brotherhood. Christopher asked if they had anymore reason to be up there and with the silence that followed Christopher ordered everyone to come back to the city and rendezvous at Bridge Street. On the way back to Bridge, Byrese began getting chased by police in which he eventually evaded. But that left a search for a man in green on a black BF400 in progress. Jay, who was unlucky to match that description perfectly, immediately got tailed by a police BF400 and began to evade himself. "Welp so much for BLS." Christopher knew Jay had been clean for almost a month working towards qualifying for BLS training as it's one of the most handy and unique skills to have in midst of battles. It's essentially having a combat medic in your organization and Christopher was going to make sure Jay made that BLS class. "Jay I'm getting in the Schlagen, where you at? I'm coming." They linked and Jay hopped in, off they took touching 230 on the highway trying to duck police around corners and doing evasive maneuvers. They thought they were home free when a high speed unit appeared behind them. "SHIT". The highspeed was on them for about 8 minutes and after trying to out-drive the Jugular they came up with a plan. "Once the Helicopter goes to refuel we are gonna take tires and we will be home free." 

Literal Madness

After Chris took a few turns he dropped Jay in a safe spot whilst he led the cops away and waited for the rest of the gang to set up a different getaway plan. A bike that led to the tunnels was the plan. Christopher drove around and stalled for a bit until the bike was ready. Once he got out to get on the bike he was almost immediately boxed in by the Police. Gun fire went off, madness ensued, and in the midst of all this Christopher slipped away and was on foot when a random Russian Mob member appeared "Get on, let's go." They bent some corners flying around the southside of Los Santos and eventually lost the cops for a moment. Christopher didn't want to burden the Russian so he told him to pull into an alley and he'd find a way to get out of there. Then out of nowhere a Scout appeared and was attempting to detain Christopher. Christopher bobbed and weaved around the open space juking police as much as he could when the Russian reappeared. "Last chance if you want a ride, I gotta dip." Christopher attempted to get on the bike to get out of there but as he took off a sharp pain hit him in his back and a jolt of electricity filled his body as he went limp falling off the bike and uncontrollably shaking. A cop immediately jumped onto Christopher, locking his hands up in cuffs and reading him his rights. All Christopher could think about was how he was able to help Jay and that's all that mattered to him.


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A Fresh Start

It's been a couple of days since a few members of the Bridge Street Brotherhood had disappeared. Streets have been quite and the neighbourhood seems to be unusually solitude, it's almost like the Brotherhood had come to an end. The status did not change until Jay Valentino, Bridge Street's new boss gathered everyone around to have a meeting with them. As a result of this meeting,The Brotherhood reunited again, stronger than ever. It's almost like nothing had happened in the past. Joy and confident is back on the block. Streets are filled with Green  coloured vehicles, and The Brotherhood seems to be once more a strong bond of intellectual people looking to benefit their family and friends. It's a fresh start.



The Meeting

Andrew Parker, new member of The Brotherhood, woke up at his house as he heard the sound of Jay calling the members over radio to gather up at Bridge Street. They all met up and regrouped at the meeting location. During this meeting, Jay explained a few factors regarding their new assignments and objectives, what they are looking to obtain in the future and their relationships with other crime syndicates. Once Jay was done with his speech, a senior member of The Brotherhood, Bruce Hardings named a few members and asked them to step forward. Bruce then announced their promotion as they were appreciated by the other members of BSB. After the meeting, members of the Bridge Street Brotherhood got to hang out and spend some fun time together playing games in order to forget about the past and look forward to the future.


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With the disappearance of multiple  BSB members, morale had been at an all time low. So Opal got to thinking and had an interesting idea to get the family re motivated and start rebuilding the chemistry they once had.

She came up with the idea of a BSB scavenger hunt.


The plan was simple, she would place notes around the city each containing a little riddle guiding them to the next note and so on, this would in turn force the teams to work together and get actively involved. Upon reaching the final location, the winners would get 10k each, Second would get a .50 each and last... well just wait and see what happens to them.







There were a few rules that were put in place;

  • No cheating- going on each others freqs, no stealing each others cars, no shooting each others tires
  • You only had 2 hours to complete all of the notes 
  • Only 3 calls for hints
  • You have to send Opal a picture VIA text of you at the location of where the notes were, including the whole team in the picture
  • You MUST put the notes back once finished
  • No moving the notes at any point
  • You cannot progress until the team captain has sent the group photo at the location


Opal divided the Brotherhood into three groups of three. 

The first team was: 

Jay, Anita, Sage with the late addition Jack



The Second team was:

Bruce, Elijah and Drew



       The third team was: 

         Carl, Kat and Dontavious



So once the teams were made, Opal stated they had 2 hours on the clock and told them to "Run", without hesitation they all raced to their cars and set off for the first note which was located at Bridge Street. 



Once it began Opal and Koda went to the final location. Where they awaited in anticipation for the teams to arrive.


They started off well with all teams getting the first couple of locations with ease and pictures coming in from each of the teams captains!





Then... Bruce's team had a bit of an.... issue let's call it. 


After that situation the teams resumed and continued on with the hunt, with Carl's team in the lead, Jay's team following closely behind and Bruce's team left in the dust. 


Time had past and the teams were coming to the end, when Opal goes on Carl's teams freq and hears that they had crashed just below mount chiliad, knowing they were so close Opal yelled down the radio "JUST RUN UP!" So that's what they did. Dontavious had gone quiet, we had all assumed he had fell down the mountain... with Kat and Carl knowing all teammates had to cross the finish line they got extremely worried. But Dontavious was just being a troll, he started to scream as he got to the end. 






With them reaching the top Dontavious lets out a victory scream "WE WON! WE AT THE TOP BABY, IM THE KING OF THE WORLD!" and proceeds to bark....


So anyways, Carl's team won. 



But the other teams weren't far behind, as they were racing up the mountain Drew driving for Bruce's team and Jay driving for his team were neck and neck, you could feel the tension as they rode up the mountain just inches away from the finish line. Out of nowhere you can hear a loud bang that rang in your ears from down the mountain, the unforgettable sound of a single .50 bullet being fired. Bruce's team now had a gap on Jay's team...



Bruce's team was second to cross the finish line, unfortunately for Jay's team in last place. After a short discussion it was quickly found out that Bruce's team had decided to CHEAT and shoot out one of the tires from Jay's team vehicle. It was none other than their team leader Bruce...




I guess Karma does exist...


So Opal talked with Koda and decided that the second team would not be receiving their prizes since they cheated.


But the losers... still had to carry out their punishment however unfair it was. Which was leaving them at the TOP of the mountain forcing them to run down, So Sage, Jack, Jay and Anita had to run down the mountain thinking over what they could've done differently 




Edited by Poppsii
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Storming Bridge Street.

It was a quiet Friday night on Bridge Street. Everyone had gone to sleep just after finishing setting up Christmas decorations for the year… Christopher felt pure joy for the first time in what felt like forever. Just as this feeling faded, Christopher suddenly got a new cold feeling shooting down his spine as he heard a familiar sound; sirens approaching Bridge Street. The ring of the sound in the crisp air was traumatizing. 10 plus cruisers bent the corner flying down the street and into Christopher's front lawn. Christopher turned around as fast as he could and dipped into his house, slamming the door and locking it behind him. It would only be a matter of seconds before his door was rammed down and the feds would be raiding his home. He scrambled, hiding valuables and grabbing a bag full of his most precious items and ran out the back door and vaulted the back wall as the police yelled after him with their carbines drawn “PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP AND DROP TO YOUR KNEES NOW!” Christopher frantically grabbed his radio yelling onto the frequency “I NEED A PICK UP ONE BLOCK WEST OF BRIDGE NOW! POLICE ARE RAIDING OUR BLOCK!” Ty Shipley who happened to be around the corner responded almost immediately to Christophers' call for help and rounded the corner on his BF400 picking up Christopher “Get us somewhere safe now!” “On it!” Ty said, on the way to the sewer system Christopher's phone rang. Christopher answered and heard something he had never heard before, panic in Harry's voice. “Get away from Bridge NOW. PD is coming for you and the entirety of BSB. We just got hit by the biggest RICO case of the decade.” Christopher took a deep breath and let out a light laugh. “Harry, it's fucked, I just had 10 carbines pointed at me and barely made it away. The PD was ready to breach every door on that block. All our stashes and assets will be seized. I’m gonna lay low for a few hours and try to contact everyone to see who is safe.” Christopher hung up and called his family. Most phones ringing on and on until a sudden beep notified him he had reached their voicemail. A tear rolled down his face as he took deep breaths, knowing everyone he loved and cared for most would most likely be facing life in prison. After the last phone call ended in a voicemail sound Christopher's phone buzzed, “Message from Harry: Get out of town now and don't contact anyone else until I say so. Lay low… they are everywhere, and they are watching.” So with that text, Christopher began his escape plan booking his ticket home under a fake name and identity and giving himself a bootleg makeover in the sewer, using his knife he cut off his iconic green dreads tossing them into the sewer drain. He left the sewer and headed to the airport and found himself on the plane the same night. As his flight took off Christopher looked out his window, tears uncontrollably flying down his face thinking of his family thinking to himself this will certainly not be the end of their story.

Time Spent Back Home.

Christopher landed at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago early Saturday morning. The crisp, cold, chilling, Chicago air biting his face as he stepped outside. These temperatures he felt at home were something else compared to Los Santos. He called for a Taxi and hopped in, giving the address to the driver and within 30 minutes they reached the house. Christopher’s mother was sitting outside waiting for his arrival back home. The widest smile he has ever seen crossed his mother’s face as he stepped out of the taxi. A warm welcome followed by a hug and the feeling of being home was something incomparable to anything else. He stepped into his old home, the warmth of the home and the smell of his mother’s cooking overwhelmed Christopher with joy and comfort as he sat down and sank into the sofa turning on the TV. The sight he had seen truly broke his heart as he was witnessing all of his best friends and people he considered family getting cuffed and thrown into the back of cop cars. The titles that ran across the screen gave Christopher even more of a chill in his spine, “Members of Notorious Crime Syndicate potentially facing life in jail on a multitude of charges!” “PD CELEBRATES BIGGEST BUST OF THE DECADE!” Christopher couldn’t bear to stand by and watch all this unfold. Once able to, he would return to Los Santos and fight the federal cases against his organization. He was determined to free his family.


To Be Continued…

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