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Command Suggestion

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Hello to all that reads this. I was watching YouTube the other day and came across a video that has an interesting command. 

In the recent weeks the server has been experiencing more and more hostage situations. While this does make for some fun RP opportunities the way of doing the RP is lack luster to say the least. /me would take his arm placing it around the persons neck aiming a gun at them. /me would allow it or /me would fight the attacker off.... then you just stand there with the other person at gun point. After that any time you want to move or look around you have to keep the RP like /me would continue to aim the gun at the person's head... 

I think a simple way to enhance the RP would be to include a command followed by an animation. Now I say simple but I don't know what really goes into adding new commands and animations but I figured it was worth a shot bringing it here and letting the community give it's thoughts on the subject. 

The command could be /th or /takehostage... either way you would 1. Have to have a pistol equipped as it wouldn't make since to take someone hostage while holding an AK or Shotgun. 2. the other player  would have to have their hands up and be with in a VERY close proximity of the other player using the command. 3. the player being taken hostage would have to answer with /hostageaccept ID kind of like how we do with /frisk. Obviously the RP would still have to be done with /me and all of that to avoid PGing. This is simply to include more visual effects and make the RP situation more fun allowing the hostage taker to walk with the player they have hostage as appose to telling them where to go. If any Admins would like me to link them the video please feel free to reach out. 

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13 minutes ago, Victor Einhart said:

Just a clarifying question... how many times have you been on the negotiating side of this sort of scene?

Right. Once as the actual negotiator. And multiple tacs with it and I know the frustrations of the constant using a friend for hostage situations trust me I get just as annoyed as the next but thats a different post for a different topic which I 100% agree needs to be addressed and its borderline NON RP at this point


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