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Diablos MC Los Santos

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No Diablos MC Ride is the same...


It was another Friday for the DMC and it was time for a meeting at the Clubhouse. Surprisingly Markov had arrived on time and was awaiting the rest of the brothers and sisters to park their bikes. A few jokes later and it was time to get to business and head upstairs to the meeting room. The President of the club was pleased to finally be able to inform his club about upcoming events and announce changes within the pack of DMC after the long winter break the club had. 


Nevertheless the eager riders were soon on their bikes and ready to head out for the typical routines, getting gas, paying off dues etc. The process was smooth as always as the boys know the drill like the back of their hand... All dues were soon paid off and everyone was mounting their bikes ready to head out when Markov received a blessing from god knows where. He quickly split of from the formation to run an errand behind the LS Bank and buy something from the Store, notifying his brothers that he needs a second.

Joe had now parked his bike outside the store and was going inside, starting to chat with the clerk. He had planned on making a purchase on the fly for some gloves as the throttle on his good ol' Gargoyle had been rubbing his fingers in a bad way. Joe Markov was happy to have found some neat leather gloves, but the Clerk was just not able to put a stop on the fine conversation they were having about Tarkan's twenties. Markov has always been known for being polite and respectful and he would never abrupt the Clerk when speaking about something so "sensible" to them. Finally the loyal DMC Member was about to leave the store and return to his brothers who were waiting... As he started to take a step back, he felt in his gut something was not right. It wasn't going to be that easy.



Joe Markov



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos


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Leaving the club was a hard decision, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to be committing myself to the club. Spent a while hogging around America with the old lady. We decided to go back to the UK to visit Gee’s family and tie the knot. It was nice, but it reminded me of where my true home was.

Los Santos, the home of the Diablos… my home.

Gee always loved living in America, so she was easy to persuade to go back, I always had felt like a stranger in the country of my birth, I feel as though she felt the same too.




My first day back, I wondered if my keys to the clubhouse would still fit in the locks. To my shock they did and I spent a while reminiscing about all the great times me and my brothers had and the dramas we discussed upstairs.

I knew what I needed to do, so I called Charlie, to his surprise and asked him to meet me at the clubhouse. 




I told Charlie about my plans to return, seeing as Sgt. At Arms' picture was still not filled out, I presumed no one had been promoted to Ace’s spot when he got promoted to VP. I proposed that if I returned I would gladly help out with the Sgt. role, I expected to be laughed at and made to start from the bottom.

Charlie's reply was one word “Done”, Although this would need to go through to a vote.

Wednesday came and a text was sent by Charlie calling for a meeting at 7pm, I had to arrive late but still enjoyed the ride. Me and Gee were overwhelmed to be back riding in formation once again.




Charlie called a meeting to discuss my proposal earlier in the week, it wasn't fully what I wanted but the circumstances were acceptable considering. It was agreed, I was handed my Sgt. patch but had to prove my worth again in a probation period before I was fit to stitch it to my leathers.

I want to once again give my all for this club and offer my experience and knowledge to my brothers and sisters.




Ryan "Happy" Robinson




Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos


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The Red and Gold family.

This week for the MC was one of the busiest weeks for the MC with important meetings and events all week, they also welcomed many new brothers and sisters into their ranks with people coming to the club and friends of existing members coming to rides impressed by numbers and the sense of comradery within the club.


Going from meeting to event and many votes brought to the table with Shaquille a long time prospect finally earning his full patch a unanimous vote giving him the colours he had worked hard to get, the days leading up to the weekend were busy with Charlie, Ace and Ryan busy organising the event in which they would be collaborating with Assured services for their Car show in which they wanted to be flawless.


The day of the event came and the Diablos arrived at the club house 30 minutes prior to the event in order to make sure they arrived early to assist Paulo in whatever he may need for the event, bikes parked up in their space showing off the choppers, they hopped off greeting the people arriving and meeting new people as they pulled up in their cars and bikes.


After just a short while the car park was full to the very brim with vehicles and bikes end to end, people giving their money to enter the raffle trying their luck at one of the two cars up for grabs, After a busy event and lots of laughs had and jokes cracked the Diablos mounted up saying they're goodbyes to their friends and rode back to the city still buzzing from the event.


We extend our thanks to Assured Services as always it is a pleasure to RP with them and be able to run these amazing events.

Assured Services : https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/39302-assured-services-✔/


Charlie Rellet



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos

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It was a Friday evening and the Diablos met up at their HQ as normal, ready to ride and talk about recent events in their lives. The Diablos all met round the pool table as the President prepared to speak. Everybody fell silent as Charlie told the MC that they will be riding with the infamous Lost MC. The group was infamous throughout Los Santos but not for the right reasons. However, the majority of the members knew someone from Lost due to love of motorbikes or previously arresting them, so they knew they were not evil, just criminals.

The Diablos rode towards Sandy where Charlie had arranged to meet the Lost MC to begin their ride.



Upon arriving at the location, it seemed the majority of the Diablos were taken back by how welcoming and friendly the Lost MC were towards them. The mutual love of classic and chopper motorcycles seemed to be an extended courtesy between both groups.
From here they began their ride, in union with each other showcasing their beautiful motorcycles at LSB and even legion square. The two groups stopped off and conversated for a while before deciding to head to a party. The Diablos did not want to attend in case of any trouble at the location so Charlie decided they  would ride with Lost MC to the location before going their separate ways. This may be another relationship waiting to blossom over the love of two wheels. 




Jay Spades



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos

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No Diablos MC Ride is the same...


Joe had now been on alert with his blood pumping and ready for action. Outside were two desperate gangsters who had locked him inside of the store whilst he was distracted by the Clerk and now lock-picking his Gargoyle. Joe didn't think twice and gave the Clerk a quick look, interrogating Ergun with nothing more but his mean looking face behind the mask. That was enough for him to notice that the Salesman didn't have a clue about what was going on and thus he let out a sigh of relief knowing this was not a setup. Markov was in luck that the Boys were still just around the corner and he had soon radioed for help. The Gangster who was at the time lock-picking Joe's Gargoyle was most likely frightened when he saw multiple, red and yellow in color Choppers flying at high speeds towards him. First on scene were the Rellet's, both Charlie and Ace got their .50's out as they caught the man lock-picking Joe's bike off guard and soon got him under public arrest as he tried to make a run-for-it.


The burglar was soon on his knees and PD was called... Mikhail was the one to get the doors opened for Joe that were locked in some way and he came out the Store, giving the criminal a little smirk. He didn't peel a word to them, but he tried to remind him with that sign to be careful when trying to pull something off on a DMC member. 


Luckily that didn't affect the rest off the ride and the brotherhood kept moving like nothing ever happened. The criminal was charged accordingly and the club got some action, without a doubt this will be a story Joe as well as the rest of the clubs will be sharing many times when the Brothers and Sisters are all gathered around the table at the Clubhouse. 
Even with the rumors slowly spreading that the Gang that was running with the suspect DMC put behind bars will maybe looking to get a revenge on us, Markov was enjoying the ride because he knew his brothers were there for him should anything happen.


This is exactly why the Diablos Motorcycle Club comes very close to Joe's heart, having the feeling of a strong and loyal brotherhood is priceless... 


Joe Markov



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos

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The Lot


The Diablos Friday meeting started like any other, Brothers and Sisters meeting at the Clubhouse. The ride was planned out by Charlie, we would ride to the bank, withdraw cash and ride in formation to Burnout Nation’s Lot. 

Then the patched members and command took matters upstairs. Charlie wanted everyone's opinions on patching up the resident Scotsman to Member. John McArthur’s story is a strange one with Diablos, holding the record for most probation periods, but over recent weeks John has cemented his loyalty to the Club and everyone agreed that he was fully deserving of a new patch. 



Everyone mounted up and started to ride in the Diablos signature formation. Until Markov got knocked off and injured by a reckless driving Weazel van. EMS was called, Markov was taken to central and Prospect Alex Mathers happily helped his brother return to his bike. 



The club resumed forward to the bank, gathered their wads of cash and headed to The Lot.




The Lot was decorated well, after getting some drinks the Club headed to the dance floor to enjoy themselves after a busy week.



Ryan "Happy" Robinson





Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos


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Good times, Fast cars and new faces


It was just a normal Friday on shift at the Sheriffs Department when Charles received some texts from Ryan and Charlie, asking if Charles wanted to hang out… Charles quickly jumped off shift and rode down the highway and straight to the diablo’s headquarters to join his brothers…


A lot has changed since Charles joined Diablos... His love for bikes grows more and more every ride and recently he became an enforcer within the club, upholding the rules and setting an example for the newer members to the club.

After some discussions between the members, we rode out to the police impound to try retrieve Scott’s bike and then headed up Senora freeway to the Burnout Drag race, we parked up and were quickly greeted by people already there. Commissioner Langley kindly set up a campfire and John McArthur began to tell some of his Scottish folklore tales, no one could understand him well but we listened on anyway. A couple of the Diablos members even tried their hand in some drag racing, showing the crowds that Diablos are always on top.


The night ended after many more laughs and a ride down to the clubhouse to drink the night away in the company of family...


Charles Ronaldson



Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos





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7 hours ago, John Nut said:

Hello! Im a bike lover myself. I am currently looking for a family to join and hang with. My name is John Blowman. Let me know if you have time to arrange a meeting and i will gladly show up. Hope you have a good day! - John Blowman

Hello John, All meetings or things MC are all done in character, please make an effort to find us in game 😄


Good luck!

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Journal Entry, Charlie Rellet.

17th of February 2022

Some of the busiest weeks of my life, new year and things haven't stopped for the last two months, over 20 new members and we have attended some amazing events and had some amazing rides.

Due to the sheer amount of numbers we have taken notice of another property that we hope to acquire, taking rides out there and showing it to our members too see what they think, the opinion was unanimous, everyone loved it and we spent an hour or so looking around it and planning what we would do with it in the future.


The Diablos have also been support event from good friends of theirs such as Burnout Nation, Assured services and also having meetings with company's for potential future security events and once again developing a level of respect for the Lost MC, making sure it was not an alliance but a mutual respect for each others MCs.


Burnout nations Lot club event.


Meeting with the Lost MC at they Clubhouse.

Looking back on photos and going from the first 9 members small rides through the city to a respected MC with some truly incredible members that have been with us for nearly a year now is honestly a humbling feeling.


DMCs first ride.


DMC Rideout 16/02/2021


Charlie Rellet



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos

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A cold beer on the beach

The day was the 17th of February 2022, a fairly ordinary Thursday for Joe. The week was coming to an end and the long awaited weekend was just around the corner. Diablos had their usual Wednesday ride the day before and Joe was looking forward to the next one in the weekend. To his pleasant surprise though, after he clocked off duty he received a call from the President, Charlie Rellet. He requested Markov's presence for a quick un-planned ride with a bunch of other Members as there was some business to settle. After a long day of chasing criminals and putting them behind bars this was exactly what Joe needed so he didn't think twice and rushed to get his bike and join his brothers at the DMC Clubhouse.

Soon all the members were out the front with their bikes ready, waiting to hear todays plan from the President. Charlie didn't reveal much, but he informed us we would be going to run some business errands that required us to show up in style. For that reason the DMC pack rode to parking and took out the heavy artillery, the trustworthy DMC Unit #1 and DMC Unit #2. After a few moments, the two Ballers were loaded with 8 sharp-looking men, cruising down the boulevards of LS looking more than intimidating... The DMC attended a important meeting and the club was excited for what was coming.

After business had been dealt with, the boys couldn't call it a day without taking the choppers for a ride. So it was said, so it was done, everyone put their cuts back on and mounted their bikes. Charlie Rellet had even invited some members of the Lost MC to join us on todays ride.


Now closing towards the end of the day, a bunch of bikes were riding in a perfect formation towards the sunset. A suggestion had been that we went to a wild beach on the east coast to do what we did best... which was to drink cold beer and listen to good music whilst observing the astonishing view ahead of us and sharing stories with one another. The company of the Lost was appreciated and all the boys had a pleasant time all the way until the sun went down and the cold breezes of wind struck in, everyone knew by then that it was time to hop on the bikes and ride home.



Joe Markov



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos

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5 Brothers and The Nest


Since the founding of the Diablos Security it has been built on 3 fundamental principles;








The Diablos provide these 3 fundamental principles and always deliver, all while being a cost effective Security company for the hard working businesses of Los Santos. No company can beat the Diablos for Security work.


It was a Thursday night that Charlie Rellet got a call from Rayvn Leroy, she needed the Diablos for a security job at The Nest, soon to have its maiden opening on the 19th of February.


 Charlie gave Ryan and Ace a call, soon all 3 met up at the Diablos Clubhouse, accompanied by Officer of the club Charles Ronaldson, Member Joe Markov and Prospects Alex Mathers and Tyler Jensen. 




The Brothers changed into the signature DMC Security uniform and pulled out the DMC Ballers and drove to The Nest to meet with Ravyn about her upcoming event. 



Saturday approached fast, with the final roster for the security gig in place. Charlie Rellet, Ryan Robinson, Ace Rellet, Tyler Jensen and John McArthur arrived at 8pm at The Nest. DMC met with Head of Security Andrew Berkowitz and discussed the final plan, Charlie would be walking the floor to ensure the safety of the customers and dancers, whilst Ryan Robinson led outside, dictating the tempo of customers coming in, commanding his brothers with searches of excited club goers. 




The night went smoothly as it possibly could, the lads were expecting a lot worse, with only a couple of rowdy customers having to be escorted off the premises and the Brothers on the door having to stop multiple criminals from trying to break into vehicles. 




The 5 brothers then went back the DMC Clubhouse and put on some bangers to calm down after an eventful night.

Ryan 'Happy' Robinson



Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos



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From Prospect to Member

A Tale of Brotherhood

Jim Bone had recently come back to the city and immediately went back to his old roots as a taxi driver. Working with the Downtown Cab Company was always a passion of his and kept him open to meeting new people as well as exploring the city and discovering new sights. Although Jim had previously been a tattoo artist working on an island off the coast, he always had a deep interest and connection with motorbikes. Seeing as there were no main roads where had come from, the only modern form of transport he knew were bikes.


Jim Bone as a Trainee taxi driver

Naturally, during his time at DCC he got to know all of the drivers and management staff. At the time, a good chunk of them were members of a motorcycle club called Diablos MC. Jim had taken a keen interest in all the bikes he noticed frequently parked within the gates of DCC, notably coloured with the customary Red & Gold, and so he inquired about the club with the club's Enforcer, Scott Dew. Scott was very welcoming with Jim and implored him to come to the next ride. Jim obliged, not knowing that this would be a start of a new way of life for him.


Jim Bone as a new prospect

Once Jim's time had come to finally represent Diablos as a prospect, he couldn't contain his happiness! However, his time came with some hardships, but he also had some unforgettable ride outs with the boys in Red & Gold. Once he acquired his cut, prospect patch, a black mask and got his bike coloured up, he felt like he was already part of the club and represented the club with unwavering pride. Luckily, there was no shortage of rides to attend, and so Jim was kept very busy while loving every minute of it.


Prospect Jim Bone with some of the boys after partying at the Yellow Jack

After showing up to every ride Jim could, and dedicating most of his time to supporting Diablos MC, he was finally invited upstairs in the clubhouse where a vote had just unknowingly been cast. The vote was for whether Jim would become a member or not. As he approached the meeting table, Jim was informed by the president, Charlie Rellet that he had been voted in as a member. He wasn't surprised as he had seen other prospects make it through with the same dedication he had put in, but was gratefully relieved as all of the time he poured into helping the club had finally been rewarded with the coveted yellow mask and members patch which he now adorned with an almagamation of pride and respect for his new band of brothers.


One of the most memorable rides for Prospect Jim Bone, riding up to Paleto Bay

Jim Bone



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos

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A Mournful Wednesday

John had started his day off like any other, he headed to work and clocked on for a couple of hours before checking the time on his watch, 6:30 PM. He headed back to the locker rooms, got changed back into his kutte and rode down to the clubhouse.


He stepped inside and greeted his brothers, exchanging the usual pleasantries and tanning a couple drinks in the process, life was good. John had only been a patched member of Diablos for about a week, but his love and loyalty for the club had been cemented over the course of a few months.



(John back in August of 2021, his first prospect spell with the club.)


He was living the dream, he had finally been patched in and had a family now in Los Santos. Brothers who he would happily die for.

But like all dreams do, it would come to an end and eventually you have to wake up...

Him and his brothers mounted up and began riding towards the bank when unfortunately one of the prospects lost control of their bike and rammed it into the side of a lamppost. Whilst waiting for EMS to do their treatment, the bank alarm behind them suddenly began to go off. They decided the smart move was to clear the area and let the police do their job. Suddenly, gunshots began to erupt on the same street where the bank was located. "Don't go near the bank, let the police deal with it." - John heard on his radio from one of his brothers. He followed the advice but was a bit sceptical when he realised three brothers were missing. They were unresponsive on the radio too and once the gunfire ceased, he joined the others and rode up to the bank to see what had happened.



His heart sank deep into the ground as he arrived on the scene, gripping his handlebars in rage. Three lifeless brothers lay sprawled out on the road, bullet holes in each of them. He said a prayer quietly to himself, closing their eyelids before police showed up to move them all from the scene. John was gutted, he held his face in his hands and asked himself: "How could we have let this happen?"




When finished being questioned by police, the Diablos rode back to the clubhouse together, it was a mournful night. They exchanged stories of their fallen brothers in the clubhouse and drank to their memory. 



One thing was certain for John however, for as long as he was breathing, he would do everything in his power to make sure that nobody would harm this club he loved so much ever again and get away with it.


John McArthur



Diablos forever, Forever Diablos




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DMC on Top


It was another normal day for Shaquille, and he had just flown into the city for the first time in a while. After a long battle with that ever so thin line between good, and bad - he’d decided he wanted to make something of himself. Shaq pulled out his phone and got to job searching. He had often seen taxi drivers around the city and was intrigued. He called for one ride, to see what they were like as a company, but more importantly as people, and then another ride, and another - he had found where he believed he was meant to be, and filled in the application form.




Fast forward a few weeks later, and Shaq had met some new people in DCC, he was a trainee but aspiring to be so much more. DCC management saw this and took a liking to Shaq’s character. One night, he was lost for things to do, he had a long day of sitting in a taxi, driving people from A to B – The, at the time PR director of DCC, Jay Spades approached him, and asked if he liked motorcycles and if he wanted to come along to a ride with a group of friends the same evening. Shaq didn’t hesitate to say yes, and off he went. He bought a Daemon from the nearest dealership and went to meet at the Diablos MC clubhouse.


Shaq was nervous at first, he knew a few familiar faces from DCC, but that was it. As soon as he walked through that door, he was greeted by a sense of brotherhood, and comradery. This was the place for Shaq - he got his bike painted in the famous red and gold colourway, he was given a black mask, and he was officially a hang-around, of the Diablos Motorcycle Club.




After one of Shaq’s first few rides, everyone headed back to the clubhouse, poured some whiskey, and shot the shit between some mates. All of the members were called upstairs. Shaq was minding his business, sipping his Glenfiddich – when he was told over the radio to head upstairs by the club's president, Charlie Rellet. He was confused, and a little drunk, but as he walked up the stairs and around the corner, he was handed a prospect patch, he knew he’d found where he belonged, a family, a brotherhood.


Shaquille Denton



Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos.



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Sending off our brothers.

After some unfortunate circumstances the Diablos lost 3 of their own in a small gun fight, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and no one knew that the shots ringing through the city were at fellow brothers.

Some weeks later Charlie spent a lot of time and effort planning a good send off for the members they lost to this heinous crime against the club, eventually he reached out to Solomon Cobb, he was recently advertised he has a church up north in Paleto bay, After a phone call to his friend Cobb the date was set and the plan was to ride from the Diablos club house to the church to start the service.


They rode in proud formation from the club house down the highway escorting the hearse as their engines roared, filled with a somewhat sad emotions to the normal rides however all the Diablos gritted they're teeth and stuck to their formation behind the car.


After some words from Cobb, the Diablos took turns saying some words about the members that passed and although some put on brave faces they struggled through holding back the tears.


They then made their way outside to say their final goodbyes, laying they're cuts over their caskets and lowered them into the holes for their final long rest as the Diablos sat silently looking down at their fallen friends, brothers, fellow Diablos.


Gone but not forgotten, Diablos forever, forever Diablos.


Charlie Rellet



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Project: Sovereign


A cold Thursday morning at LSC, I clocked on for the morning shift. The shop is quiet early, not many mechanics about, always means that the person on shift gets stuck with plenty of customers to serve and cars to repair.



Whilst I was removing a lug nut from a customer’s wheel, I felt my phone vibrate in my overall’s pocket. After finishing the customer's brake disk and watching the customer drive off with his new modifications, I pulled the phone out of my pocket to check who was messaging me.


It was my Brother Charlie Rellet.

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He wanted some work done on the Diablos MC’s Sovereign. Extremely excited to work on the club's bike, I clocked off shift and told him to meet me at LSC as I already had my cut and Averus. 

We rode handlebar to handlebar to a small repair shop up in Grapeseed which I had overheard some mechanics say they used from time to time.



Luckily for me the garage had a large toolbox, air compressor unit, a lift and all the solutions that I would need in order to carry out the work that Charlie had requested.



I gathered all the tools that I required and got straight to work on cleaning the chain of the Sovereign as it was caked with gunk.


I then changed the oil of the Sovereign, which required the lift, so I could slide underneath the bike to reach the oil filter.


While I was under the bike I noticed that the engine could use a clean, as it had gathered grit, sand and dust that surely affected the performance.


I finished the Sovereign with polish to ensure that she is the best looking lady in the city.



Ryan "Happy" Robinson



Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos





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The Pain of Healing: A Friend, A Brother, A Traitor

It's been a long road with some highs and some lows. Diablos MC is my first love, the city of Los Santos being close second. October last year my marriage was subject to a situation, hurt, anguish and betrayal. My mind was a state, I couldn't see things clearly, I was seeing enemies and people who wanted to hurt me everywhere, even though they weren't there. My mind had been shattered buy a couple of party's that I put my absolute trust in, but this wasn't to say that everyone else was going to be the same but due to my head been torn around like trees in gale-force winds, I Just couldn't see it. I made the heavy hearted decision... to leave the city. How long I was going to be gone. I did not know.


I packed a small bag and headed to Los Santos International, without telling a soul. I switched my phone off and I caught the earliest flight back to England. When I was flying back to my home country, I couldn't shake this overpowering feeling that I was making a mistake. A feeling of dread and foreboding followed me everywhere, on the plane, the cab ride to my apartment in Essex and for the next few weeks, It didn't really leave me at all.

After about 6 weeks of working on myself, slowly repairing my heart and mind. Letting go of everything that had damaged my trust and my mental state.. I began too see clearly once again, I needed that City and I needed Diablos MC.

I built up the courage to switch on my phone and send one text message to Charlie, the President of Diablos MC, it simply read "I'm coming home". To which I was met with a reply almost instantly.. "HELL YEH BRO!! BE GOOD TOO SEE YOU! Your Kut is still here waiting for you". I was overwhelmed with excitement and enthusiasm, this was it! I was returning to Los Santos! Returning.... Home.

I booked tickets to Los Santos for just after the new year. A fresh start with a fresh head. No longer was I going to allow other people to pull me down, grind me down and keep me away from the people I love most! I was no longer going to let anything effect my mental state and play god with my emotions. I was strong and I had the Diablos standing there right beside me through thick and thin. It just took me a while to realise that no matter what, they would support me like brothers and sisters should.

I arrived.


I needed to breathe in the city once more, feel every quiver of its beating heart. I arrived at my LS apartment too see my bike still in the garage draped with a dustcover, I pulled it off and there she was sitting there in graceful majesty. A smirk crawled its way on to my face, feeling strange as it had been a while since there was even a glimpse of happiness on my face at all. I hopped on the bike, masked up and roamed the streets of LS, taking everything in once again. absorbing the city, feeling my bike under me and the flow of the streets pulse through my veins. I stopped at the top of vinewood hills and took a deep breath in. I was ready, I.. was home.

After trying to contact all of my old friends, they must have all been either out of town or still at home asleep. So I decided to take a ride to the Diablos MC Clubhouse on the following Wednesday evening at 6:30pm, parked my bike round the back and walked to the front door, finding that my keys still worked. I opened it up and took a seat in the bar and waited patiently.

Just 30 minutes after I could hear the almighty roar of bikes outside, the distant chatter of my old comrades laughing and joking outside. I was nervous. I wasn't sure how I was going to be welcomed but I sat strong. As they started to filter in, Charlie saw me instantly and could not recognise me as I had a mask on, he asked who I was. So I stood up and took the mask off and I was welcome with such excitement it brought warm feelings to my heart. All of the members, prospects and hangarounds filtered into the bar one by one. Each in turn welcoming me back and telling me how good it is too see me. I put on my Kut and told the club I was back, and that I wasn't going anywhere.

One month has now passed and my Enforcer patch is back on, Diablos is riding more than ever, and I am now training to be a medic at LSEMS.

Nothing will stop me now.



Scott Dew


Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos


Edited by Scott Dew
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A Scotsman, A Motorcycle & A Dream.




From a young age, John McArthur always had a fascination for motorcycles. When he was a wee lad back in the streets of Glasgow, he remembers zooming about on his BMX with an empty water bottle taped above the back tyre which would add to his imagination that he was riding along the cobbled streets on a vintage Harley as it emitted a somewhat familiar sound to an engine.

When he left secondary school as a teenager, he worked in a pub which was frequented by the infamous Blue Angels. Scotland's biggest 1%'er motorcycle club. He had gotten quite close with a few members, taking a liking to his eagerness on bikes and his ecstatic youth. 




However, before getting in too deep with the club, John saw the way they operated. They were violent, short-tempered and not the brightest bunch. Typical Scottish men really, nothing new there. John realised this was not the path he wanted to go down, a few wrong decisions could impact the rest of his life.

Fast forward to present day, John now resides in sunny Los Santos, but his experience in the city has not always been as cheerful as the weather. He joined the Sheriff's Department, where he served a couple months before news of his parents being struck by illness, he resigned and returned home for a while.



John McArthur in an advanced 10-66 training.


John returned to Los Santos a few months later and felt like a tourist again, all of his friends had moved either back home or across the states. He was conflicted about his decision to move back and needed to clear his head, so he took his motorcycle out of city parking, dusted it off and and went for a ride. He got around the first corner before realising he was low on gas and whilst refuelling, he heard an unfamiliar voice from behind him:

"Nice bike, man!"

It was none other than the Diablos MC president, Charlie Rellet.

He took down Charlie's number and over the course of a few weeks, he was introduced to the club gradually. However, John didn't take to the Diablos MC right away. He had started riding with an old law enforcement buddy of his called Felix Morrow, who also shared John's passion of motorcycles.



John McArthur and Felix Morrow

The two had plans to open up their own bar which they were hoping could've led to their own MC itself but it would soon come clear the two had very different visions. John had the same feeling he did with the Blue Angels back home and he realised he couldn't go any further, so at the weekly Diablos meeting he took Charlie aside and asked him to put the vote in for him to prospect. Nobody had an issue with it and he began his prospect period.




John however, quickly began to doubt himself. He felt like he betrayed his brother too easily and as much as he loved riding with the Diablos, he missed his best mate. He gave up on the city in the same way he felt he gave up on his friend, leaving his prospect kutte at the door of the clubhouse before flying back to Glasgow.

But a new year dawned and John felt like a new man. He returned to Los Santos and out of sheer luck bumped into the Diablos at Legion Square, within an hour of stepping off of the plane. He recalled a lot of familiar faces and saw a lot of new ones. 

"Give me one more chance and I'm in this for good."

Since those words were spoken, John has dedicated the past 2 months of his time in the city to the Diablos, cementing his love and loyalty for the club. The only time he takes his kutte off is for work and to shower, but that patch stays glued to his back at all times, as it will continue to do so.




He's even been entrusted with an Enforcer patch, something he never saw coming but the only thing he cares about is repaying the trust that comes with it and ensuring he keeps giving his all to the club that made him have purpose again.


John McArthur


Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos



Edited by jinty
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A New Chapter - Part 1

It had been almost two long months, with no sign of Charlie, the club president, returning. On top of that, the Club's Vice President and Sergeant at Arms had all gone MIA too. Diablos MC had certainly seen better days. Many had written them off but John kept hope throughout those days, until he took the bias out from his views. He looked around, realising the club he loved so dearly was on the verge of total collapse. He and the other patched members had tried their best to continue the weekly rides and meetups, but with not much success. With the entire leadership gone, they seemed a shadow of their former selves. John couldn't handle this, if Diablos was going to fade away, it wasn't going to be in this manner, with nothing but a faint whimper.

(Diablos MC, only a month prior. Thriving.)

Call after call and voicemail after voicemail, John had finally had enough, it was time for change. It had to come before it was too late, the city moves fast and soon Diablos would be forgotten completely. He reasoned with his hasty decision making, Charlie would want someone to step up for the good of the club. If he truly was gone, John would make damn sure his legacy of the Diablos didn't go with him. The last fourteen months could not have been for nothing.

He called a club meeting with the help of Tom Solar, club secretary.

John and the others had a very simple proposal, new leadership until we knew for certain what happened to Charlie and the others. It hurt to think about but in the end, they all knew this was the best decision for the club.


 John was straight to the point, choosing not to shy away from the bluntness of the decision. He put his name forward as stand in president and made his case, the club desperately needed leadership and someone had to put themselves out there. The room fell silent as everybody began to think over the proposal carefully. After a minute of discussion and a little understandable doubt, the vote began and it put a smile on John's face to realise he had not heard a single Nay. He gripped the gavel tight and realised the next vote he was about to pass, very well would be the most important one to ring out within the walls of the clubhouse. He slammed it down with confidence and it rung out for what felt like hours in John's mind.


The few members that had time to stay decided to ride out together to celebrate and John would be lying if he said it had not felt strange as they cruised down the Great Ocean highway, he looked over his shoulder and couldn't help but grin the entire ride. He knew the path ahead was hard, but he also knew this club was worth it. He would have a lot to decide on and a lot to think about in the coming days.



To be continued...


John McArthur


Diablos Forever, Forever Diablos



Edited by jinty
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