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Creating Concealed Gun Holsters

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I think it would be nice to have a way to conceal a gun by buying a holster at a gun store or a convenience store. It's is annoying to just walk around with a gun and get jailed especially because there is no way to conceal the gun. Especially because you could get robbed at anytime and want to stay strapped and don't wanna leave it in the vehicle and get caught lacking. I think the price of the holster be somewhere from 1-2k. Just a suggestion I have thought of it would be nice if it was implicated into the game. 🙂

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Actually had a similar thought. It could be put in an equipment spot on your person, and then it would clip the gun just enough through the player that most normal clothing would cover it, depending on what type of holster you use. Another thought would be without a long arm holster, you can't holster any two handed weapons and would need to openly carry them or put them into a bag/car trunk. 

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An equipment slot that you could buy a holster item for (or different types of holsters) is an interesting idea.

So a concealed carry one that would be most expensive and be able to hide pistols other than the .50. I still think this shouldn't be concealable as it's realistically huge and maybe it would promote more use of the cheaper, smaller, less effective guns for the benefit of the ability to hide (but still at a cost). 

And then a variety of other holsters that could use the in-game models so it's not just floating on your hip. Would be a neat little feature that could benefit criminals and also offer some visual changes for legal characters.

Edited by DrPathetic
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To add onto the suggestion. Perhaps add a /hidegun command, allowing people to hide any weapon (besides .50 and heavy weapons) on them. The downside would be that when you select the weapon to withdraw it, an action timer would play before the withdrawal animations plays, adding a few seconds into the mix before someone can start shooting someone else.

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Just now, Cyrus Raven said:

To add onto the suggestion. Perhaps add a /hidegun command, allowing people to hide any weapon (besides .50 and heavy weapons) on them. The downside would be that when you select the weapon to withdraw it, an action timer would play before the withdrawal animations plays, adding a few seconds into the mix before someone can start shooting someone else.

The server has a sort of version of that, the anim to withdraw most handguns goes on for a decent bit. I think in lieu of a command(/hidegun), it would be better to have an on person carry slot. Basically like what we have now, but you'd attach a holster and then you'd drag the handgun into the holster then it would attach the handgun object to the position of the holster so that it'd look semi realistic. There could be a drag option also added for this similiar to furniture, but it'd be you moving the holster to better fit the skin you're using. That might add some trouble though, but it'd be interesting. You'd right click on the holster, and just click "Move" or something similar and it'd bring up the X Y Z positioner. 


Another addition to this suggestion I thought of would be having different area's to attach a holster slot to, and different types of weapons that'd be able to be held in holsters.


There could a melee weapon holster that works for small melee weapons that could be attached to a boot, your hips, or either side of your chest.


Basically holsters would be S(small melee weapons/SNS pistol), M(Most handguns) L(Slightly larger handguns[but not a .50], L(Long arm 2 handed guns) hoster, and maybe for fun a large decorated holster that could hold a .50/any pistol; but it wouldn't be concealed just openly carried on the chest for people with gun licenses and more eccentric gangster RPers.  

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