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About McLovin1257

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  1. messed up if true, very disappointing and bad.
  2. The volume for scratched furniture is beyond insane, it should be equal to its furniture counterpart. A pair of headphones for example should not be 20 volume, it makes no sense whatsoever. Ideally when you take the furniture it should transfer to you that furniture item so you could either use it in your own home, or sell it in the pawn shop. At the moment you can only sell it in the pawn shop. Adding drugs and slightly increasing the gun spawn rate (handguns spawning more commonly and higher tier being extremely rarer) would be preferable as well. They should also remove the forced cutscene of the sleeping patron of the house, at times although rare the cutscene will initiate during the quick time event minigame causing an automatic failure. While it adds a level of intensity to the experience, overall it's not needed and causes more issues that it's worth. Allowing daytime robberies would be interesting for example the following scenarios could be randomized for daytime robberies (The owner of the house has gone shopping and is set to be gone from 12-19) and (The owner has gone out of town for the weekend). There could be a price increase for daytime robberies, with nighttime usually being the safer and cheaper option.
  3. Could you perhaps clarify a problem that the community has been wondering for some time. There are players including myself who successfully complete the minigame quick time events without fail, and the alarm automatically goes off on entry into the house. Could you explain the mechanisms behind how the alarm goes off? Many players are wondering, and it seems some admins and LEO's don't understand how it works exactly. Thank you
  4. I just wanted to say i've experienced this as well. Cabinents and Loot merged ontop of each-other in multiple instances. Also the alarms being raised despite not failing any of the minigames. If there's some automatic random trigger that causes an alarm to go off than it needs to be clarified or fixed. I really hope that it's not just admin LEO's having fun and breaking the skill based system designed because that would be extremely problematic. Either way these glaring issues need fixed or clarified immediately.
  5. This happened to me today as well. I picklocked the door without failing, and as i'm entering the house and about to pickup an item it says "The alarm has been raised". If there's an automatic failscript programmed in randomly it needs to be fixed or clarified. The alarm should not be sounding randomly if you don't fail picklocking the door.
  6. There's no reason to, what do people realistically have to roleplay here? There are barely any social situations where a normal person starting this server would feel the need to even type a /me. The three activities where most RP occurs is in ambulance pickups, robberies, and arrests. RP has to come from an organic source, and because of the nature of this server; people only go for those few options. If you RP in any crime deal situation, it's too risky because of PD spying or outside observers coming to rob you. There are no real player businesses where RP could take place either due to the minimum of 2,000,000$ required to open one, and the bureaucratic fashion to have a dynamic door with interior to be set up. There are odd token clubs being open here and there which doesn't attract new people to RP inside. Can you honestly say a player has anything to organically RP about besides a few token interactions with people they meet? This servers structured to be a weird life simulator and that's where the "RP" comes from, except it's a life simulator that's nerfed and structured to only benefit the PD and keep everyone else in their place. If you do anything criminal, you risk losing nearly everything and spending the equivalent of real life work shifts in an in-game prison. If you play as a civ and do ZERO crime you're going to be grinding until Christmas to get a house, if the prices don't inflate again to ridiculous levels.
  7. One thing I've mentioned over and over, unless you've been caught red handed doing a crime, there's drug smoke coming out of your house or you've been arrested then I don't get the point of offline house raids besides it being something a bored detective does. There were less than 150 players online when my raid took place, more than likely under 100. They had nothing better to do than raid a solo criminals house over a "warrant" signed by a judge? It's just overkill. I can see that pissing a lot of new players who grinded their asses off, and them saying "I'm good on this, this is too much". I've got the money to replace a good amount of the stuff I lost, but even I'm having issues justifying playing this again for longer than a couple hours. Why would I waste my time trying to avoid every conflict possible and trying to stay relatively lowkey if i'm just going to have undercovers or people tapping my phone to raid my house? I have no idea the process behind my homes getting a warrant, all I know is that I avoided every single fun criminal thing to do because I thought it would keep me off the radar because the prison times are insane. This was all moot, and I lost my stuff. Why would I keep playing this? This might sound like sour grapes like I've said repeatedly, but it's an honest question that does need answered. "Why bother?" is a question that goes through a lot of players minds, and makes them choose more lenient and debauchery based servers that I won't mention that have 10x the player count. There's a perfect medium that can be achieved here for RP, realism, and crime and punishment; we're way too far in a punishment direction, and the only way criminals can make any decent money is by having to perform anti-social tasks that you have to have a 300,000$ home + 200,000$+ in equipment to even make worth it.
  8. I'm actually of the opinion that cops do a very good job with RP on this server. My interactions with cops for the most part has been positive, and even when I was arrested many times first starting out and even now they've been very chill about it and professional. My issue with LEO factions are that the punishments for crime in this server make it so that no one reasonably wants to commit crimes, the server and faction rules have legitimately created a deterrence against most crime. You can say "Good" to that, well don't be surprised when LEO's get bored just doing ticket monitoring all day, occasionally finding a shootout, or having to perform NSA tier activities to find something to do. I understand the line that's being drawn, but it's too far in the unfun direction towards crime activities/factions The minimum prison times for crimes needs overhauled, and not just towards being lenient to new players but overhauled in general. And houses unless they have direct cause should be a safe zone where players don't have to worry everything they've collected is going away. This might read like sour grapes, but LEO factions are under zero threat for the most part of ever having their homes raided. For players, a house is finally a safe zone. Are players literally just supposed to put all their illegal items inside of a crate and logout with them every time they're done; on the off chance some bored cops going to raid them? Seriously, there's already enough risk with home robberies as it is. The cops signing warrants to raid houses is just a death blow; and it's going to piss the players off that spend their time and even their actual money on this server to have homes. It's been like this for awhile, but if you want people to keep giving cops fun activities to do so they can play Starsky and Hutch; there's got to be some leniency and understanding. If there were more criminal activities to get into; or the ones we have now paid better than you might see more player interaction among each other instead of the solipsism of hiding in their apartments cooking all day. This servers player count has been dwindling for awhile; it fluctuates at times but a lot of people are starting to make the same calculation I'm making "What's the point? This isn't fun". Adding weapon updates is not going to change that, nor is it going to make players like me who lost everything they collected want to continue playing. It's already a risk going back and forth carrying drugs or weapons in your vehicle; or going to farms in general. We have to worry about some NSA agent who's been observing you going back and forth because you're the only target they can pick on for fun? Who would reasonably want to keep playing after shit like that? It's not like a gang HQ where everyones cooking inside with 100 tables. TL:DR Houses should be unraidable by LEO's unless of certain circumstances such as smoke coming out of a house or a wanted player running away and hiding inside of one. Crime activities should pay more and be less faction restricted. And prison time needs overhauled to be sane for humans to want to continue playing, otherwise everyones just going to not play and stay offline until their prison time expires and they continue alienated activities that remove interaction between players.
  9. When I first came back to this server about 3-4months back I tried ATM heisting which only nets you 1.5-3k at best per robbery, and you risk almost an hour of your life sitting in a prison if it goes wrong. I quickly stopped doing that after a few because the risk to reward ratio wasn't there. I did a couple store heists with friends, but that did not even net any actual money either; the split with 3 people is barely enough to buy anything unless you get extremely lucky. So I decided the best way to go was to do safecracking, which I spent over 48 hours of IRL time by myself cracking into one houses safe. It was a very lucrative house raid, and I got a lot out of it; but that was the most rewarding thing I've done as a criminal and it's the most anti social and boring thing you can ever imagine. Completely unfun, but that was the safest mechanism I could think of that had a high reward to risk ratio. That's how I got a good chunk of my money when I came back. I then worked roadwork to grind up enough, and sold the guns I had acquired from the house raid to buy a 1G. I had saved 6 drug tables for over a year and finally was able to use them, I did a few cooks which as I describe in my post above are the most anti social and pointlessly spent time ever done; it's completely anti social but it is the only possible way to make any actual money. I then sold that 1G, helped a buddy get a house of his own, and bought a nicer 1G and met a connect through a chance of luck that was able to get me more tables. Then I spent more hours of my life, doing this to finally have money. Did weedruns, met some weed connects, did chem runs, and did multiple 5+ hour cooks at a time, sometimes even 10+hours to net money that is barely 1/10th of the amount to buy certain cars. And then when I finally think it's paid off; bam offline raid and everything that I had saved up and accumulated almost was taken overnight and I login to find my houses unlocked with an /fdo warrant inside of them and an admin marker in my donator house complaining about a door. I only type this out to explain my backstory, and the fact the only way I was able to make any actual money on this server as a solo criminal was through the most anti social, tedious, and boring ways possible for months. Admins can check my playerlogs on that, they'd be astonished to see how much time I have wasted here. I purposefully turned down opportunities to have fun like robbing stores or banks with buddies because I thought that would keep me off the radar; but the radar is NSA/CIA level observation and all of the work that you put in can be taken from you in an instant when you're not even online. You can say "That's the way it is man! This is an RP server", well I remember the player count from a year ago; and after that offline raid and navigating through different criminal activities on this server since i've came back, I can perfectly understand how people honestly do not want to waste their time doing criminal RP or want to continue playing on this server. It's honestly just disappointing, and makes playing here feel like a complete waste of time. It legitimately feels like I wasted months of my life, which I enjoyed this server and interacting with others and even playing poker when there were enough players who wanted to do that. You can say I had it coming for doing deals with people and interacting with players; I'm not sure how the warrant was organized or the process behind it. All I can say is that the fact I had ventilators and never had smoke coming out of my house that I cooked in; and that I lost everything I had been saving and accumulating for months item wise; it doesn't make me want to play anymore, let alone donate another dime.
  10. spent the past couple months grinding my money and not doing anything publicly illegal for the most part, somehow I got a warrant for both my 1G and donator house because I guess either I talked to a snitch; or an admin who was a LEO decided I was a hot target. Eitherway, I grinded up enough cash to be able to afford 1G's, finally got 12 tables set up, spent hours making connections and harvesting all the necessary materials to cook drugs and did a few no life cooks, literally spending over 15 hours of my life a night doing this shit just cooking one batch which barely pays anything at all. I did this a few times, was in the process of a massive cook thinking I finally made it, all the hardwork pays off. I come back a day later, all of my houses have been raided by LEO's and I have an admin marker in my donator house complaining about a door I have because it was "Rusty"? Anyway almost all of the work I've done is gone, which I guess is realistic but the point is the police on this are too OP, and it's just overkill and unfun. I understand the "IC" arguments that can be presented, but the punishments are ridiculous and the LEO's are beyond OP especially considering many are server admins that have way too much power and it makes being a criminal on a game not worth it in any capacity unless you don't care about always being broke. The punishments are beyond overkill, your phone can be surveillance, your houses can be raided at any time for any reason. It's not fun and a weapon update isn't going to make this anymore fun unless you're in a gang and don't care about having everything you own possibly being taken and being given 5 hour prison sentences. I literally wasted more hours of my life as a solo criminal to have everything I had on here taken in an offline raid. If you ask me, personal houses unless online and actively spotted inside of them with a warrant or with smoke clouds coming out of them should not be able to have "warrants" given to leo's to just steal a players networth. You can post and justify this with extremely hardcore RP rationality; but it does not make this fun or worth playing in the long run. I honestly can see why a lot of people just say fuck it i'm good and move on; which is sad because this server is great in many aspects and has a fun community with a lot of unique aspects. The punishments though are just beyond overkill in every capacity. I know this post reeks of sour grapes, but I'm pretty sure i'm just echoing how a lot of players feel. The only way to make actual money in any reasonable capacity is drug cooking, which in the long run is a complete waste of time because everything you have can just be taken from you when you're not even online. You have to spend 11 minutes cooking a piece of cocaine to sell for 600$ and at best 900$ if you're using some exploitative method of selling tons of other drugs beforehand to a dealer. You can't even cook pot in your house either, which is absurd and without any gang connects you're left literally just picking weed plants and buying chems, and then having to spend extremely long and frankly pointless hours cooking drugs to even have money. Car chopping is basically gang restricted now, there are too many mechanisms to trigger an auto failure robbing a store, banks robberies unless you're in a gang are impossible almost, the only realistic way to make a bunch of money is drug cooking and as I've said it's long tedious and boring; and then when you finally suffer through all of the boring painstaking hours waiting to make 100k; you risk literally losing everything and having even more hours of your life wasted. There needs to be a change of some kind, otherwise I don't know what the appeal to being a criminal is, unless that's the point and you expect people to play for hours on end as a social simulator doing roadwork or faction jobs.
  11. I usually just head to the settings section and switch it back to full screen.
  12. Press " i " for the inventory, then scroll with your mouse to the icons of the food/water and right click and click "USE". To bring the mouse up, click F2 and it'll let you scroll around. For more info type /help, it can be a lifesaver when you're new.
  13. I understand a good amount of the nerfing they did to apartments bought with credits is to discourage a pay to win type of scenario. However, the fact you can't cook drugs in your own apartment is kind of cruel if you ask me. If you've grinded and spent almost a million dollars, you're somehow arbitrarily allowed to cook drugs in your apartment; but cannot otherwise? The same risk of being raided, lab blowing up would be the same. It's not like buying an apartment automatically gives you access to drug tables; you have to find those and buy them yourself which can be hard to most players. I just find the "It's meant for civilian RP" to be a very poor excuse; it's not the real reason at all. It's just that they don't want the chance of a newbie who's found drug tables to be able to buy a nice apartment and grind himself into a millionaire. At the end of the day, people buy houses with credits because they do not have the IG money to buy houses; civilians and criminals alike. So long as you can't sell your house for IG $$, I really fail to see an issue with allowing people who spent their legitimate hard earned money to be able to utilize their homes however they see fit.
  14. I had this idea in my head awhile and thought I'd just shoot it out. I've heard that there's ideas/scripting possibly happening with the Diamond Casino, so this would perfectly tie in with it. Basically there'd be a type of VIP room that you'd need to either have a minimum amount of cash on you (Say 10,000$+), or perhaps you'd have to pay a fee to have a 24 hour pass to enter the room where the game is held. It'd be a fancy room like the hotel suites, but inside would be one to three poker tables. Inside there that'd be where people of all types, criminals and cops could play an easy fun game of poker for higher stakes than is typical of the usual Tequila la players. The fee for the most part would keep broker players from being able to enter high stakes games (Sort of unrealistic that a guy with 1,500 can hop in a 100k+ game; even though I usually did that xD). This way, whales can play with other whales without having to worry about bingo scammers or some random guy hopping in and winning half the pot with a low bet. There could be game options set for each table to have an adjustable mandatory minimum before each /startgame, with the first person who enters that table getting table authority to change the mandatory minimum. There could also on top of this be a voting system for the people at the table that'd display as a dialogue box similar to how pokers is; but it'd be people voting on the mandatory minimum or who to give table power to. This would be initiated via a /tablevote command, and then a prompt would pop up allowing members of the table to vote on either a mandatory minimum or who is controlling the table option. Another small suggestion with this would be adding the poker table to the furniture, and allowing poker games to be held at private locations (Peoples homes, gang HQ's, ect) to have more back-alley gambling events. I know this suggestion probably is moot considering my current predicament; but still I thought it was a nice suggestion that maybe the community would like.
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