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Instead of Destroying Evidence Shipping them to the Capital

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So, lemme explain what is this topic about, this will be a brand new feature for criminals. It will bring a more in depth RP opportunity just bear with me.

The whole system is basically cops wouldn't be able to /delcruiser with anything in the trunk, it should not work that way anymore. So whats the system? Ship the stuff to the capital, other cities in the United states will want to use the contraband found in the city of los santos for other purposes. For example supplying our beloved soldiers overseas. 

So how would this system work? Whenever you are confident that you have enough materials or illegals in your department you call escort using your federal laptop for a cargo heli that drops its line in a place you designate by standing in and your highest command would do a command /callcargodelivery. A ((white marker)) should appear and you should drop all illegals there and a timer should start ((8 minutes same as chopping cars)) there would be a random chance that criminals get notified when is law enforcement getting rid of their illegals and can come for a fight to get a very valuable loot OR nothing, as cops can literally call multiple locations up to 3 at the same time and can fake 2 and drop in 1 or divide the loot on 3, it brings A LOT of RP opportunities to thinking, planning and putting all sorts of effort to create a distraction for criminals and so. 


Just a small refinement you should be able to dispose ANYTHING you capture using /delcruiser except for heavy guns. AKs/shotguns/micros and so. So this narrows the amount of times you have to dispose a day.


Criminals can just camp all drop off points for cops to dispose. 

> Well that would be extremely hard to scout 20+ locations 24/7 waiting for cops to dispose. 


Cops can just leave the stuff on the ground so they despawn. Whats the point?

> That would just be non-rp there should be cabinets secured in higher ups accessible only place. They should store all illegals there, once they feel like its enough then they dispose. 


What will happen after the timer is over? The 8 minutes?

> Everything thats dropped in the marker will disappear. If criminals failed to go and secure the drop by either killing everyone around or going in with multiple cars taking cover behind them and looting whatever they could and fleeing, then police can just chase them or whatsoever. 


Lastly I wanna point out, it doesnt make any sense for belongings that criminals spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to just be deleted from existence without the chance, the random chance of them getting them back. Its like OH I'm caught RIP money, hey felonies, hey fines. NOTHING they can do to get things back. This will bring a lot to the SWAT side of PD, SED side of SD and IB side of PD, Agent side of SD. Please think about it.


Thank you, if you have any concerns please leave a comment saying what do you want changed.

Edited by Philo
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