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Security zones

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What I think the game lacks is a feel of what areas are dangerous and which ones are safe. The current server rule marks the majority of the map as safe, however I think gangs should have a bigger impact on the world if they choose so. So instead of bringing back turfs, security zones could be introduced to replace them. This means that law enforcement and other gangs would be the main competitors here. The way zones would be affected could take many hours or even days to change it between safe or dangerous, giving everyone a much bigger sense of accomplishment.
So let me give an example:

Mirror park has seen an increase in crime such as store robberies, drug cooking, drug selling, deaths and increased number of gang members in the area. All of those (maybe more added later) would lower the total points in the zone. If unchecked or not patrolled by law enforcement on a regular basis, the zone would eventually go from Safe to Dangerous. While the zone is dangerous, public robberies in and around it would be allowed (as it previously was). 

To give gang members a sense of accomplishment and a reward, businesses that operate in that area would also have to pay for "protection". This means all services would cost extra 10% and the extra money would have to be collected by the gang members of the controlling faction. While the zone is controlled by the gang, a drug sell point would be taken over by them, meaning gangs would get a cut of 25% for each drug sold. They would also have to collect this money themselves. As another bonus, dangerous zones would have a 75% cooking speed increase. Maybe gangs could also attempt to break into houses, so investing in a alarm system for your home could be smart.

A way for law enforcement to combat this is to have more patrols in the area and doing various operations. Their presence would have a higher tick count, which could also depend what gear they're using.


Basically these "zone captures" could be done entirely peacefully or it could result in violence between law enforcement or other gangs. However it would give the world a much bigger feel to what goes on in the city and more importantly, it would be player controlled. Considering that it could take days to take over a zone would also make it more interesting.

Zones would also not be visible on the map, however a simple HUD notification would let you know if the area is safe or dangerous (also lets you know if you're inside or not). Points would also not be visible. There could be lots of zones around the map, some giving gangs more benefits over others and opening more RP opportunities.

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+1 I really like the idea of this suggestion. 

What I think should be clarified is, how would X group take control of X zone? 

And the "Safe" / "Dangerous" indicators to me would likely result in more "protection fleeing", if this was added in my opinion a clarification should also be added for fleeing from a danger zone in an active chase removes the "protection rules" unless its an NCZ of course. 

This could be much more expanded upon and I believe what could be a good modern day replacement to what turfs once was. 

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+1  Really like the whole idea, it for sure would take criminal RP to the next level and so as the Law enforcement RP. 

In my opinion not having a colored map ( green and orange and red like turfs) would be much better, instead you can have a small square or even point number near your GPS on game UI. This way you have to be in that area to see (feel RPly) if it is safe or not.

Edited by DarkSoul
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I like the suggestion, but turfs used to be about much more than just PD v Crim - was really mainly centered aroung gang v. gang conflict and interaction which inherently brought PD involvement. I think that this would be a valuable addition to the turf system in general if it was incorporated into it however. 


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