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Ability to Delete Characters

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I think that the ability to Delete characters would be very useful in rp. If let's say I have one legal, one criminal but both for some reason cannot join pd, I could delete one(with ck rp of course). 

And to prevent exploitation of this, this could be done via technical support in forums or /report

And I understand that you can buy new slots, but the thing is that some people are not in a position to afford them, thus, it would be useful to be able to delete characters. 

That's just my two cents. Feel free to leave your thoughts down there \/

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Just now, Devonte said:

+1, but maybe you have to do some really good rp in order for it to be done. Or possibly just pay the 500 credits and it would be removed and allows you to have a new character possibly.

Yeah, but again, the credits thing is the reason I'm suggesting this. Tbh it's actually because I can't actually get credits. I believe, a recording or screenshot of the character dying should be attached to a post for deletion

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2 hours ago, PurplePlant said:

-1 I feel people will use it as a way to clean slate their records on their character, just to roleplay the same character and potentially use the same name and pretend it never happened

Which is why I think people shoulf have to make a request on a /report or a forum post with proof the character is dead or has left the city

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