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Engine repairs for Mechanics

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Account name: Badger

Character name: Mike Rich

Issue/bug you are reporting: Engine repair bug. So the problem we have as mechs at the moment is when someone comes in for a engine repair we have to check the engine and then charge them (CTRL +X repair engine). Sometimes this is giving us a text saying It will cost $0-9k  /startrepair, most of the time its 0. But when we do CTRL + X on most vehicles its not giving us anything at all no price or no notification to start the repair. We had an instance where some guy came and got an engine repair and it was $4900, about an hour later he came back and it did not charge him. We also have to take the car outside to fix the engine due to the "parts".

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Test on a few vehicles to see where the problem lies.

Edited by Badger
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10 hours ago, Badger said:

Account name: Badger

Character name: Mike Rich

Issue/bug you are reporting: Engine repair bug. So the problem we have as mechs at the moment is when someone comes in for a engine repair we have to check the engine and then charge them (CTRL +X repair engine). Sometimes this is giving us a text saying It will cost $0-9k  /startrepair, most of the time its 0. But when we do CTRL + X on most vehicles its not giving us anything at all no price or no notification to start the repair. We had an instance where some guy came and got an engine repair and it was $4900, about an hour later he came back and it did not charge him. We also have to take the car outside to fix the engine due to the "parts".

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Test on a few vehicles to see where the problem lies.

I was there too and i paid $5900 . Lol

I think is little bit expensive.

Edited by NoSkilL
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19 hours ago, Badger said:

Account name: Badger

Character name: Mike Rich

Issue/bug you are reporting: Engine repair bug. So the problem we have as mechs at the moment is when someone comes in for a engine repair we have to check the engine and then charge them (CTRL +X repair engine). Sometimes this is giving us a text saying It will cost $0-9k  /startrepair, most of the time its 0. But when we do CTRL + X on most vehicles its not giving us anything at all no price or no notification to start the repair. We had an instance where some guy came and got an engine repair and it was $4900, about an hour later he came back and it did not charge him. We also have to take the car outside to fix the engine due to the "parts".

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Test on a few vehicles to see where the problem lies.

A new system for mechanic-vehicle interactions is on it's way

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