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In celebration of a new year and to remember the last year. Weazel News is doing the 'Los Santos 2019 Employee award'. Participating companies and organisations have sent in their top 5 employees of 2019 and now its to the public to vote on the winners. There will be a total of 10 winners; Every company will get their winner, the one with the most votes in total will get an additional price ( the biggest ) and 2 lucky voters will also be rewarded with a cash prize! So vote now and lets see who the best employees of 2019 were! 
- Seth Blackwood

Edited by Jellay
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5 hours ago, LeftSharkie said:

If I may ask, how were the five people from each faction chosen? 

By the looks of it personal preferences of whoever made this, I myself was wanting to commendate two officers by the names of Tom Brown and Alex Keller yet sadly they're not on the list.

Furthermore, it seems like you put a total of 3 names in total who are no longer members of their respective organizations? Is this on purpose or?

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If has been a while since we closed the voting for the 2019 LS employee awards! We are happy to announce all the winners that will receive prizes for all their great efforts during the last year! We got a total of 200 public votes during the process and these are the results!




Police Department: Dezzy Bala

Sheriff’s Department: Olatunji Osas

LSEMS: Stan Abaddon

Los Santos Customs: Rocky Rodriguez

Bayview: Dean Diesel

DCC: Louis Thompson

Weazel News: Tyrone Cox


We also counted all the individual votes to see who has gotten the highest number of votes in total. This person has been chosen as the best employee in Los Santos of 2019. He has been a great icon for the Medical Department and everyone who has interacted with him knows how good he is in what he does. He has some strange techniques here and there, but at the end of the day always results in saving his patients. We are of course talking about Deputy Chief Stan Abaddon of the LSEMS! Congratulations on becoming the number 1 employee in Los Santos of 2019!


We also have two lucky voters that will gain a prize for their efforts in filling in the voting form! Congratulations!

Voter 1: Steve Martinez

Voter 2: Alex Keller


We’d also like to thank and congratulate all the other employees that have been nominated. You have been nominated with a reason, and thus be proud of your last year! I’d like the winners to contact me personally! Please send a text to 3213932 and I will get you your prizes as soon as possible!

-          Seth Blackwood, CEO of Weazel News

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