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Property furniture disappears after placing a certain amount

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Date and time (provide timezone): 12/2/2019 10:48 AM (CST)

Character name: Jae_Fang

Issue/bug you are reporting: After placing a certain amount of furniture, this bug happens. When approaching the island, an error/warning pops up on the screen as noted in the evidence. If you close out of the warning, you can still play as usual. When you get to the island, none of the furniture actually loads in, but if you type /removefurniture you can take furniture down.

Expected behavior:  While approaching the island, there shouldn't be an error code and furniture should load in as normal.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:

1. Place down a bunch of furniture on your property (in my example, an island). I'm not sure the exact # of furniture that you need to place in order for the bug to happen.

2. After leaving the island and returning, a warning will pop up on your screen and you have to close out of it in order to keep playing.

3. When you approach the island, the furniture will not load in, but it can be removed if you type /removefurniture.


If accessing the JSON string was possible, it would be very easy to debug. If there's a hardcoded limit to how much furniture we can place, it should be increased.

Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

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I am the owner of this Island, Sandy Island. I can confirm this bug has been sent to Osvaldon a few months ago by Zach_Wong. When we had this issue in the past, the only solution we could find was taking down furniture until the Building limit was no longer over its capacity. 


The building limit should prevent us from placing more furniture, so it does not give an error when approaching the distance that it would be rendered at. 


if possible, please increase the building capacity, as this is an expensive property that exists in the server solely to be built on. 


Thanks for your time, Devs. 

Edited by DetectiveStone
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