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New way of explaining rules

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On the rules section there could be a video tutorial of how to perform fear RP or any other rules. The video could consist of ways the rule is not performed and the way it should be. Because I feel like some people might not understand the rule from text format and this may seem easier for them to understand by video. Yes I understand every situation will be different but it just might help new players and other people who are unsure.

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I wouldn't really say video tutorials are needed when it comes to rules, since rules are pretty clear. There's always the help channel on discord where people can ask and look over player reports to see great examples of what you can and cannot do in plenty of situations.

But if someone feels like doing it, then why not.

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i am agree with the starter.

the fear rp rules should be explained in videos. I see so many players who don't understand the dm and fearrp rules( especially while in a vehicle or on a bike) correctly, some of them even think they can give demands to a guy who is in a vehicle with engine on, and if he refueses they can shoot him(as you can see so many dm and fearrp reports on the forum are started from this miss understanding).

the rules are not flexable at all right now so i am pretty sure that making some videos can be helpful to the new players.

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