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Gender Changes

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Hi Everyone,

I'm sure I'm not the only person in this boat but I made a female character that I've been playing for a while and enjoying RPing on however I feel like I cannot use Voice Chat because whenever I talk someone always has something to say about the fact that, my voice doesn't sound like a womans.

I think it would be very beneficial to offer gender changes for characters the same way Name Changes and Plastic Surgery is already offered, you can charge credits to do this or a large sum of cash and it is something that is very realistic and happens all the time in real life too.

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No objection to gender changes...

However, I would just like to say, there are  TON of people on this server who completely and utterly understand RP of all types and mixes. And don't care what your voice sounds like.

Do what you feel most comfortable with. At the end of the day, your RP experience should be about what is fun for you, not other people, that's there problem...

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5 hours ago, Jasmine said:

No objection to gender changes...

However, I would just like to say, there are  TON of people on this server who completely and utterly understand RP of all types and mixes. And don't care what your voice sounds like.

Do what you feel most comfortable with. At the end of the day, your RP experience should be about what is fun for you, not other people, that's there problem...

Correct, there are a ton. However, there is a huge amount does care. Apperantly also care enough to take it OOC. 

Maybe some CK menu? With pretty much all other suggestions that are made in the past for CK included?
So a menu where you can change name and pretty much you can make a new character? Even changing gender.

Edited by Yputi
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You could be just as shocked about weak, timid, thin, short teens pretending to be big tough badass gangsters. Or kids who were bullied and pushed around pretending to be tough, protectors of the peace in the police force.

The fact is, we are all faking it here. We all, on some level, are pretending to be something we are not. 

That is the draw and power of RP. To escape our realities and have a little fun creating a diverse, unique, colorful city to play around in.

We really should not be offended by a deep voice on a girl, any more than we would be offended by a teenagers voice on a hardened criminal gangster.

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21 minutes ago, Jasmine said:

We really should not be offended by a deep voice on a girl, any more than we would be offended by a teenagers voice on a hardened criminal gangster.

I'm not saying that these are wrong or offensive, if anything I am also guilty of this. Then again, the thread is about gender change for characters and my opinion was just there because the poster mentioned it.

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