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ATC Radio

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Originally intended for government aircraft but can be expanded as aviation may become more viable.

  • Like the CB radio.
  • /atc <chatter>

could even add aircraft type and faction in the chat row.

  • ATC [PolMav:PD]: PD to ATC, Lifting off from Mission Row.
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The only thing I could see this doing is making life incredibly hard and confusing for people who fly government aircraft. Not only do they already have normal radio chatter to deal with and sort through but this would just add more text. In EMS when you have a lot of text based RP, the last thing needed is even more to flood your text box. This would also create essentially double the work as the flying party would still need to make their normal radio calls to their department dispatch on top of this.

Edited by Aldarine
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17 hours ago, Aldarine said:


The only thing I could see this doing is making life incredibly hard and confusing for people who fly government aircraft. Not only do they already have normal radio chatter to deal with and sort through but this would just add more text. In EMS when you have a lot of text based RP, the last thing needed is even more to flood your text box. This would also create essentially double the work as the flying party would still need to make their normal radio calls to their department dispatch on top of this.

I thought about that as well, but you could literally copy the same text and /atc it.

What about the idea of if you /atc, it relays that information on your /r automatically, so you don't have to type it twice? That way ATC gets it as well as your faction radio.

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1 hour ago, Xoza said:

I thought about that as well, but you could literally copy the same text and /atc it.

What about the idea of if you /atc, it relays that information on your /r automatically, so you don't have to type it twice? That way ATC gets it as well as your faction radio.

It still wouldn't solve the issue of just another thing clogging up the text box. It may not seem like a big deal to some people but when you're a medic on scene with a million things going on at the same time, it's already hard enough trying to find /me and /do. This would only make it worse.

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