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Better Clothing System - Outfits, places to change, and more

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It would be awesome to see some changes to the clothing system. Currently, buying clothes at the store is annoying, especially if you want to wear a t-shirt and need to find a compatible top. It's also discouraging to know that it isn't easy to change outfits, since clothes are random unless you memorize where in your inventory you placed them. I'm proposing a new system. This system would work as follows:

1. You go to a clothing store and it hopefully has a better menu, including a text box that says whether or not t-shirts are available.

2. You purchase all the clothing you want, and then select an outfit slot to save them to (maybe have a cap of 4 or 5 outfits).

3. After having your outfits saved, you can head to a dressing room in a clothing store (since they already work and don't need to be added in), the trunk of your car, or your house to get changed. Changing outfits is as simple as typing in "/outfit [number slot that you saved your outfits to]". The timer could take 30 seconds or even 45.

4. For added immersion, you can choose where to store your clothes. For example: one outfit is always in your trunk only, one outfit is in your house, and they can't be in multiple places at once. Such as "/storeoutfit 2" in your house, and that outfit is only available in your house. If you then wore that outfit and went to your trunk to change outfits, the trunk outfit would be replaced with the one you had on previously.


Just a few suggestions for how outfits could be improved. I think these would especially be useful for those with an RP reason for multiple clothes. For example: I RP a man with multiple personality disorder, and I could easily change outfits based on which personality is active.


Let me know what you guys think. I think this would improve RP and the user experience quite a bit.

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I agree to this, though it would require some work but if we could do it, would be really better. Right now, speaking out of experience, it's so hard to find the cloth you wanna wear as it only shows you numbers and stuffs... you have to try everything you got stored on your bag before you can find the one you're looking for..... 

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