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A couple suggestions

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Will be listing a wide range of suggestions in this thread, providing benefits and disadvantages for them too. 
The idea is to have a good list of stuff here, striking them as they are added or notes on potential updates for them.

If you want to clarify, go against a specific idea or whatever you can reference it using the section identifier in brackets and then the number/subnumber e.g "(C1) this can be abused by xxx" or "(G2.2) I agree"

Command Suggestions (C):

1. /fixdimension - Automatically move you in and out of a second dimension to fix many related bugs.
Simply put, for a lot of users who sometimes find themselves in the wrong dimension they can use this command to put them into a second dimension that automatically returns them to the first after 5 seconds. Cannot be used while holding weapons, plus some other requirements so it's not abused (maybe in NCZ's only? Maybe you have to stay still for at least 20 seconds before it teleports you between dimensions?). 

2. /speakervolume [all|nearby|id] [0-100] - Add global (all) and local (nearby) variables to speakers.
Again, this simply lets you globally set the volume of speakers or just the ones nearby to a specific volume. Not to name names but someone putting 10 speakers outside of a store to ward off robbers because they need to do about 5-10 /speakervolume commands is quite annoying. This also allows you to just mute the speakers if they are nearby quickly rather than looking for its ID (also sometimes you can't find the speaker, but you can hear it).

3. /togglehat - Let users toggle hats on/off
Putting this here as it's been requested a lot, pretty straightforward. 

4. /saveoutfit [name] | /equipoutfit [name] | /outfits - new commands to save, equip and check current outfits. 
The idea would be that this command can only be used inside a home, having all the clothes from X outfit in the stash (in bags) or possibly adding a brand new feature of wardrobes. This command is just a really rough idea and can be expanded on.

General Suggestions (G):

1. High End Car Market
--i) Allow the changing of vehicle prices without needing to take it off the market
--ii) increase it's size or add a second location (the car park is huge yet we're using about 15% of it - at least double its size or add a second bay that has a 7% tax)

2. House Management
--i) Let us change the price of a house that we have up for sale without needing to buy it back first (put a house up for sale, couldn't change the price)
--ii) Add a "rented to" system that lets someone else have semi ownership of a house (can add other people to keys but can't remove the main owner) and let them pay the rent the owner has setup weekly at the door in the E menu. (Imagine a "Rent" column that says "Amount Due: $15,000, Due on 06/31/19" with "PAY NOW" button)

3. Watch Accessory being useful
Let it actually tell you the IC time when you do the /time command. Require your phone to be on at least once for a few minutes every 24-48 hours IC for your watch to be calibrated properly, otherwise it slowly begins telling you the wrong time by an hour or so.

4. Updating Drug Icons
Give all of the drugs new, unique looks rather than just a white bag of coke. Because thats exactly how I order my weed to be made.

5. Make jerry cans purchasable at gas stations
RPly fill it up, it takes fuel from the station as expected, put it in your inventory and walk back to the car. I'm talking specifically the pumps and not from the store clerks.


will add more as I think of some or collectively group up more for the list.

Edited by trashplayboi
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