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Low End/High End Changes

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I like the concept of the used car dealerships but there are some frustrations with it.

High End's Roleplay Location

High End is for all intents and purposes, supposed to be a premium used car dealership, correct? Why do we have cars that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars right next to the ocean and beach. Saltwater has an adverse effect on the paint of vehicles, as well as sand potentially damaging the parts of the car. Just seems a little short sighted to have expensive cars parked practically next to the sun loungers on the beach.

We could either move it to another location or split the high end dealership up into multiple locations, possibly creating used car dealerships as a business.

Vehicle Price Limits

It can be really frustrating at the best of times when you want to sell a car and there are no available slots. But when you go through the vehicles like I did today and there are 30 grand Chebureks and 50 grand bikes but a 1/3 full parking lot at Low End, it feels like there is an imbalance.

Set Low End price limit up to $75,000 and High End from $75,000+ so we can more evenly distribute the vehicles and make more use of the available spaces. I feel like the current economy dictates that 75k isn't a massive amount and since New Players tend to gravitate towards the cheaper cars as their "first car", it would give them better cars to aim for.

Add a CityBee Spawn to High End

This only really applies if you keep it in Del Perro and although we have the Taxi Company, they don't always answer. If you are going there by yourself to sell your vehicle, you have to run across town because there isn't a facility to rent a vehicle on that side of town and obviously you don't have a vehicle to drive.

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There are so many dealerships on the beach in coastal cities. Miami is pretty much is known for beach dealerships, you can find real life supers there literally next to sand, probably in Santa Monica too. It takes years for salt air to corrode paint. It's not a big issue as you make it out.

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+1 but not for the reasons you said. I just think there needs to be an additional lot since the HE one is consistently full and there's no room for new cars, the problem is just going to get worse. Maybe add an additional lot for luxury vehicles and keep this lot midtier, or vice versa. 

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I don't think that High-End should be relocated. I do believe, though, that right now, there's no real place for mid-tier vehicles. Perhaps another lot could be added where people could sell their cars that wouldn't really be described as high-end, but also not low-end, like the Chebureks and other vehicles described in your original post. This would mean that less space would be taken up at the high-end, and add another area for RP.

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9 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

There are so many dealerships on the beach in coastal cities. Miami is pretty much is known for beach dealerships, you can find real life supers there literally next to sand, probably in Santa Monica too. It takes years for salt air to corrode paint. It's not a big issue as you make it out.


I dont think I made it out to be a BiG IsSuE but it was a suggestion I felt made sense. There is a difference between having a dealership literally on the beach and a dealership in Miami Beach. The spot in game is pictured above in real life, as you can see there are a lot of cars but I don't see any Lamborghinis or Ferraris. It's a temporary parking area for visitors to Santa Monica Beach.

High End in game, is a big parking lot, with no security on the beach. It's at sea level, open air and at a distance of about 50-100 metres from the water.. 
Likely the salt water won't damage the paint immediately no, but do you really want bird shit on the paint work of your new $400,000 vehicle or sand collecting in the brake pads?

Bare in mind also, these vehicles can be sitting idle for up to a week in character, so it's not even like they are only there a couple hours like the vehicles pictured. They get dirty when exposed to the elements. If this was Low End, it'd be fine. They are hunks of junk anyway, but i'm not sure your average premium car dealerships are putting their stock at risk.

I suppose if you see this as just a game, then sure there's no issue but if things are supposed to be based on real life, then aside from it being a big parking lot, there is no role-play reason to have it there and it should be moved.

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