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RP Score

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Similar to how the uber rating system works, I think it would be good to have that for Eclipse and RP.

So when we /raterp someone, it obviously goes through and the admins can see it or whatever.

I think it would be good if we could have a system where we get a score based on our ratings, and we can see it, we can also see someone elses.

/rprating [id] would show 10 stars above the players head for around 10 seconds, it would show how many stars that person has, i.e 10/10, or 5/10

/stats would also show your RP rating


I think this would be really beneficial, or factions and for loan companies - ensuring that the people they are hiring are good at RP.

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Agree with Alex a bit.

There's also people who just don't like each other (IC or OOC) that might rate based on that. 

Or rate cuz they were robbed, even when the RP was actually good. (be completely honest after a robbery, when I would rate someone, I am not always in the right state of mind to give an accurate, unbiased rating.)

I generally like the idea of holding people accountable, and encouraging great RP, but an actually rating tied to random players opinions of you isn't the way to handle it IMO.


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Agree with Alex a bit.

There's also people who just don't like each other (IC or OOC) that might rate based on that. (pretty sure Id get all 1s from Alex)

Or rate cuz they were robbed, even when the RP was actually good. (be completely honest after a robbery, when I would rate someone, I am not always in the right state of mind to give an accurate, unbiased rating.)

I generally like the idea of holding people accountable, and encouraging great RP, but an actual rating tied to random players opinions of you isn't the way to handle it IMO.

Edited by Jasmine
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Maybe instead of this, we have some sort of "kudos" system?

Just a simple +1 type thing, maybe character limited to 1 an hour to give out, and can only rate a player once (to avoid just giving to you friend over and over).

Something where we reward great RP, without a rating, especially one tied to IC apps and stuff.


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