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Hands Up Animation Overiding any other animation

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This is a pretty simple suggestion that I believe will greatly help avoid issues in RP.

I believe no matter what you're doing animation wise, such as eating, drinking, holding a phone, etc, the hands up animation should take priority, except cuffed/tied probably.

I have found myself in an awkward situations of trying to type /stopeating, /record, or simply putting the phone away with an f2 click in order to free up my character's hands so the hands up animation will work. Thankfully the few times this has happened, the criminals sticking my character up have been considerate enough to give me a break since it's tough to instantly comply and they're trying to be as quick as possible to avoid anyone else passing by during to see the whole ordeal. So shout out to the criminal players who aren't super trigger happy and cut people slack on delays.

In regards to the bit above, I feel like a new player might struggle in such situations which would likely lead to the criminals thinking they're not complying and end up poorly for everyone involved. 

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5 minutes ago, Harry Harmone said:

+1 I guess, but criminals have to give you 30 seconds to comply and I'm sure it doesn't take that long to type those small commands.

Oh it doesn't take long to do it but new players generally panic when robbed so just thinking on their behalf

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As was mentioned, there shouldn't be a need to put your hands up 2 seconds faster.

Criminals, and really all of us, need to learn how to let scenes develop.

A lot of new players don't even know how to do hands up and laydown and down anims. But literally just yesterday got robbed and dude just screamed over voip when I forgot the knees command.

Just relentlessly screaming "bitch what the fuck bitch ill fucking kill you bitch bitch". Even after I asked him OOC to relax and tell me the command. (He didn't know it either).

So not against the idea, but would rather just see admins and staff work to improve the RP on the server. (i.e. make senseless robberies higher risk, and penalize poor RP)

Edited by Jasmine
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