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Have a timer for poker hands

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Howdy everyone

Was just playing at TQ with a full table, and one person forgot that they were still at the table. Obviously, this happens as sometimes situations irl pop up and we need to tend to them immediately. I think that by adding a timer of 10 or 15 seconds, then the poker games would be smoother and there would be no /o spamming of "ID 1 YOUR TURN".

Not sure how easy this would be to implement, but I think the poker table would greatly benefit from it as players who forget that they are at the table take too much time, ultimately losing other players from the table


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While i am in favor of a timer.. 10-15 seconds is not enough time (I have never played at any home game or casino irl where that is the limit on decision making). 40-45 seconds would allow people who have to make descisions on big hands a just about reasonable amount of time to decide. For example you're in a three way pot for 250k or more and the final card (the river) has left open the possibility of your previous hand now being beaten. a smart player will re-trace the action that has occoured in the hand and may well be able to deduce whether to fold, call or raise, based on that knowledge. Expecting someone to do that in 10-15 seconds is unrealistic and would lower the quality of the action at the poker table, catering to a bingo mentality more than anythingn else. Poker is a game of patience, and many people simply do not have the required amount for the game. Those people that want to power through the game are in my oppinion the fish that grinders such as myself thrive on and are mostly paid out by at the table.


For reference the time at a cash game - one which is held irl at a table, is subjective. It is based on the size of the pot and the immense amount of interesting variables that the game of poker can offer. in a huge hand at a cash game in a casino i have personally seen people take up to 5 minutes to decide on hands for huge sums of money, and the people at the table who are no longer in the hand show the respect and courtesy of waiting and keeping their mouths shut because it is real money that they all appreciate the value of. When it comes to RP that same concept applies, and should be roleplayed out as though the money genuinely was real.


to make myself clear there sometimes is a problem with people being afk at the table, currently that is fixed by using the admin report feature as we saw in effect prior to this post being made. personally I think that works, but my over-arching point is that there is a careful balance to be struck on the subjuect of timers vs the quality of poker offered in game.

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