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A few suggestions.

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Now, we've all been in situations where there has been 0 mechanics online, especially as of late. I strongly feel that we should be able to do MINOR fixes to our vehicles, as you would in real life, such as, changing an air filter or a tire on your car. Maybe some basic form of maintenance, like checking over the engine, refilling the vehicle's oil, etcetera. To use this CMD you would have to use /fix, at the hood.


Another thing that should be added is the ability, by command, to open the vehicle doors seperately, like /vhood /vdoor left etcetera. Adding a r next to /vdoor rleft for the rear doors for example. This would help out at the car shows and car meets people like to have ingame, because there are many modifications for vehicle engine bays, and the trunks. For example, the elegy retro's timing belt, and it's gear, or even better yet, something more obvious, the engine brace, which is also customisable.


Doubt the dev teams will see this and consider it, seeing how they have not done much in the way of the communities' interest and more so their own. 


Another suggestion is to fix VOIP. Seriously, there are many other servers that have a stable VOIP system, and all you guys have done so far is added things that are pointless rather than working on the VOIP system - seeing how this server is supposed to be a Voice RP server, I've seen more people typing because of the dreaded client restart taking more time.

Edited by rex_hound
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I belive that when you drive into the garage at a mechanic shop there's a place where you can repair your vehicle only when no mechanics are on duty. I've never tried it, but I've seen the marker for it.

We used to have the ability to open doors separately but it stopped working after we switched to RageMP. Would be great to get it back for sure, +1.

Regarding VOIP they're aware of the issues and yeah nothing we can do but patiently wait for it to be fixed 😞

Edited by MrSix
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+1 to this especially the mech and VOIP suggestion.

If there could also be added an option for the mech bill to fix only the tires for less it would also be a good addition in my opinion especially considering how damn buggy they are and admins having more important issues to deal with. 2tires popped shouldn't cost the same as my engine eating 3 shotgun shells.

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On 3/18/2019 at 4:19 PM, MrSix said:

We used to have the ability to open doors separately but it stopped working after we switched to RageMP. Would be great to get it back for sure, +1.

Looked at plenty of other servers, and they all still have that ability - no idea if it's something they wanna fix, or nah.

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