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Everything posted by rex_hound

  1. Looked at plenty of other servers, and they all still have that ability - no idea if it's something they wanna fix, or nah.
  2. Now, we've all been in situations where there has been 0 mechanics online, especially as of late. I strongly feel that we should be able to do MINOR fixes to our vehicles, as you would in real life, such as, changing an air filter or a tire on your car. Maybe some basic form of maintenance, like checking over the engine, refilling the vehicle's oil, etcetera. To use this CMD you would have to use /fix, at the hood. Another thing that should be added is the ability, by command, to open the vehicle doors seperately, like /vhood /vdoor left etcetera. Adding a r next to /vdoor rleft for the rear doors for example. This would help out at the car shows and car meets people like to have ingame, because there are many modifications for vehicle engine bays, and the trunks. For example, the elegy retro's timing belt, and it's gear, or even better yet, something more obvious, the engine brace, which is also customisable. Doubt the dev teams will see this and consider it, seeing how they have not done much in the way of the communities' interest and more so their own. Another suggestion is to fix VOIP. Seriously, there are many other servers that have a stable VOIP system, and all you guys have done so far is added things that are pointless rather than working on the VOIP system - seeing how this server is supposed to be a Voice RP server, I've seen more people typing because of the dreaded client restart taking more time.
  3. -1, seeing as all other factions now have to pay other players out of their OWN pockets, why should PD get paid for being on duty? It's just going to show that the server favors PD most of all.
  4. With a keyboard shortcut as you said, as well as a command, possibly shortened down to /sb for instance. +1
  5. I feel that VIP/Donators should have a "Buddyinvite" system. In which you are able to give a friend VIP for a limited time, in a previous server they had four levels of VIP, which was Bronze, being the lowest, Silver, Gold and Platinum, Platinum being a permanent one. It would be given through a command such as /buddyinvite [ID] in which both users then have a cooldown on the buddyinvite, say for instance, the reciever of the invite would have to wait around a day, maybe more or less, and the person giving the invite has a similar cooldown. Just my two cents for that one. Another thing that could be added would be a VIP/Donator lounge of sorts, which you have a VIP locker that you can get certain weapons from, or maybe weapon skins in the form of the mods. Then possibly even from that same lounge you can chill out and hang with OTHER VIP's, of course it would have to be an NCZ to prevent random robberies during your chill time there. Again, just my two cents on the matter, though would be cool, wouldn't expect them to be added, and I am expecting people to disagree, and some may agree.
  6. If they're implemented, I'm still not paying the speeding tickets. I'll turn it into a competition like I did in SAMP. Lmfao
  7. Thank fuck I'm not going to be the only one from NG, jesus, I was under the name Michael_Hazel on NG, not to be confused with Mark_Hazel though.
  8. Jim Wesson... Hmm, your name is really familiar? Were you on GTA SA:MP by any chance, under the same name?
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