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Beards for people to use

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So with the long awaited clothing update (that has been rumored but most likely not coming out anytime soon) I would say we would need some more customization for our character looks.

I am thinking that the best way to customize how our character look would be beards, we have a ton of slim looking beards but no lushy and beautiful beards like shown in the picture. I have been scrolling through the resource thread on Rage:MP forums and I found this resource that is open to use by anyone but the thread was made in 2019 so don't know how the beards would look right now. I am down to test it by creating a server myself and just running it for scripting purposes just posting this and seeing if people would like the addition.

Source for picture and resource : https://rage.mp/forums/topic/3313-ragemp-new-beards/

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