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Combat Pistol with HP Ammo is broken

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Date and time (provide timezone): 12/AUG 1:52AM

Character name: Philo Marks

Issue/bug you are reporting: Combat Pistol with HP magazine attachment shows 0/0 bullets

Expected behavior:  I should have a full mag

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate

I put my weapon in the legal evidence when I go on duty, but when I pull it out, or even if I never go on shift, I always end up seeing in the scroll wheel 0/0 bullets. I currently have 84 HP bullets equipped to it, and when I look at the scroll wheel, I only ever see the Flashlight attachment. Sometimes tho, I will have full bullets but most of the time, I won't so I have to basically leave it unused. 




Edited by SquirtleSquad
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2 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

Naw, cuz two others that were there when I did my /report in game were able to use it and shoot.

have you tried pulling it out? ammo might show then.

if you watch this pov, the guys gun says 0/0 until he actually takes it out

Edited by hrxvey
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5 hours ago, SquirtleSquad said:

Date and time (provide timezone): 12/AUG 1:52AM

Character name: Philo Marks

Issue/bug you are reporting: Combat Pistol with HP magazine attachment shows 0/0 bullets

Expected behavior:  I should have a full mag

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate

I put my weapon in the legal evidence when I go on duty, but when I pull it out, or even if I never go on shift, I always end up seeing in the scroll wheel 0/0 bullets. I currently have 84 HP bullets equipped to it, and when I look at the scroll wheel, I only ever see the Flashlight attachment. Sometimes tho, I will have full bullets but most of the time, I won't so I have to basically leave it unused. 




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