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Fix/Implement following issues in poker

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As a long-time poker player on the server, I have come across several suggestions which could be implemented into the system, which overall will make poker gameplay much better and smooth in the future. as almost everyone, and if not everyone at least 90% of the server population has played or is playing poker daily as it is only gambling option at this time, but many times we have came across to some bugs which should be fixed. I will talk each of them down below; hopefully, it will deliver the message as it should. 

1. Implement confirm option while doing all in.

as many of us know poker is a rather fun but exhausting game and as the exhaustion hits sometimes we might make a mistake and go all in without even realizing, me many people before have done the same mistake, and many times it ended up badly if we implement confirm function for such an act, such as ''are you sure you want to go all in'' with the options yes or no, that would be much better for people as not many people will do such a mistake.

2. Implement an optional re-raising function.

while we play poker, we can't re-raise the exact number we wish for. for example, we have the following, we can re-raise from 200-600, from 600-1800, 1800-5600,5600-16000, and so on, but many times it is problematic as it bugs out the system. For instance, if I have 100k and I re-raise to 80k, even if the 2nd guy calls me, I will never be able to put 20k in the game, simply while you klick all in, it just checks for some reason and bugs out, if this will be fixed, overall it will drastically change poker experience for many people.

3. Fix the main bugs.

one of the well-known bugs to the players is following, let's say people A, B, and C are playing the poker match. person A has 20.000$ and a winning hand which beats persons B and C's hands. person B and C both have 30.000$. if they all call the pot, and re-raise it, even though Person C could beat Person B's cards, it might just simply bug out, and the system would not see 2nd winning hand correctly, which in my opinion is a really big issue, and it is getting reported almost any time in the refund section, if we fix the following problem, it will most definitely be game-changing for many people out here.

4. Implement high stakes function. 

poker script in the server also doesn't have 1 really big function which many people be happy to see soon. Our scripts do not have a high-stakes function where for example pre flop could a script be 5600(for example), therefore it could not be abused by random people by joining high stakes and straight-up folding preflop, while players agreed before playing high stakes, where pre-flop would be 5600, that being said, a person could not physically fold before preflop. this is being abused daily and including me, upsets many people in the server, which if changed will make many people happier with the results.

For now, that is the main problem that we could face during playing poker on the server, if I did not mention any major issue, please feel free to comment down below with its examples.

Edited by vajo
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As someone who also plays a ton of poker and have been playing tons of it for over a year, I like the idea of being able to confirm an all-in additionally incase you misclick, though I do want to say a lot of the things you are saying are "bugs" simply aren't, rather I think they're just designed that way and always have been for years.

For example, in your second point, re-raising in Eclipse poker works in a way that you can only raise higher than the previous raise. So for example, if the previous raise was 600, if you want to raise more it would be higher than , (i.e, raising 1800). In your example, if you re raise to 80k in a hand and you are sitting with 20k left afterwards, the only way you can put the remaining 20k is if you raise more than 80k again, (which wouldn't be possible if you are sitting with 100k of course.) Or if someone else raises over 80k and therefore you can call their raise and go all in So this is not a bug but rather just how poker is. 

For your third point, I'm not really sure what you mean as I've played hundreds of hands and the sidepot works properly. If Person A has 10k and Person B and C both have 50k for example, Person A has the best hand and goes all in with 10k, Person B and C lets say both go all in with 50k, Person B beats C but loses to A, Person A would win 30k  (obviously assuming only these 3 are playing at the table) and the remaining money would go to Person B. Keep in mind that poker in Eclipse RP counts the kicker when determining winning hands.

For your fourth point, I am assuming you mean increasing the blind to 5400 or giving people the option to?  I honestly, and I hate scammers in poker as much as the next guy,  but I still don't want this because I like being able to control how high or low we bet even when playing high stakes and I don't want that high of a blind. Maybe allow for some other private tables to have this feature but I'd rather the normal tables stay the way they are in Tequila la.

Lastly, as far as the glitches/incidents you have shown, the only one that is viewable for me is the last one in which you were simply clicking too fast and folded a winning hand which unfortunately sucks but is definitely not a bug/glitch.


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36 minutes ago, Cyrus Raven said:

+1 If needed make the other poker location an NCZ and high-end only table, could maybe drive some players to the Sandy Area

The other poker location needs to be a proper NCZ that is as expansive as Tequila-la (covering the parking lot etc), but even then there is no chance in hell anyone is going up to Sandy to play high stakes with hundreds of thousands of dollars when there is no nearby bank to deposit your cash in Sandy Shores (and we all know those ATMs can't even hold half a pot worth of high stakes money) versus Tequila-la that has a bank literally down the street. Maybe if Sandy gets a bank this could be possible but otherwise it is unlikely to happen in Sandy.

Edited by Victus
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20 hours ago, Victus said:

As someone who also plays a ton of poker and have been playing tons of it for over a year, I like the idea of being able to confirm an all-in additionally incase you misclick, though I do want to say a lot of the things you are saying are "bugs" simply aren't, rather I think they're just designed that way and always have been for years.

For example, in your second point, re-raising in Eclipse poker works in a way that you can only raise higher than the previous raise. So for example, if the previous raise was 600, if you want to raise more it would be higher than , (i.e, raising 1800). In your example, if you re raise to 80k in a hand and you are sitting with 20k left afterwards, the only way you can put the remaining 20k is if you raise more than 80k again, (which wouldn't be possible if you are sitting with 100k of course.) Or if someone else raises over 80k and therefore you can call their raise and go all in So this is not a bug but rather just how poker is. 

For your third point, I'm not really sure what you mean as I've played hundreds of hands and the sidepot works properly. If Person A has 10k and Person B and C both have 50k for example, Person A has the best hand and goes all in with 10k, Person B and C lets say both go all in with 50k, Person B beats C but loses to A, Person A would win 30k  (obviously assuming only these 3 are playing at the table) and the remaining money would go to Person B. Keep in mind that poker in Eclipse RP counts the kicker when determining winning hands.

For your fourth point, I am assuming you mean increasing the blind to 5400 or giving people the option to?  I honestly, and I hate scammers in poker as much as the next guy,  but I still don't want this because I like being able to control how high or low we bet even when playing high stakes and I don't want that high of a blind. Maybe allow for some other private tables to have this feature but I'd rather the normal tables stay the way they are in Tequila la.

Lastly, as far as the glitches/incidents you have shown, the only one that is viewable for me is the last one in which you were simply clicking too fast and folded a winning hand which unfortunately sucks but is definitely not a bug/glitch.


about the 3rd one, what i meant is despite the fact that you are 2nd winner on the hand, if the 1st winner (the main winning hand which wins it all) wins only half of the point due to persons lack of money, 2nd guy could be determined randomly. for instance if we have ACE,KING,JACK, and 2 more random cards on the board, lets say person A with the winning hand which has only 20k wins with straight, person B and C has more money than person A,  but despite the fact that if the person B beats person C, system could take it as the winning of person c. take a look of videos i will share about the following topics right now. https://streamable.com/55lrg7 https://streamable.com/1mmlnv

as for my recent one, you can clearly see that the folding option bumped up to calling option as its systems bug, 2nd we were only two guys who were playing and I already called his all in, despite my mistake fold which was caused by bug, i called his all in, therefore the pot should of been mine.

Edited by vajo
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