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Jonhy Crazy

Ban Appeals Regarding Hacking and Exploits

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Hi everyone,

Today I'm bringing a topic that, instead of giving it a -1 just by watching the title, try to understand and give your honest opinion on. I will understand every opinion brought into this discussion.

The ECRP has a zero tolerance policy against Hacking and Exploits, which I think is a good policy, and they have been enforcing it correctly over the past years. Giving a permanent ban on someone for cheating is totally understandable, and I believe it should be like that, but i believe that it should be looked at case by case. My opinion on this is that some people who have committed that mistake in the past shouldn't be banned for life if they are regretful of it. And yes, I'm one of them. I used hacks on this community for a week, two or three years ago, and of course I'm regretful about what happened, and like me, there is more.

There are probably people who actually make Good RP and were important to the community who roleplayed in multiple official factions, legal and illegal, and they are banned for life for a mistake that they are regretful for. I believe that people should get a second chance for mistakes. Cheating is bad. Of course it is, but i believe that it is as bad as "Not here to RP", as bad as OOC toxicity, and as bad as slurring someone by their race, colour, sexual attraction, e.t.c. Nobody is perfect, and not only me, but people made mistakes while playing in this community, and a mistake that maybe cost them a lifetime ban from a community that they spent hours playing and creating memories in.

With this topic, I just wanted to know the thoughts of the community on it and if you guys think that people with this type of ban should have a second chance or not.

I understand everyone's opinion on this, and I see that I don't have a chance to get back in the community again due to the mistake that I committed. But i wanted to share my thoughts with the community from which I had been away for some years, creating good memories and new friends.

Thanks for everything.

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Extremely huge -1

If you cheat on the server and get caught, you’re actively ruining people’s RP with them not having the ability to stop you. 

Cheating is used to fully give yourself an advantage in a server that you should be focused on RPing, there is no reason for someone who cheated to be allowed back. 

Now i’ll move into your point about NHTRP and others. NHTRP is from what i’ve seen, a blanket name on bans regarding instances of very subpar RP. OOC Toxicity or calling peoples slurs etc, why yes they’re bad, I fail to see how it’s even close to the level cheating is.

Cheating is quite literally breaking GTA 5s Terms and Service while NHTRP and other “IC” rule breaks are exactly that, IC things that they did wrong that broke personal server rules.

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some people got banned 2 years ago the second they got banned they realized how stupid they were and they're sorry about it, I think giving em another chance will be pretty pog.
I know for fact none of them will try to cheat again even IF they do they'll get caught in a week.

but for people who cheated and made montages with it then nah 

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I'll try to be as open-minded as I can for this, although I have a strong personal opinion on this, but let's just try to break it down.


20 hours ago, Jonhy Crazy said:

zero tolerance policy against Hacking and Exploits, which I think is a good policy

First of all, I'm glad to read that you are agreeing with the zero tolerance policy being, in fact, a good policy. So let us keep that in mind for the further analyse of your post.

20 hours ago, Jonhy Crazy said:

permanent ban on someone for cheating is totally understandable, and I believe it should be like that, but i believe that it should be looked at case by case.

Alright, so this is where I will critize you. When enforcing rules it is of great importance that you are very consistent in the way you punish people. This is of great importance so that you can communicate with your playerbase in a clear way as to what is and isn't tolerated on the server.

Reviewing this case by case would thus not be a great idea to me. Not only does it put a larger workload on the administration team - that no doubt is already dealing with a lot - it also makes the line of when to issue a permanent ban very vague. People would send in dozen of appeals in regards to "this person was not perma banned, but I am although we basically did the same thing?".

So for the case-by-case review, I'll have to vote a -1.

Let's also keep in mind you said that the zero tolerance policy is a good policy in your opinion, so it is quite contradicting.

20 hours ago, Jonhy Crazy said:

shouldn't be banned for life if they are regretful of it.

Again, this is very vague. Who gets to determine if someone is truely regretful? Based on what do you determine this? And does being regretful make it okay to break the server rules?

The thing about using cheats to gain an advantage is that everyone knows it isn't allowed. There's no debate needed for that. So at one point, a person deliberately made the decision to download, install and use certain cheats to gain an advantage.

Due to the complexity of determining someone's regret, especially on an online platform where you can write what you want, I'll again give this a -1.

20 hours ago, Jonhy Crazy said:

I believe that people should get a second chance for mistakes.

Here I can agree with you on a certain level. People sometimes - most of the time - do deserve a second chance. And I think giving a second chance for certain rule breaches is a very good thing! This is already being enforced!

But if we pull this second chance wider and give cheaters a second chance also, that means that deliberate cheaters who show no regret should also get unbanned. Cause, well, people deserve a second chance... I don't think this would be a good thing. It also tolerates the use of cheats too much. You could grow a "I will take the risk and play legit if caught" mentality, since you get a second chance anyway...


I get that people do make mistakes, believe me, I do. I certainly don't have an empty admin record myself. The thing is, at some point one must draw a line. Certain things are just so obviously not allowed so a permaban can be justified.

Edited by MrSix
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