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The "all knowing" LSPD database

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From Wikipedia: In text-based online environments such as MUCKs, MUSHes, and other role-playing (RP) games that emphasize role-play over acquiring levels or skills (as opposed to most MUDs), a player can be described as a powergamer if he or she presumes or declares that his or her own action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his or her own prerogative.

In other words: during a roleplay session, your actions have a 100% chance of succeeding. In return the opposite party has 0% chance of counter-acting.


Now there is the LSPD so called database. I'm creating this thread as a result of the following report: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/threads/peter-beense-kevin-porter-for-metagaming.1882/ and I'm curious what opinions are within the playerbase. Apparently this database which the LSPD has acces to has information to every personal detail, posessions and features of our characters. For example: when an officer is driving behind you, he's able to gather all your information based on your license plate. That also means, if you succesfully escape a chase, they have the ability to know your name, vehicles and real estate. Therefore, they're able to arrest you at any time, if you show up in public. But in reality, the person behind the computer, playing the police character just reads your name tag in every situation.


In my opinion this so called database is a synonym to powergaming. Every dispute between a cop and a civillian will be won by the LSPD. Just simply because they have acces to the "database". The civillian has no way to prove the cop wrong, because EVERYTHING is registered in the database. Yet in terms of effort and administration, the LSPD isn't doing anything to upkeep this database.


The cop loses you in a chase, but spots your name tag. He places a warrant on your head just because he saw - what is assumed to be - your car. The next day, you're just chilling at a public place. A cop drives by and MDC's every nametag he sees nearby. They just MDC your name, and see your warrants. Apparently this is enough reason to arrest you, because you know.. "database". "Who cares what vehicles/houses/clothes you posses?"


In my opinion, if this is allowed, we should also allow civillians to have things like fake ID's, plastic surgery, twin brothers, licenseplate changes and what not to make it fair for them. Otherwise, the PD is always right when it comes to roleplay actions that never took place in the first place.


You see where I'm going with this thread? In short, the database allows for no input from the other party in a roleplay scene. So a clarification regarding this matter to avoid misunderstandings would be nice. I know from experience in previous roleplay servers, that a "database" for law enforcement agencies always results in powergaming/metagaming disputes if it isn't actually being upkept manually by the law enforcement faction.


Also based on words from the LSPD in the linked report:

- You should ALWAYS pull over when a cop is telling you to. Creating a pursuit for entertainment purposes is no option, even though we are playing a game for fun.

- Once you flee, you become the most notorious/wanted person in Los Santos. You can never show your face in public, because that wil get you arrested since the LSPD can recognize you by just smelling your perfume.

- Everytime a cop reads your name tag OOCly, gives him the right to identify you ICly because he has the database and knows every detail about your character.

- You cannot roleplay anything to avoid the database.

- When a cop feels like arresting some bad guys, he just visits the car lot and /mdc's all of our names. One of us will have a warrant. He walks up to you and asks for an identification. Bingo! He has a reason to put you in jail for an hour!


What are your opinions on this matter?

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First of all, why are you referring to a Mobile Database Computer as a "so called database". This is not a "so called database" it's very much a real thing which provides us information of someones vehicle registration that provides us details of their name, previous charges, and previous tickets. If I run a license plate and it comes back showing outstanding warrants or unpaid tickets on the owner then I will perform a traffic stop on said vehicle. If I approach the vehicle and the individuals name does not match up to the registered owners I will let them be on their way (given it's not a stolen vehicle, which I will investigate). If the subject inside the vehicle is in fact a suspect on our system coming back as wanted and they have properly RP'd looking different in some way in terms of anything from plastic surgery to dying hair and wearing glasses and etc I will happy let them go if they provide me with proof of such RP.


If not then tough luck because every person we contact could simply say "I put on glasses, dyed my hair, and had plastic surgery" at which point we as police officers would essentially become obsolete on the server. Judging by some of the communities reactions to police it sounds like people are attempting to have us pretty much stand on street corners and wait until we observe someone committing a crime right in front of our eyes. I don't understand what the fuss is around policing RP, in all reality police have the upper hand. Criminals win sometimes, police win most of the time unless you live in some country where it's run primarily by criminals on both ends. It literally comes down to whether or not an individual possess's the intellect level to counter a police officers roleplay. All said and done I will/would give anyone the "win" in a roleplay scenario if they have done so properly.

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. If I approach the vehicle and the individuals name does not match up to the registered owners I will let them be on their way (given it's not a stolen vehicle, which I will investigate). If the subject inside the vehicle is in fact a suspect on our system coming back as wanted and they have properly RP'd looking different in some way in terms of anything from plastic surgery to dying hair and wearing glasses and etc I will happy let them go if they provide me with proof of such RP.

scenario if they have done so properly.


I hope you would ask for an ID first right? Or will you judge from the name tag above our heads?

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I hope you would ask for an ID first right? Or will you judge from the name tag above our heads?

That is correct, of course I would ask for ID. That is the very first point of action on any traffic stop conducted by officers.

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The "so called database" which you refer to isn't cops making anything up. You are complaining that Police Officers are making things up such as drivers license photos yet your character ICly took a drivers test and registered for a drivers license. Drivers licenses are part of the game. If you commit a crime in your personal vehicle registered to you and someone sees your plate, you're most likely going to be questioned about the crime. They didn't "randomly select you from a group of 10 people" they had a search for you placed to all units and all units were able to view the registered owners photo from DMV records. If you weren't role playing wearing gloves or a mask, then its possible someone saw your face especially when they have a DMV photo to compare to also. If you want to role play these actions , take proper evidence of such role play, and provide it to police upon questioning, that is perfectly acceptable. However, you just want to be able to kill people and if cops didn't see you do it or you manage to lose their line of sight, you're off scott free? I'm sorry but that's not how the game works nor does real life work that way. In no way is a police MDC "all knowing" its an effort based upon team work, IC actions to find your information, and so on.


Do you not think police have your DMV photo on record in real life? If you committed a drive by in your car and police saw your plate, you don't think you'd be questioned? If you were on the corner with your friends after a murder, you don't think a police officer would possibly spot you from the group after being told by his commanding officer to look for you? Do you expect an officer who has your DMV photo to check all 10 other people in your group and pretend like he doesn't recognize you from your photos? You committed a crime in a registered vehicle and I understand that we do not yet have vehicle theft system in place making it possible to use other vehicles but the bottom line is, you committed a crime using tools that were easily traced back to your character and you got caught, there was nothing "power game" about that.


You are also complaining about OOC reading of names yet there is a /mask function built into the game if you're truly worried about meta game however I assure you in this scenario it wouldn't have made a difference because no one "just read your name and picked you out" it was a coordinated effort to search for you by photo ID and it turned out successful.

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I mean yeah you should pull over if a cop requests you too, but like RL you can also turn it into a high-speed pursuit. Nothing will happen to you except a bigger fine and a longer prison sentence.

I agree names should be hidden unless given permission to see so they can't just request to see the ID of the person in question on the street (even though a lot of people aren't a fan of it) and then they want to RP that they had plastic surgery, changed their clothes and maybe had a sex-change (how are the police going to accept that you just did it when you could be faking it to get out of the warrant every time you are approached - not like you can admit to having plastic surgery because you are just admitting it was you but you shouldn't be able to know it was them - also you can't accept one person having plastic surgery because they RPd it better than another person who tried to RP it and you don't think they did a good enough job). The police should only be allowed to ask for ID with due process i.e. see you do something illegal, get out the vehicle in question or someone has just called 911 on you for something you've just done and given your description to the police.


All that needs to happen is that we, as a server, agree on what the police can and can't use (not just the police, this is going to end up being done for every group at some point - remember its early days on a newly created mod).

Do we stick with what the police have on their system? The name of the person, outstanding warrants/tickets, the license plate and that's it? Then if someone gives a description of said person to the police (id stick with clothes, skin colour and hair colour) they can use that to ID a suspect on the streets but if the descriptions don't match, but they see the names then the police to not have due process to question you out on the street to see your ID (obviously this goes if we keep names showing). Don't forget fake ID's aren't in the game so I don't agree we should be RP'ing giving fake IDs

Or do we say that the police can view extra stuff on the system where they can see the name of the person, outstanding warrants/tickets, the license plate, a picture of the suspect (clothes won't matter if you change them and yes I understand RL the DMV has a picture and so does your license but to use it against someone IG when you don't actually have it on-screen is completely different level of RP that's what we need to agree on), fingerprints (was mentioned in discord so do police want to RP that they have fingerprints on murder weapons etc? - this could be role-played against a lot of people so they can't RP and get out of a ticket that they wouldn't have gone if they just left, again all this has to be agreed).


Don't forget if you get arrested a lot, here's looking at Billy Biggs (or was it Ethan Briggs), the cops will end up knowing your name very well and what you look like (again, could argue the plastic surgery - maybe just get rid of plastic surgery once we get a better character creation and all get a free change? or just get rid of it until then).



This literally is about what we agree we categorise as due process to be asked for ID, searched etc.

(this isn't a completely correct comparison, just relating to the same groups and adding RP to what isn't in-game) Just think of it this way, if it was the other way around, would you accept RPing tying a cops hands behind his backs when civs don't get zip-ties nor can they take handcuffs off a cop, as a way to overpower a cop? Or would you just have the pistol to his head and wether or not he reacts and risks his life is up to him.

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The plastic surgery argument is a bit lame also. We have that in so you can edit your character to look the way you'd like to portray them, it isn't to be used as a Michael Jackson my skin has changed and i'm completely unrecognizable from all past crimes get out of jail free card.


If you want to role play a top notch criminal I would suggest not using your own house or vehicle and along the lines of wanting your police force to show the up most fair role play you should probably do some extra role play yourself such as icly putting on a mask and gloves, taking proof of this, and committing your crime with some actual pre-meditated thought rather than just doing crimes willy nilly, losing visual of the police, and getting mad that they have your name from your license plate which is completely realistic.

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The plastic surgery argument is a bit lame also. We have that in so you can edit your character to look the way you'd like to portray them, it isn't to be used as a Michael Jackson my skin has changed and i'm completely unrecognizable from all past crimes get out of jail free card.


If you want to role play a top notch criminal I would suggest not using your own house or vehicle and along the lines of wanting your police force to show the up most fair role play you should probably do some extra role play yourself such as icly putting on a mask and gloves, taking proof of this, and committing your crime with some actual pre-meditated thought rather than just doing crimes willy nilly, losing visual of the police, and getting mad that they have your name from your license plate which is completely realistic.


25k is pretty steep just to avoid the cops for a few crimes, like I'm not saying it should be possible but whoever is doing that is mr. moneybags right now, due to the crashes anyone in a normal job like trucking takes ages to get 25k unless you are grinding all day.

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Can I ask that the police put out a statement of probable cause, just one that we can agree on so there's no question on meta gaming with the name showing? (This is one I took from my old Arma 3 Altis Life server so obviously it won't be exactly the same) - ALSO I understand the police force may have one already but could you make it public so we can all get on the same wavelength, agree and any disputes from now on will be brought to the forums and if it breaks any agreed upon procedures then people can take action. (again, this isn't just at the police, we are going to have a huge influx of this sort of thing when the criminal update is out)


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dZjhovHu16FNYtNgGfzyDfNaHtDGit2ZLUJYiDFlp5M/edit?usp=sharing << full document here if you care to do something like it


Probable Cause

The following is a guide to assist in determining Probable Cause.



-Direct Witness

If you personally witness a crime, then you are allowed by law to restrain the individual(s) and charge them accordingly, be it with a verbal warning, ticket, or jail time.


-Eye Witness

If a civilian provides intel of a crime, it is often very difficult to determine the legitimacy of such claim. Therefore, gather as much evidence as possible, and move forward. (IE: 911 Call comes in about a Red SUV traveling well over speed limits on the highway near the airport. If you see such a vehicle with said description, it is enough to pull them over and question the subject. (This does NOT give you probable cause to search the vehicle.))


-Relayed Witness

A relayed witness is simply another officer giving you his first hand information on a crime and/or suspect. Proceed with Direct Witness Procedure at this point.


Probable Cause

-Seeing a person(s) or vehicle(s) in an illegal area.

-Seeing a crime committed, or a seeing a civilian that is on the wanted list.

-Individual(s) having illegal weapons/vehicles.

-Suspect(s) evading arrest.


NOT Probable Cause

The following are examples of something that is NOT Probable Cause.


-You see a truck on a highway, it is NOT probable cause.

-You see a vehicle NEAR an illegal area, it is NOT probable cause.

-You are told someone is doing something illegal by a civilian, this is NOT probable cause.

-You see a civilian across the street from cocaine processor, is NOT probable cause.(They actually have to be in the building).



Grey Areas

Unfortunately, this comes with the game, and must be treated with legit role-play.


For example, you see a vehicle on a road to/from an illegal area, it is not means for probable cause. HOWEVER, you may pull them over, and question them. You may ask to search them or the vehicle, if they give their consent, you may search their vehicle. If they refuse, you are not allowed to search. If you do NOT have probable cause, you need the civilians consent before you can search. If you are ever unsure as to whether or not you have probable cause, ask a senior officer. If one is unavailable and you cannot get a definitive answer, assume you don’t have probable cause to search. It’s better for one criminal to get away, than for officers to overstep their bounds and violate the rights of the citizens of Altis.

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That's completely right Reevesy, our guidelines are in congruence with the information you posted. I wasn't the arresting officer or even online at the time of the incident nor have I talked about this with anyone else so I can't be exactly certain the steps that were taken but I believe the officers involved have provided sufficient evidence for probable cause being that he was in his own registered vehicle and i'm guessing he probably still had the fire arm on him (no one has mentioned this yet and i'm not sure). However if he's wearing the same clothes, has the same skin color, and its his car registered to him, and he has a gun on him... that's enough evidence for a cop to lock you up in real life trust me.


EXPANDING on this though -- IF an Officer breaks the rules in regards to probable cause, this can be taken as an IC issue also. We have an IC report an officer and Internal Affairs can investigate this Officer, and he will have to provide his rationale for having probable cause and could face punishment or loss of employment for misconduct. Obviously if its complete corruption that is just not allowed on an OOC level but in THIS situation it is really a pretty normal scenario and if he felt he was searched without cause he could report it IC. I would have cleared the Officer in this case if the decision were up to me.

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Few questions for you, good sir... before I tear this apart.


1. How old are you in real life? or if too personal, are you over the age of 18?

2. Do you have a drivers license?

3. Have you graduated high school?

4. If you were LSPD, what would you want done?

5. What is your main goal here? What do you want or hope to accomplish? do you basically want us to just let you and others like you to just get away with anything and everything pertaining to breaking the law and getting away with it?


I am trying to understand you further, in efforts to do that, I need to know the above asked questions.


Just a heads up, before I do proceed... this database is called the MDC, MDT, or some call it MCT. Which stands for Mobile Data Computer, Mobile Data Terminal, or Mobile Computer Terminal.


Also, many in vehicle MCT's have the ability to connect to the state/federal NCIC (National Crime Information Center system) as well as their local agencies RMS (Records Management System). In the state, where I am located, here in Murica, we call it LEIN, or Talon. LEIN is (Law Enforcement Information Network). Talon is just a product name provided to the state, county, and local public safety agencies in order to connect to the state and national databases, NCIC, etc.


Doing an American based Google search would yield you tons of results in what all these do does.


Before choosing to go to "war" with LSPD, I would strongly suggest that you properly educate yourself on things of which we talk about. Especially if you are not from America, nor understand driving, police abilities and actions, and cause and effect of actions regardless of police involvement, and so on.


I am willing to answer questions, but please understand that trying to get out of tickets and jail time by trying to get the server on your side, will have a poor result. There is much to learn, lad.


I look forward to hearing back from you prior to proceeding further with this conversation.

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Really? -_- This didn't have to go this way Giovanni. Just casual discussion about what everyone agrees is acceptable to use in RP, we get it, you know your RL shit, we don't have to talk about what's in real police cars in America and the names for it all, surely? -_-

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25k is pretty steep just to avoid the cops for a few crimes, like I'm not saying it should be possible but whoever is doing that is mr. moneybags right now, due to the crashes anyone in a normal job like trucking takes ages to get 25k unless you are grinding all day.


It is not about the price so much as it's just power gaming. You would need a lot more than 25k to become unrecognizable also. If someone truly wants to research how much it would cost to receive completely unrecognizable face changing surgery and throw away a million dollars and gets prior admin permission perhaps we can role play that but as for an average player just running by the local hospital and being relieved of all crimes... No.


How would you like it if you're in a gang and the gang across the street murders you and then spends 200k and changes their faces and tells your entire gang they can't retaliate because their gang all just got reconstructive facial surgery? It can go all different ways lmao.

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How would you like it if you're in a gang and the gang across the street murders you and then spends 200k and changes their faces and tells your entire gang they can't retaliate because their gang all just got reconstructive facial surgery? It can go all different ways lmao.

:D AHAHAHAHA that would honestly be incredible. Change their faces and clothing(inc. colours). You'd honestly not know they didn't join a different gang anyway but if I saw that I would actually cry with laughter, that would be some absolute funny shit.

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Do you not think police have your DMV photo on record in real life? If you committed a drive by in your car and police saw your plate, you don't think you'd be questioned?

You are also complaining about OOC reading of names yet there is a /mask function built into the game if you're truly worried about meta game however I assure you in this scenario it wouldn't have made a difference because no one "just read your name and picked you out" it was a coordinated effort to search for you by photo ID and it turned out successful.

I wouldn't complain if the MDC was limited to linking a getaway vehicle to an owner. However, the suspect in this case should be in close quarters with the vehicle in order to get associated with it. There was a discussion about this on discord, and some officers were intending to use the MDC excuse for everything. They know your shoe size, your origin, where you've been due to CCTV, and you name it. More or less for everything when there's an arrest, and evidence needs to provided, in order to make it justified you only need to mention "MDC" according to them.


Maybe since people think I'm mad about the report, I can tell you in short what happened. Though this is going off topic. It's just an example of what can happen if the MDC excuse is overplayed.


24 hours ago I had been in a chase, where I escaped the cops. Note that my vehicle has blacked windows and I'm a negro wearing a cap, sunglasses and a long coat. The next day there was a RP situation where a person got killed near the Car Market. Obviously 10+ people gathered around, including me. Then a medic and a cop arrives on scene after a 911. The cop pulls over his car and starts using the MDC. Presumed to be MDCing every person in the crowd. Do I need to say more? Next he apprehended me and asked for an ID and stuff. Note that I wasn't near the getaway vehicle from yesterday's chase. When I started a discussion, trying to make this RP more detailed by ICly asking for evidence in multiple ways, he just played the wildcard. "We know you own this car and that house.." "You were there and there" "Your friend is wanted too".


If not then tough luck because every person we contact could simply say "I put on glasses, dyed my hair, and had plastic surgery" at which point we as police officers would essentially become obsolete on the server. Judging by some of the communities reactions to police it sounds like people are attempting to have us pretty much stand on street corners and wait until we observe someone committing a crime right in front of our eyes. I don't understand what the fuss is around policing RP, in all reality police have the upper hand. Criminals win sometimes, police win most of the time unless you live in some country where it's run primarily by criminals on both ends. It literally comes down to whether or not an individual possess's the intellect level to counter a police officers roleplay. All said and done I will/would give anyone the "win" in a roleplay scenario if they have done so properly.

Exactly how you described should be fair to both parties. It wouldn't make sense for a suspect to say "I had plastic surgery" or "my twin brother" if it actually didn't happen from a roleplay perspective. It gives the person a wildcard to avoid the jail. But in return there's the police database that is a wildcard for cops to get someone to jail, without putting effort into any investigation or roleplay effort. How do you know what my shoe size is without actually putting roleplay effort to investigate? (exaggeration)


Right now the MDC discourages every action that will provide tension/thrills between the cops and suspects. Is he LSPD really getting enjoyment out of pulling over people for routine checks only? I know for a fact that people like having others look up to them. You have to comply at all times, because once you're on the screen of the cop, they have all your information and the right to arrest you at any point if you show your nametag in public. The /mask feature shouldn't be protecting a player against metagaming, otherwise it should be a costless feature. Sounds an overpowered privilege and powergaming to me. You either have the option to become the most loyal citizen or the most wanted criminal.



1. How old are you in real life? or if too personal, are you over the age of 18?

2. Do you have a drivers license?

3. Have you graduated high school?

4. If you were LSPD, what would you want done?

5. What is your main goal here? What do you want or hope to accomplish? do you basically want us to just let you and others like you to just get away with anything and everything pertaining to breaking the law and getting away with it?

Hi Ethosyde. We're having a proper discussion here, the way you're posting seems like you're triggered and take it too personal. If you're a girl on her period in real life I might understand. But I'll answer your questions. Maybe you just need to know if someone comes close to your achievements in real life before it's justified to take him serious.


I'm 21 and I do have a drivers license without any infractions. In fact I probably drive 3 times the amount in a week, than you do in a month. Since I'm 21, I'm attending to a university and have studied economics, management and laws. Now I've shared my background, I can move on. (Don't mind sharing yours, I'm sure you're very succesful in real life and that's the reason of your attitude :))

If I was the LSPD, I wouldn't have /MDC'd every guy in the crowd, by nametags. I would actually put effort in the arrest, and wait for solid evidence that the person from yesterday's pursuit is the one I'm eyeballing. For example, when he's driving the getaway vehicle. My main goal here is to provide criticism on the ruleset or to get clarification about it in order to avoid further misunderstandings in the future. As you can tell, it's not about me. If your attitude wasn't that shallow, you could understand that it's much more than just me pleading to be able to "break the law and not go to jail". You're exactly the type of cop that would use the MDC as a wildcard for everytime someone asks you for evidence. Note that this is a roleplay game, and not real life. The information in your so called Talon in real life, is administrated and managed by real people. Even then, it might have flaws of incorrect or outdated information. That's not the case in this server. I suggest you to read up on "powergaming" and how it affects roleplay games.


Thanks for the effort in creating a reply, though the written context has 0 contribution to the discussion.

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You know what I'm done with this. Now before any douche on their high-horse thinks I've been asked to make this post, no, I'm just not spending my free-time online arguing with a bunch of people I don't know and waste my time arguing over a game.

Now, was this post aimed at cops? Yes. Should it have been? No, I could have made it neutral. Why was it? Well dick vane told me I wasn't involved in a situation I had an opinion on so I shouldn't post, and rightfully so as I didn't read the rules of "report a player" forum, so I made this thread and named it as such so that he would see it and know I was giving my opinion and a suggestion on how to make sure that certain report happens again.


Now, like I said it's not aimed at cops, how about imagining people going after someone for the fact they saw their name in a shoot-out/gang war etc (I know not all gangs have their own colours) so I thought as a way to not be targeted and to also make people sure they kill the right person that the removal of names would be good. Also would make good RP, as imagine they mistake the person for the member of another gang and in doing so they kill a member of another gang and end up in a gang war with 2 people? Does it happen RL? Yeah. Would it be fun to see happen? Yeah.


I'm going to ask @nobodyltu or any of the admin team to just lock this stupid thread as a discussion has turned into the wrong sort of debate, its heated and it's pathetic.

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I wouldn't complain if the MDC was limited to linking a getaway vehicle to an owner. However, the suspect in this case should be in close quarters with the vehicle in order to get associated with it.


Your plate was taken at the time of the crime, meaning we saw your photo at the time of the crime. Thus, we had your picture the night before. They didn't MDC your name out of a crowd, that's not how it works, although you're making a lot of assumptions that are just not true. This is exactly how the vehicle and plate number are used. If anything by using the MDC he is showing his character checking up to make sure its you again on the computer which shows that he wasn't just reading your name and charging you at all.


There was a discussion about this on discord, and some officers were intending to use the MDC excuse for everything. They know your shoe size, your origin, where you've been due to CCTV, and you name it. More or less for everything when there's an arrest, and evidence needs to provided, in order to make it justified you only need to mention "MDC" according to them.


"Them"... Which officers? Not a single officer in the PD uses it like that or they'd be reprimanded. None of those things are possible, but you're trying to create an extreme out of your argument to fire other people up.


Maybe since people think I'm mad about the report, I can tell you in short what happened. Though this is going off topic. It's just an example of what can happen if the MDC excuse is overplayed.


24 hours ago I had been in a chase, where I escaped the cops. Note that my vehicle has blacked windows and I'm a negro wearing a cap, sunglasses and a long coat. The next day there was a RP situation where a person got killed near the Car Market. Obviously 10+ people gathered around, including me. Then a medic and a cop arrives on scene after a 911. The cop pulls over his car and starts using the MDC. Presumed to be MDCing every person in the crowd. Do I need to say more? Next he apprehended me and asked for an ID and stuff. Note that I wasn't near the getaway vehicle from yesterday's chase. When I started a discussion, trying to make this RP more detailed by ICly asking for evidence in multiple ways, he just played the wildcard. "We know you own this car and that house.." "You were there and there" "Your friend is wanted too".


Again-... He ran your plates the night before. They can run the plate number at any time after that as they have it documented (a player writes it down). Thus, if he thought, hmm, that guy looks familiar from the other day. Let me run those plates again. He doesn't need to be anywhere near your car, and neither do you. He's seen your photo and now he saw you and then he ran the plates again to double check once he saw you. I don't know what is complicated about that. You still fail to state if you had your gun on you which would in turn tie you to the crime even more.


Exactly how you described should be fair to both parties. It wouldn't make sense for a suspect to say "I had plastic surgery" or "my twin brother" if it actually didn't happen from a roleplay perspective. It gives the person a wildcard to avoid the jail. But in return there's the police database that is a wildcard for cops to get someone to jail, without putting effort into any investigation or roleplay effort. How do you know what my shoe size is without actually putting roleplay effort to investigate? (exaggeration)


There is no police database that is a wildcard for cops to jail anyone. That's just your opinion after a few times being arrested for crimes you did actually commit. You commited a crime and police saw you... You got caught. There's no investigation needed when you literally perform a crime in front of a cop with no efforts of role play to conceal identity of any sort besides saying your guy had a hat with sunglasses and tinted windows. Again, did you have your gun? Were you wearing the same hat and sunglasses? Were you wearing the entire same outfit?



Right now the MDC discourages every action that will provide tension/thrills between the cops and suspects. Is he LSPD really getting enjoyment out of pulling over people for routine checks only? I know for a fact that people like having others look up to them. You have to comply at all times, because once you're on the screen of the cop, they have all your information and the right to arrest you at any point if you show your nametag in public. The /mask feature shouldn't be protecting a player against metagaming, otherwise it should be a costless feature. Sounds an overpowered privilege and powergaming to me. You either have the option to become the most loyal citizen or the most wanted criminal.


No one is doing "only routine checks" you're extremely far off of knowing anything about what we do and that is apparent but you aren't seeming to follow the evidence path we are laying out for you very clearly. No cop has all your information as soon as you're on their screen. Your entire post is just an exaggeration quite honestly. Your name tag IC is your facial description. Thus **describes John_Doe** is simply describing the face of someone. You are able to role play covering your face, or if you have the option to /mask that's an easy way to avoid that but even then you STILL need to role play wearing a mask or your face can be recognized by your stranger ID. You can very easily post a screen shot here of you roleplaying the use of "/me pulls a ski mask over his head as he gets prepared" and then it would be a different story. However, the burden of proof is on you to show this role play. I can very easily show you a picture of our MDC database and the information it gives -- although it doesn't truly provide pictures that's a realistic thing. It doesn't however provide any type of shoe type or anything like that.


Hi Ethosyde. We're having a proper discussion here, the way you're posting seems like you're triggered and take it too personal. If you're a girl on her period in real life I might understand. But I'll answer your questions. Maybe you just need to know if someone comes close to your achievements in real life before it's justified to take him serious.

Although it may be a little rude to question your age, age very well may play a role into your understanding of how police operate or the methods we are explaining. Do not post sexist remarks in response or insults in return.


Note that this is a roleplay game, and not real life. The information in your so called Talon in real life, is administrated and managed by real people. Even then, it might have flaws of incorrect or outdated information. That's not the case in this server. I suggest you to read up on "powergaming" and how it affects roleplay games.

Again this proves how extremely off base you are. The entire programming code for the MDC in which we use was written by the Deputy Chief of Police. It runs of databases which are filled as you complete check points realistically in the game. For example when you acquire a license, it will show in our database that you have a license. It is not a black screen in which we pretend to look at and make up information. Our code very well may have flaws as well and what about your photo was outdated? I don't follow. No one is powergaming in your situation and the extreme situations you're describing aren't really allowed or how things occurred.

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