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Carl Vespucci

Scripted support registers + More food Options

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So, I spent about 20 minutes looking back into previous suggestions to see if this has been suggested and didn't see anything; or maybe it even exists and I'm unaware of it. 

Scripted Support Register/TSR
Suggestion: Making a furniture item with script support that allows people to make transactions similar to Burger Shot. (Register or TSR)

I feel like when you arrive at a player made business to be directed to a vending machine; it kind of kills the immersion of it being a business. 
With this script support; I think people would want to open their business up. 


Custom Food Recipes: These items would be comprised of the items used via the gathering skills such as hunting/fishing. I'm merely suggestion; each animal meat could be made into a different byproduct with maybe the combination of another product. (Mabye the products from farming could be implemented tieing in another free lance job. EX Wheat Poultry = chicken sandwich.. etc or a shop could be like a grocery store that would sell all secondary products (bread/lettuce/cheese/tomato etc. These products being useless on their own, once combined with a diffrent form of meat; can be made into a product that people could use in their business model. 

This would create a market for bigger for hunters; allow people to have items that aren't obtained other then by someone who has invested in (furniture item that would help craft these recipes). 

With these 2 additions to the game; It appears to me as if these features both exist; I'm no developer but if the groundwork is already layed, this could create a massive influx in player owned businesses operating with script support by only using the mechanics we already have in place. 

*This is not a suggestion to remove vending machine shops* I think that's a great idea for people to obtain revenue from their product without having to constantly sit at their business. But If someone opened businesses at high population areas this could result in a lot of good RP; sense of pride of a person in their business. 

Edited by Carl Vespucci
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6 hours ago, Carl Vespucci said:

So, I spent about 20 minutes looking back into previous suggestions to see if this has been suggested and didn't see anything; or maybe it even exists and I'm unaware of it. 

Scripted Support Register/TSR
Suggestion: Making a furniture item with script support that allows people to make transactions similar to Burger Shot. (Register or TSR)

I feel like when you arrive at a player made business to be directed to a vending machine; it kind of kills the immersion of it being a business. 
With this script support; I think people would want to open their business up. 


Custom Food Recipes: These items would be comprised of the items used via the gathering skills such as hunting/fishing. I'm merely suggestion; each animal meat could be made into a different byproduct with maybe the combination of another product. (Mabye the products from farming could be implemented tieing in another free lance job. EX Wheat Poultry = chicken sandwich.. etc or a shop could be like a grocery store that would sell all secondary products (bread/lettuce/cheese/tomato etc. These products being useless on their own, once combined with a diffrent form of meat; can be made into a product that people could use in their business model. 

This would create a market for bigger for hunters; allow people to have items that aren't obtained other then by someone who has invested in (furniture item that would help craft these recipes). 

With these 2 additions to the game; It appears to me as if these features both exist; I'm no developer but if the groundwork is already layed, this could create a massive influx in player owned businesses operating with script support by only using the mechanics we already have in place. 

*This is not a suggestion to remove vending machine shops* I think that's a great idea for people to obtain revenue from their product without having to constantly sit at their business. But If someone opened businesses at high population areas this could result in a lot of good RP; sense of pride of a person in their business. 

 if people could make their own stands at pier maybe would be great addition with this idea in place pier will be popin and its already crowded so it will be even more crowded so lot of interactions will happen. but in general i think this is W idea so +1

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