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Game Development Should Make RP Sense

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When changes are made in development they should make RP sense. (this does not mean don't update... I just want them to make logical sense...)

For instance:

  • It does not make sense for someone who's been cooking for years to all of a sudden start spilling their product, when they never did previously (I mean how does one even refer to that ICly? Just remove private labs already... people are grumpy about change regardless! I'm sorry I said that please don't make this another should we or shouldn't we have private labs threads.)
  • How does one fail at cleaning a table? Or refilling a water bottle?
  • Why do you need to unpack cleaned cash? Wouldn't you unpack the plastic wrap prior to cleaning the marked bills?
  • Why remove the ability to refill water at the water cooler in properties when that made logical sense? (I know PRIVATE LABS, but seriously... it actually does make logical sense to have us be able to refill)

These are the only ones I can think of as of right now... this is just an opinion. Not a targeted attack on any person, place, or thing.

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its more to stop people afking in their labs for 3 hours and printing money, so more activity for gangs, pd/sd come around. a lot of things don't make rp sense but these ones are to better the server in every way except for people who abused it for the 3 hours a day and now can't farm money risk free. -1

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3 minutes ago, hrxvey said:

its more to stop people afking in their labs for 3 hours and printing money, so more activity for gangs, pd/sd come around. a lot of things don't make rp sense but these ones are to better the server in every way except for people who abused it for the 3 hours a day and now can't farm money risk free. -1

You missed the point where I just said remove the labs. Then why do these changes need to stay if they're removed? They don't. They don't make rp sense. But again, that was not the point of my post...

Edited by Buggs
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3 minutes ago, Buggs said:

You missed the point where I just said remove the labs. Then why do these changes need to stay if they're removed? They don't. They don't make rp sense. But again, that was not the point of my post...

They did not miss the point. The changes are there because it's a video game; they are there for balance/economy reasons. If they do not make sense RPly, you will just need to suspend your disbelief.

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I'm a little 50/50 on this.

  • How does one fail at cleaning a table? Or refilling a water bottle?
    • I disagree with the water bottle changes personally to an extent, I would rather have preferred something like just an animation and a timer. I'm exaggerating this, but you shouldn't be able to fill up 200 empty bottles in one go.
  • It does not make sense for someone who's been cooking for years to all of a sudden start spilling their product, when they never did previously
    • I agree to some degree, someone who's been cooking for quite a while would learn what they're doing and minimize their mistakes, but there should be some balance.
  • Why remove the ability to refill water at the water cooler in properties when that made logical sense? (I know PRIVATE LABS, but seriously... it actually does make logical sense to have us be able to refill)
    • I do agree with this, water should be able to be filled up using something that would make sense for it to have water, like a sink or refrigerator, I'd rather be able to give my character clean water, as opposed to the current system of river/ocean water.


Balancing a game while keeping the community happy is extremely difficult, as you're always going to have people agreeing and disagreeing with what changes are implemented, and I have nothing but respect towards the developers.

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26 minutes ago, Buggs said:


  • Why remove the ability to refill water at the water cooler in properties when that made logical sense? (I know PRIVATE LABS, but seriously... it actually does make logical sense to have us be able to refill)

People were abusing the fact that the properties are over water. This allowed people to refill water inside properties. People did add sinks etc to RP filling up water from them but it was never an intended feature. 

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It would be great if all of the updates made RP sense, but thats not always possible. The devs need to do what's best for game balance and the health of the server. At the end of the day, the nerfs/buffs to different things in game are for increased player interaction, player enjoyment and to ensure the future of the server. I don't think anyone should argue any restriction on the development updates. Be happy with whatever updates we are able to get. 

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Since posting this suggestion I want to make a few points on whats been said:

  • The suggestion wasn't to restrict development updates on the server, which is why after the first sentence of the post I put this "(this does not mean don't update... I just want them to make logical sense...)".
  • Since making this suggestion, the timer for unpacking cash has been changed from 30 to 15. Meaning that there is some merit to the suggestion.
  • Nerfing something for economic purposes makes sense, but it can also make RP sense as well. For instance, instead of doing a minigame to refill water/clean tables, have it just be a set time or randomize the time between 3-5 seconds so that it can be at different intervals if you want it do. That way people don't have to try to understand why they can fail at refilling a water bottle or cleaning a spill. Or have people unpack the cash (still have it stay the same item in their bags) THEN wash it. 
  • None of these examples stops or limits development. It simply seeks to make it more realistic, which is the point to having an RP server...


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