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911 Call Taker/Dispatcher

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Hello ECRP! 

I've been in the city on and off for about 2 years. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time, however wish that we had some more basic RP opportunities. That being said, I've always played a LEO character and I think it's time we get a change to our 911 system. Currently, you call 911, you say police or medic and then put in 3 words "Guy Shooting at LSC", the phone disconnects and hopefully someone responds. PD/SD gets a 911 text chat in the chat box and that's it. We respond, then close the call. 

While the system works without issue (and I think we should keep it should there not be a dispatcher available), I would love to have some sort of 911 call taker/dispatcher. 


Overall Idea:

PD/SD Calls:

Dispatcher clocks on duty just as any other legal faction member does. They grab a headset and now all emergency/non-emergency calls route to them. They answer the phone, ask questions and obtain information from the caller. The dispatcher would then assign either a PD or SD unit to the call, or call a TAC channel if applicable. LEO's would have more information when walking into a situation, and the caller would be able to provide more information about an incident that is going on. That being said, this would alleviate the "I've been waiting hours at impound", as a dispatcher would pick someone to go and do it (if there was an available unit). LEO's would get friendly with the dispatchers to not get shitty calls just as we would in real life. 911 hang-ups would be an option, as just in real life the phone towers triangulate the caller and it would appear similar to a trace in-game. The dispatcher would send a unit to do a welfare check.

This wouldn't require an MDC overhaul, but just some more new basic functionality. LEO's would need a command/button to set themselves available or unavailable for a call. The dispatcher would need a way to assign a call to a unit (I would think via the unit page). They would just monitor the map, to see where units are in the city. When there is no dispatcher online, the calls would just revert back to text. 

Dispatchers wouldn't necessarily be a PD/SD specific thing, but more of a central San Andreas 911 facility. 


MD/FD Calls:

A person calls 911 and says that their friend has been shot, or injured. They would ask what the injuries were and walk the caller through basic BLS  just as they would in real life. The call taker would walk the caller through CPR, or how to put pressure on a wound until paramedics (or if no paramedics are available PD/SD would be dispatched).  


Thoughts? 🙂

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I'm on the fence of this.

While the idea is neat, and interesting, the issue comes to "night shift", when there is only one to two PD units on, and a couple SD units on, or when there is only one MD unit on.

You would essentially need to create a whole new faction dedicated to just this alone, otherwise, night shifts just run into a stale night of no ones 911 calls coming in. If the suggestion is, if no one is on shift, then it defaults to the current system, then that could work. This would open up the possibility of more jobs for those who don't just want to do construction and/or trucking all day.

If you have a suggestion for when there's no one on shift, I'd love to hear it.

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There are too many factors involved here. How would this be handled with script calls such as store robberies or house robberies? Also, I don't think LEOs would want a dispatcher "assigning" them calls. I also don't think anyone would want to just sit around taking calls as their source of money or RP. That would get boring as hell and we would end up with no one doing it. I would rather devs spend their time on much needed updates on things not working well than adding something unneeded like this that would likely just end up as dead content. 

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Cool idea for realism but just wouldn't work on ECRP. Like Bill said nobody wants to sit around waiting for a call to be assigned. The current call system is fine IMO and could only use some minor tweaks such as Scripted Calls giving locations. A "dispatcher" would just be a waste of resources for devs to create, I highly doubt anyone would even apply for the job if it came out as well.

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