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Change the way debt and collecting salary works

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I believe that a change for salary and debt needs a rework. There's been many times where I've gone broke and worked 4 hours of my time to pay off my debt and haven't earned a single penny from that work because 100% of that goes to the debt. I believe a better change would be so that 75% of what you make should go towards your debt while you get to keep the remaining 15%. I believe that is a fair balance towards paying off your debt and still being able to scrap up money to make a living.

Edited by DontSniffSugar
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im fairly sure pulling salary 100% goes to pay off debt, if you put cash into an ATM though only 50% goes to pay off debt, so if you are stuck in debt you may need to commit a crime to get cash to eat, i dont think its really that bad with the current system. it kinda fosters a realistic RP of repeat offenders that feel they are needing to commit some crimes to get on their feet after a sentence.

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Yeah, the OP is correct. It does pull 100% when you get salary. Also I think there should be an option to just not pay your debt at all. People literally do that all the time IRL.

This is coming from someone who literally doesn't have any debt on any characters. I just think it should be an option.

Edited by Olivia Can
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