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[TWO NATIONS] > Suggestion to divide map into two different countries.

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Hello everyone!

let me just introduce you with another idea that will sink in the pile of suggestions.

IMO the environment in the city is at "stall". Why? Because there is no competition. Let me attempt to explain my vision:

It could be beneficial, if the whole map could be divided into two "countries" or states ( image attached below with a quick markup on possible border )



City B could be named "City of Los Santos" ( or any other name )

City A could be named "State of Paleto" ( or any other name )

Now for the fun part: suggested Red line in the middle could be a border - be it with high fence, armored guards, cctv or anything like that.

Each city has its own elected president, with slightly different government structure / rules that are applied to each part of the map ( A, B )

In each part, elected presidents and government could set, for example, maximal tax ( this needs to be fine tuned, so there isn't one state just to avoid tax ),

thus fighting to attract people from opposite state to work for the competing state and enrich the state with monetary reserves/products/people reserves.

This would stimulate the "fight" between two countries and pushed the people in power to stimulate economical and political growth.



Suggested "red line" could be made via high electrified wall, that is not possible to pass unless player happens to be in possession of a airplane,  but there would be  a few spots that has "broken fence" where people can freely pass from one side to another, that is, if no guard is around. Said spots would change locations randomly, there would not be static holes.

Onto the highways at places of border crossings, a checkpoint toll-booths can be added, somewhat similar to existing ones (they could be removed if this would get implemented), but with more strict design - no illegal guns/drugs/explosives normally would be allowed to pass, in case there is no player at the gate and someone tries to break on the other side, then security signal is triggered towards that country police office, from which the player attempts to pass. If the alarm gets triggered, gate is closed for 5 minutes (or any other amount).

who would be able to work there from players? Ideally there would be two toll booths, one for each side. In example, If i pass from LS to Paleto, first I go trough booth that is controlled by LS officier, then trough the one that is controlled from Paleto officer. How it works up for gangs doing shipments? Gangs will have to either IC'ly break trough, interacting with players, or trie to tip them off with something that they see fit ( example: Gang member offers part of the cut from the guns if he makes it to the other side and sells them )

If there is no player, gangs simply do minigame ( see this too: ) at gates in order to bypass the checkpoint.

Public workers like utility truck money deposit, coroners, truckers etc. just shows their ID at booth and it lets the pass trough without any expenses ( like it is now )

Law enforcement:

Each side would have different structure of Law Enforcement Office, in Los Santos it could be same LSPD, whereas in Paleto it could be sheriff department. Normally, law officer, while on duty, is not allowed to pass border without any reasoning, and it would be classified as illegal, whereas if they are in pursuit of someone, who was able to pass border, they communicate it via dedicated radio comms that is intended for both offices in such scenarios.

How the laws are on each side of the border - that would be up to the newly elected president and their government team (one side might allow shoot-to-kill on sign on attempted breach, while other offers a secure passage like the person going over border is a refugee ,  anyways its up to each country leaders)

Everyday life:

Now, with border line that I have emarginated to be fit, each side has its own set of unique jobs and opportunities for what to do. Only thing that would require a tweak, is that now Weazel news could cover only Los Santos part of the map, while one the Paleto side, new office would be created. They would operate same as weazel do now, but only with limited range of their advertisements. Same goes for mechanics and taxis, fire department and medics.

Each side president and government parties would be able to control what job pays what amount of money, adjust tax for it, and this tax goes to the general account for each site, from which later the politicians decide what amount is spent on police, what on medical, what on other things. This creates a unique chance for a good competition between two sides about who can do it better, attract more people, rise economically faster than other side. 

This would widen the RP possibilities a lot, as there could be situations, where someone rich in country A goes to country B because they have other rules about what is considered "high tax" and so on..

While each country could live its live as the people in it feel fit, it would also be possible in rare occasions that one or another side tries to invade other country, or start a war, that would open another box of "RP Pandora" to the table.  (just an idea)

Final words: The idea is not final and is subject to a looot of changes, so if this is something that players think would be fun to implement, please leave your thoughts, suggestions, criticism! 

Edited by Antonio_Colombo
  • NAY 3
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I like the idea of the competition for players of two states, I believe it would be good for the server if there was a strong IC reason (for some kind of reward to motivate) to change things for the better for the playerbase, and it would surely provide new experiences for the community. But like you said, its an unfinished idea and Im certain that it would take a very long time to implement. All in all its a +1 for me. Hopefully something can spark out of this idea to change things, cause right now its pretty stale and repetetive.

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I'm honestly on the fence about this idea. It would be a huge change as others have said.. it's an interesting thought and honestly feels like a great idea for another server. Something along the lines of ECRP Civil War. If there was significant amount of RP that happened that caused this sort of divide between the two parts of the map, that would be very cool. I just don't know how it would work exactly.

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1 hour ago, Olivia Can said:

I'm honestly on the fence about this idea. It would be a huge change as others have said.. it's an interesting thought and honestly feels like a great idea for another server. Something along the lines of ECRP Civil War. If there was significant amount of RP that happened that caused this sort of divide between the two parts of the map, that would be very cool. I just don't know how it would work exactly.

I think people would become even more hateful, and rude than they already are.

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OK I might overdramatized some of the key points, but main aspect is getting rid of stagnant atmosphere, but that also easily could be just my point of view  over this situation. However, I do believe that changes as drastic as I propose, will filter the casual role players and attract more mature audience, and that might pop up interest in this server. One example could be more streamers/content makers because of more "IC" aspects = more people attracted, which would benefit in better revenue, and that equals more assets at hands of dev's. Just my honest 2 cents. 

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