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Police Activity

Should LSPD be more Proactive?  

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One thing I noticed right off the bat when I started playing this server is that the Police are barely ever involved. You can do 170 KM in a 70KM zone and fly past a cop without him doing anything. Gunshots going off in the city and half the time police don't even go there. I believe that the LSPD should be way more involved in the server adding a more exciting or scary factor to the RP. Doing this will show players that they have to use more skill and tactics when they are trying to pull things off.

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While you hear gun shots, police might be in a massive shootout requiring all units, or in a hostage situation. Just because you only see or hear one situation doesn't mean that thats the only shootout on the server. About the speeding part, we try to go into a chase as often as possible but usually there is no way for us to keep up and we lose the suspect 5 or 10 seconds in. 

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Agreed - Police in an ideal world should be more proactive but the reality is that anytime there is shots fired at an officer or a pursuit it ties up all units.

Unfortunately pursuits and shots fired are very common.

Also the more officers online the more pursuits are initiated etc. 


PD has a traffic enforcement division (which im part of) which proactively focuses almost soley on traffic duty and investigating car crashes etc. Generally speaking they dont respond to 911 calls (unless traffic related). Backup calls are attended if required or if shots are fired at an officer.

All for any ideas for solutions

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I personally just believe that this server needs to start being more strict in their RP situations such as players running from police 24/7 when they DO get pulled over. Not only that, but I believe that just all in general you guys need to have better trained dispatchers to stop all units from going to one shootout. If the LSPD were to starting becoming more strict and act more as IRL cops this server would be sooo much better. 

Edited by bemoz
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Regarding the traffic situation in particular, I don't think you realize the sheer amount of people that blow through the city doing 180 kph or how hard it is to catch up to them from a stop.  It's not easy and would be extremely exhausting if we attempted to get them all considering most going that speed do not pull over.  Police do what they can but it's an uphill battle and for every one car we need to pursue, likely 3-4 units at least will be involved in it.

There's also enough crime in the city that units are almost always occupied with non-traffic related calls.  It's a tough thing to try to balance I've seen for the short time I've been in.  We could improve on some things, definitely, and I'll try to keep an eye out for things I can suggest.  Personally I'm going to be taking my career on the traffic front and try to be doing those speedtraps and such, hoping to god every car doesn't make me call a pursuit situation :P.

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