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Add The Ability To Pay Fines By Talking To Cops Again

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I remember when I first joined the server I had no idea about the /pay blip at MRPD and LSSD for the longest time I only thought you could pay your tickets through having to interact with an officer in his cruiser to pay your fines. Now looking back this was a great little thing as it brought player to player interaction and I lowkey kind of miss it as now its just run to MRPD pay fine with the blip and leave.

I do not know the reasoning behind why this was removed as when I returned after a LONG hiatus I was told this was removed. I can see looking at it how it could be a "nuisance" to LEO's, as people use to just swarm any officer at the pier and be like "CAN YOU CHECK IF I HAVE ANY FINES AND CAN I PAY THEM NOW IF I DO" , but I personally enjoyed this interaction cause it was one of the very few non hostile encounters Criminals had with LEO's. 

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As someone that was an officer back then, the issue was that it required no interaction from the officer. If it worked like frisk where the officer had to accept, it would've been great.

but it ended up being used like driving past a cop and doing /payfines. You just had to be in range, no other requirement.

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2 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

As someone that was an officer back then, the issue was that it required no interaction from the officer. If it worked like frisk where the officer had to accept, it would've been great.

but it ended up being used like driving past a cop and doing /payfines. You just had to be in range, no other requirement.

oh shit really? I had no idea it was like that, I used to always ask if i had fines and if i did could i pay them and they said yah and always did RP as for me to sign something and pay the ticket, damn I had no idea it was just a range thing

Yah if it could be like a /acceptoffer type beat like at weazel or a mechanic and the amount was your fine that could be dope

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I don't like the idea of you paying money to an officer it just seems like a weird concept.

A button on the bank app to pay your outstanding fines (or a phone notification telling you to go to MRPD or sandy station) would be good though as you'd likely be able to pay fines online irl right? 

If the officer interaction is what you want from this as opposed to convenience then disregard this.


But I never get tickets so I don't have much stake in this concept just putting in my 2 cents.

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40 minutes ago, Ash said:

I don't like the idea of you paying money to an officer it just seems like a weird concept.

A button on the bank app to pay your outstanding fines (or a phone notification telling you to go to MRPD or sandy station) would be good though as you'd likely be able to pay fines online irl right? 

If the officer interaction is what you want from this as opposed to convenience then disregard this.


But I never get tickets so I don't have much stake in this concept just putting in my 2 cents.

Just a small "Safe" RP interaction with LEO's without it always being hostile between Crims and Cops regarding fines, jail time, etc..... 

and it wouldn't be paying the cop persay it would be RP'd as like signing an invoice saying you paid the fine and goes directly to the "MDC" or the Tablet thingy. Or even straight to PD treasury I do not mind either

for me its not for convenience, I just want to a reason to interact with Cops without it being something random or Illegal

Edited by XeV
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+1 (with stipulations previously mentioned).

I do agree, having this option adds very small, but sometimes meaningful interaction between Civilian/Criminal Roleplayers and LEO Roleplayers with just such a small thing. I do think it would be nice to bring this back in, however, I am in agreeance with @alexalex303 that there should be some form of a 'mutual' command to it (/approvepayfine [ID]), just to prevent the past issue of people doing drive-by /payfine's.

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