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License Plates and Stolen NPCS Vehicles Fix.

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So if you are a crim that does some GTA around the city one thing is anoying that you have no protection against Police if you are in a stolen vehicle and for instance if you want to park it or hide it somewhere for some short time. Since Police just goes around checking license plates 24/7 and It doesn't matter how you park your stolen vehicle at which angle they will always see the license plate. 

So in real world it takes like 1-2 minutes to remove a license plate from a vehicle and probably few minutes to grind off VIN number and etc from a car, but that's going too far.

So I would say give crims more chances avoid getting into trouble by adding a command to remove license plates, so they wont be visible, using a screwdrive or crowbar.


Also the NPC Cars that are hotwired are appeared stolen instantly for police in MDC, I think that's kinda also unfair becouse mostly in real life it may take few hours or even days to notice the car is missing especcialy if you file a missing car report it will take atleast few hours to get it into system.

So maybe it would be nice to have a random delay between a car to show stolen in MDC from like 1 hour to 10 hours.

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Since Police just goes around checking license plates 24/7

noun - "an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

I don't really agree that that is an accurate statement at all, there may be some of that but it doesn't really have any basis on whether or not something would need to change. If I scan 1 license plate or 10 license plates, it's the same outcome if the car is marked as stolen.


My good friend Elise (one of those police that apparently scans license plates 24/7) had some suggestions regarding the vehicles, because in essence, the problem is not when a license plate is scanned, it's the information that comes back.

  1. When you successfully start a civilian vehicle, your in-game name is attached to that vehicle for x amount of minutes in the MDC. 
    If someone scans the plate of the stolen vehicle within that window, it'd come back as you being the owner so it would be less conspicuous to a passing cop.
    That gives you some time to find a chop shop or whatever you want to do with the car.
    When that window of opportunity concludes, the vehicle is marked as STOLEN and whatever happens happens.
    So, when you steal a vehicle, you will have to get rid of it quickly so you might speed more and can't really just drive around in it with no issue but you are also not going to just get so easily caught if you play it smart.
  2. Instead of it being tied to your in-game name, just keep it as Los Santos Citizen for that window of opportunity.
    Same kind of premise really.
    There would be no obvious way of telling the vehicle is stolen within that window unless a regular traffic stop happened and the police officer asked to see a demonstration of your ownership of the vehicle (which is normal for a traffic stop)

For me, that is a great suggestion because it gives criminals a real chance if they are quick about offloading the car but also, if they naturally get caught then it's one of those things. Fun and fairness on both sides.

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I agree something should be done to make it less obvious that a vehicle is being stolen or has been stolen. Its too easy to detect right now. Something should be put in place for a limited time to give a small window for someone stealing the car to get it to a safer location. 

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On 11/15/2022 at 3:32 AM, Bala said:

There would be no obvious way of telling the vehicle is stolen within that window unless a regular traffic stop happened and the police officer asked to see a demonstration of your ownership of the vehicle (which is normal for a traffic stop)

Problem with this is the meta of "you got keys? turn it off and on again". But yes, the way it's reported, or the time frame, should be different than what it currently is.

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