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About Poppsii

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  1. Poppsii

    Cops 2 OP

    ong cops should have to pay for their own vehicles, pay for the guns they use and not be able to spawn them in as soon as possible, shit is repetitive and just gives crims a no win mentality because as they have to grind and pay for weapons and cars. cops can just spawn it and everything is A okay.
  2. THE BSB SCAVENGER HUNT With the disappearance of multiple BSB members, morale had been at an all time low. So Opal got to thinking and had an interesting idea to get the family re motivated and start rebuilding the chemistry they once had. She came up with the idea of a BSB scavenger hunt. The plan was simple, she would place notes around the city each containing a little riddle guiding them to the next note and so on, this would in turn force the teams to work together and get actively involved. Upon reaching the final location, the winners would get 10k each, Second would get a .50 each and last... well just wait and see what happens to them. There were a few rules that were put in place; No cheating- going on each others freqs, no stealing each others cars, no shooting each others tires You only had 2 hours to complete all of the notes Only 3 calls for hints You have to send Opal a picture VIA text of you at the location of where the notes were, including the whole team in the picture You MUST put the notes back once finished No moving the notes at any point You cannot progress until the team captain has sent the group photo at the location Opal divided the Brotherhood into three groups of three. The first team was: Jay, Anita, Sage with the late addition Jack The Second team was: Bruce, Elijah and Drew The third team was: Carl, Kat and Dontavious So once the teams were made, Opal stated they had 2 hours on the clock and told them to "Run", without hesitation they all raced to their cars and set off for the first note which was located at Bridge Street. Once it began Opal and Koda went to the final location. Where they awaited in anticipation for the teams to arrive. They started off well with all teams getting the first couple of locations with ease and pictures coming in from each of the teams captains! Then... Bruce's team had a bit of an.... issue let's call it. After that situation the teams resumed and continued on with the hunt, with Carl's team in the lead, Jay's team following closely behind and Bruce's team left in the dust. Time had past and the teams were coming to the end, when Opal goes on Carl's teams freq and hears that they had crashed just below mount chiliad, knowing they were so close Opal yelled down the radio "JUST RUN UP!" So that's what they did. Dontavious had gone quiet, we had all assumed he had fell down the mountain... with Kat and Carl knowing all teammates had to cross the finish line they got extremely worried. But Dontavious was just being a troll, he started to scream as he got to the end. With them reaching the top Dontavious lets out a victory scream "WE WON! WE AT THE TOP BABY, IM THE KING OF THE WORLD!" and proceeds to bark.... So anyways, Carl's team won. But the other teams weren't far behind, as they were racing up the mountain Drew driving for Bruce's team and Jay driving for his team were neck and neck, you could feel the tension as they rode up the mountain just inches away from the finish line. Out of nowhere you can hear a loud bang that rang in your ears from down the mountain, the unforgettable sound of a single .50 bullet being fired. Bruce's team now had a gap on Jay's team... Bruce's team was second to cross the finish line, unfortunately for Jay's team in last place. After a short discussion it was quickly found out that Bruce's team had decided to CHEAT and shoot out one of the tires from Jay's team vehicle. It was none other than their team leader Bruce... I guess Karma does exist... So Opal talked with Koda and decided that the second team would not be receiving their prizes since they cheated. But the losers... still had to carry out their punishment however unfair it was. Which was leaving them at the TOP of the mountain forcing them to run down, So Sage, Jack, Jay and Anita had to run down the mountain thinking over what they could've done differently
  3. The Story of Opal Villain. It has been a long but rewarding road Opal has had. Opal was certain she had found the place for her, that accepted her for who she truly was. But that idea started to dwindle pretty drastically, And I’m about to tell you all about it. So, get comfy, it’s a long story… So, her and Koda were the first recruits to Lost Santos Royals. OG’s to royals if you’d call it that. Although she didn’t precisely know what she wanted in joining them, she knew who she wanted to become. A strong, known and well-respected person within the city. And for the most part, she had become just that. But she started to learn fairly quickly that she wasn’t in the right place to better herself. To become the best version of herself possible. Royals taught Opal a lot. Strategy, elegance and efficiency were key components to becoming successful. With these 3 attributes they robbed banks, stores and held labs consistently. Everything was going smoothly. Until royals had to change a lot about them to fit into the ‘perfect image’ to get to the top. Opal wasn’t happy with some of the changes, not wearing certain clothing, colours and acting certain ways. She felt that a part of her had been stripped away. That she wasn’t able to express herself and therefore turned into someone everyone else was happy with, but her. So, she left. She left the only family she had known. Not knowing how she would survive on her on. She felt like it was the only possible action she could’ve taken. On the road; alone once again She had given it some thought and decided to join another organisation, she knew some people there from other organisations that had merged together, they were called ‘Shenzhen Dragons’. It was going well but unfortunately it came to a quick end when the leaders decided to disband. However, whilst she was with Dragons and Royals. She kept hearing one name that took her attention. Right from the beginning she always said she liked how this gang went about things, how they handled situations and how they acted towards society. So, she set her attention to them, and asked around about them, gaining negative and positive opinions, her decision wasn’t influenced. She knew what she wanted to do, and that was to join BSB. She Met Carl Daquarius, who him and Opal hit it off right away. From talking shit to each other she finally asked the question. He said he’d get in touch with her with high commands at BSB. He texted her telling her to go to Bridge Street, there she had met Christopher Bridge and Jay Valentino. They said after the talk that it was one of the strongest recruitments that they’ve had. And they happily offered her a place within BSB. And just like that, she was in. The welcome she got was incredible, she already felt like she had known the guys forever, and it didn’t stop there. She was able to wear whatever type of clothing she liked, whatever tattoos she wanted. And to be able to be herself. She felt relieved. And with that, the fun had already begun. The were running labs daily. Getting into so many altercations it was exciting, it felt like something had switched inside of her and had finally become a better version of herself. Therefore, we conclude it here, exciting to see where BSB takes her, teaches her and moulds her into the best version of herself. She can finally say she feels like she’s home. To be Continued….
  4. Date and time (provide timezone): 12/09/2021 6:30pm UTC Issue/bug you are reporting: The paint feature in the /modview section goes invisible. not able to see anything Expected behavior: Should open up and let me see the paint option and customise my vehicle Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Just do /modview at the mechanic. And then go to paint and itll go invisible. Vehicle license plate number*: Paragon: KEKW
  5. +1 this is both improving RP for criminals and Legals/PD. Adding more RP opportunities and experiences for everyone to mix up gameplay and not make it seem repetitive. This is very detailed and great!
  6. I’m going to be telling you my story so far in The Los Santos Royals. About all the experiences in the gang; the tough times and the good times, the robberies, the chases, the shootouts. But first, let me tell you about myself and how I wound up here. I came into this city not knowing what I'd get myself into, I only knew what rumours my friends back home had told me. Fresh from England I got out of the plane and landed in Los Santos. My initial desire in this city was to succeed. I wanted to make a name for myself, meet new people and become a respected person by everyone that knows me. I was very anxious of knowing no one and being all alone in this new massive city. That’s when I met my now best friend Koda McDonald. We met and clicked instantly; we both wanted the same thing. We travelled around the city. Getting our license, you know just getting grounded. That’s when we came up with the idea of joining a gang. A family, something to call ours. So, we set off to find just that. We encountered many gangs; Goblins, Russians and many more. But they weren’t for us, we felt like we wouldn’t feel fit for their roles. We were starting to lose hope, I was coming to terms with the fact that there’s no right place for us. That was until I met Drake Hunter. Instantly me and Drake clicked, it felt like I had known the guy all my life and I was just catching up with an old friend. Me; him and Koda spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and hanging out. We told him about how we were struggling to find a family fit for us, then he told us about the Los Santos Royals. Me and Koda were instantly intrigued and asked more about it. We fell in love instantly, with the morals and the goals this gang had; I knew I had found the family for me. So, I asked him to tell me more and if there’s an option for me and Koda to join. He started to explain how royals did things and what their aim was. He described the different sectors within the gang; the business side, the robbing side and the drugs and labs side. I was drawn to every sector, but the one I wanted to be involved with the most was robbing. So, Drake took me and Koda on some jobs. We did some stores to feel out the chemistry and how we vibed with the crew. We got out with a good amount of money. And that’s when Drake wanted us to meet with the other Leaders, Paige Amari, Blaze Jackson and Joey Murphy. Paige instantly took me under her wing and eventually adopted me as her daughter but we will get into that later. And after talking to them and discussing the gang and our roles. We were in. Finally, I was in a gang; had people to call my own, to call my family. So of course. I had to get kitted out, I redid my whole appearance to finally become myself. I got tattoos, new clothes and got my cars in the gangs’ colours. After a few days of doing stores and a few banks. I attended my first all gang meeting. I was then promoted to a Knight. It gave a boost in confidence, feeling like people actually appreciate what I was doing in and for the gang and it made me feel extremely inspired to do more. And so, I did. I led some runs for shops whilst Drake wasn’t available. And we did it great! We had amazing comms and great composure during these activities. I also ran labs with most of the members of the gang. We got into shootouts and high-risk jobs. Even if some of them didn’t end the way we wanted. We still kept high hopes and didn’t let it ruin our moods and we all went out to try again until we succeeded. After getting the car back and regrouping. We decided we needed to make changes within the gang, some bad and some good. We had to let go of some members which was heart-breaking but it was best for the gang. And the leaders decided to promote me to a Duchess, which is a high command position in Drake's Sector. Another gang got interested in working with us, so I am in the means to get in contact with them and plan some activities together! And now we are all up to date. I can happily say I’ve found my place and am a high command for the Los Santos Royals.
  7. Poppi Martinez My name is Poppi Martinez, I came to this new city looking to experience new things and new people. I never really felt like i was truly apart of a team or involved. I've always felt like an outcast. So, I went to some bad people who did bad things, i thought that's what i wanted. what i deserved. But i didn't realise until it was almost too late. That was until i met Charlie. At first we were just familiar faces to each other. That's until i heard he created a MC Club called the 'Diablos', instantly I was intrigued, hearing about a legal MC club that is extremely active. I was very interested and it made me think "Am i actually happy here?" and i realised, i wasn't. I wasn't happy with how far i had gotten down the wrong path, and i realised that life wasn't for me. So, I told Charlie I was interested and he said he'd be happy to bring me into the Diablos as one of the family, as a sister. So, I met everyone. I got off to an incredible start by shaving half of the guy's heads! I get along so well with Sid, Scott, Deano Ryan and many more, and don't think there isn't any action! I've been in all of two weeks and I've already had my bike stolen TWICE. We've been on rides across the whole county and met some incredible people. We recently just got our business registration, one step closer to obtaining a security license. So I'm very excited to be able to have these adventures with my brothers and sisters. I am deeply happy and honoured to say, These guys are my brothers and sisters. My family and i cannot thank them enough for helping me find myself. Poppi Martinez DFFD Diablos forever, Forever Diablos
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