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Everything posted by AtlasOLimbo

  1. You don't get any salary for being in prison and mining gets absolutely draining. I've asked to do laundry and kitchen multiple times and have been denied it multiple times. I've only gotten laundry RP once. Especially at later hours it'd be much easier for these things to be a free money-making method compared to mining when you lose your pickaxe from your OOC death in the medbay.
  2. Introduction/Why DOC sucks for entertainment. I understand that "crime doesn't pay" but you're expected to actively be on the server and sit around for your sentence, this isn't ajail. And it's still a video game. The things you did are IC and you shouldn't be punished with absolute boredom and pain by sitting in there, literally all there is to do half the time is get robbed or rob. Especially on lower player counts, alt RPs are rarely approved. I propose we change that for some prisoners to slave away to the system with a small reward in return! I'm going to list a couple of jobs I've had the pleasure of roleplaying out a couple times with some very immersion enhancing guards. Laundry Room The prison has a laundry room, why don't we use it? Things get dirty. Blood, urine, etcetra. They need to be cleaned one way or another, could even wash the guards clothes. Prisoners could retrieve dirty clothes from the nearby bins and begin working at them whether it's washing them by hand or in the machines and then drying them/ironing them. Every clean set would give a stamps reward. It could even create more alt. roleplay for prisoners to partake in if the laundry was actively used. The Kitchen You think the Los Santos government want to pay someone an actual wage to prep meals?! No way Jose! Just give the prisoners some stamps and I'm sure they'll be happy! Prisoners could prep and cook meals at a campfire-like system and be rewarded for every prepped meal they put into the fridge or something. Anything to make things more interesting! Conclusion I hope you enjoyed reading! I plan to make way more detailed suggestions in the future but without having access to these rooms actively it's hard to take screenshots or more properly describe what I have in mind for these places. Please give feedback down below!
  3. Meeting with The Firm regarding business opportunities and possible partnerships.
  4. I call this one, "the portable board room".
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