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About SovietTurtle233

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  1. +1 I really like this idea! I have played in other server's where they had "airsoft" and it really fun and I honestly think it could help keep crime off of the streets! At least the shooting that is!
  2. I am a normal law abiding citizen in the city of Los Santos. I think one way you could make this more realistic is if you make it so there is some kind of Rifle that you could buy at the gun store. I understand that it makes it a little scary that you would be putting a new weapon to the citizens with fire arms permits but it would be nice for people that are trying to hunt. Preferably not a rifle that is fully automatic but something that is for a hunter. I am a hunter and would like a rifle to use when doing this. Also can you please see too it that we can get a revolver? I portray a character from the south and he is in desperate need of a six shooter!! I am also very curious of what the rest of the community thinks about this. Please leave a comment with your thoughts because I think there are a lot of people out there that would agree with me on this topic!
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