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Everything posted by aon

  1. aon


    Are you trying to login using GTMP? If not, download it here
  2. Honestly, some of you should NOT be driving an emergency vehicle. Can't count how many times I've been rammed of the road and such. But other than that, you are all very friendly, helpful and I appreciate that a lot. Also, an increased usage of the helicopter would be great!
  3. aon

    Drag bug

    Account name: aongrant Character name: Tommy Grant Issue/bug you are reporting: Drag bugs out when you walk out of a building while dragging a suspect. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: A guy gets revived at the hospital, inside. Going in, dragging them, and walking out of the hospital doesn't cancel the drag, but the person can freely run away, as if he's not being dragged. The only way to fix this is to /undrag and /drag once again.
  4. aon

    New forum?

    The thing I'm confused about is you trash talking the dev team in public when you're a support member.
  5. aon

    New forum?

    Well, the design is personal preference. And the forums being updated does not mean the server is forgotten about, the dev team doesn't just focus at one thing at a time, different people have different tasks to do. I'm sure most of the features from the old forum that are missing will be added eventually, even better than before.
  6. 1. Did you experience an increase or decrease (or no difference) in FPS? Approximately how many frames? GTA:N used to be 40-50 , now i get 70-80 2. Are you crashing more or less (or no difference) in GT:MP than you were crashing in GTA:N? I haven't noticed a big difference 3. Are you having desync issues more or less (or no difference) in GT:MP than you were having in GTA:N? No difference
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