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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. Nivek


    I don't fly in to the city nearly as often as I used to, so I haven't really been keeping up with all of the city politics and what not, but DAMN am I glad to see that Salvation got official. Good work to the strong ladies and gentlemen of Salvation. And to the haters old and new. Must sting to see that "fishing gang" being recognized as official!
  2. I'm posting this in the criminal suggestions because as criminals, we all know what it's like to be cooped up inside your laboratory doing all of those wacky experiments that we do. Although those wacky experiments end up paying off, conducting them can sometimes almost put you straight to sleep! My suggestion for this: Simple little games that can be played on your phone or from some kinda of arcade cabinet or other gadget. If we are going to be cooped up in the lab all day, It would be fun to have something else to do besides watching that hydration timer over and over again. This idea would require some new scripting, so I don't have my hopes up, but maybe one day I can play snake on my phone while my experiments are baking.
  3. I understand that Eclipse is only working with two developers, which is unfortunate, but it is what it is. It's hard to find loyal, hard working people who have morals and care about things other than themselves. But this type of content I feel is very much needed in Eclipse. Content that anyone in the server can interact with. Content that brings the people of the city together into one area, thus creating fun roleplay. I know they have an update in the works, so all time and energy is probably being spent there, but I hope something like this could be looked at next.
  4. Your characters name: Art Montana Discord: Ghst#7777 Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: https://pasteboard.co/lwrpgBaQWBMv.png
  5. (Remember that any statements made about the current state of the casino are being made by players who only play during night/early morning hours in the US.) Me and my boy Eazy Mandent had a thought today that escalated into a pipe dream that would benefit every single player of ECRP. I'd like to go ahead and say that we do not know who currently owns the casino, and we don't mean any offense to them with this post. Both of us play for many hours every day during the night/early morning hours in the US and we have never seen the casino open for business. I'll get straight to the suggestions/ideas. Imagine if there was a casino in the city that was open nearly 24/7, and it provided the people of the city a way to relieve the stress of that day to day grind that we are all on. We already came up with two cash games that wouldn't require any new scripts/coding. We could also host stand up comedy acts, and even talent shows that gave out cash prizes to the top three acts. All this on top of the Texas Hold Em' tables that already exist. These are just a few of the ideas that me and my partner were throwing out there. This city could really use a place that encourages fun RP moments that literally any player could get involved with. I feel like those moments have been missing more and more lately, which made us sad enough to start talking about how cool it would be to have all these different things to do in the casino. It could liven things up quite a bit, don't you think? Until then, we'll keep saving up. EDIT: And what about that horse track out back? Wouldn't it be fun to have motocross races where players could bet on certain riders to win? The ideas are endless.
  6. Recently found out about this myself and had my beloved helmet confiscated. ;(
  7. I'm sure you are right on the money there. There are times that I'll be out hunting and not see another soul around, yet the animals are so scarce. Damn animals are exploiting
  8. I log a lot of hours hunting and I can confirm this issue. It seems like you sometimes come across the "ghost" of an animal. Meaning, an animal that was already killed by someone else. Right before interacting with it, it just disappears. It also seems like maybe some animals teleport back to the original spawn locations if they wander too far from that original spawn area. There are times I am trying to kill an animal and it just disappears, then reappears in a different position in the area.
  9. +1 As someone who has logged countless hours out there in the wilderness, the whole system could really use some love. I do feel like we need a few more spawning locations, and I'd definitely welcome the addition of new animals to the city. Hunting is basically my favorite job to do, so I hope they put some work into it here soon.
  10. Just don't rob banks. Ever. Eventually, they will either implement a better system and/or scripts, or they won't. I just can't ever see myself enjoying a bank job in it's current state, so I'll just wait for something better. If better never comes. Oh well. I understand the emotions behind what went down, but Eclipse just is what it is. I look forward to a better system, but I put no hope into it at all.
  11. I've never participated in a bank heist before. Mostly because the protocol just seems so forced. I'm not going to pretend like I have a method that would work better, but it always kind of irked me that there were no in-depth script(s) written to create a more spontaneous feeling to the whole thing. If said script(s) could also completely bypass ego as well, I'd certainly donate and give many thanks to the devs for it. I don't envy the cops or the crims in that situation. Being stuck in a negotiation that seems like it will never end is just tiring. Big ups to everyone who make it work, though.
  12. Nivek

    Non RP drivers

    I know this thread is a little old, but I had to throw in my +1. My character is a 60 year old man, so my "somewhat careful" driving is a little funny. However, after playing on the server for awhile, I noticed that I was literally the only person who was driving with any sense at all. Driving can become a bit boring at times, so I understand why people are trying to get to their destinations as fast as possible, but for the sake of RP, I do agree something should be done about it.
  13. I'm guessing he meant to upload a video that included context of the situation. If you have a YT account, just upload it there brother.
  14. I never understood how people could let IC arguments/drama get them just as mad as real life altercations. I understand immersion, and I have had some feelings about situations in the past, but I've never held grudges against people who did me wrong IC. I hope things work out for you. You give some people a taste of power, and all of a sudden, they cannot handle criticism or any wrongdoings made against them.
  15. Nivek


    A Friendly Meeting There is an old country song that was pretty popular back in the day. So much so, that most people know the lyrics whether they are a fan of country music or not... "I've got friends in low places." Believe it or not, the damn song was actually playing on the jukebox while we were having a little impromptu meeting with a buddy of mine named Jay. Jay is a member of the Royales, and the boys thought it would be a good idea to ride out and meet with him in order to expand our connections. From the time I've spent with Jay thus far, he is good people, and I've certainly expressed that to my brothers and sisters. I think our relationship with the Royales in the future could become a beautiful one. In Salvation, we understand that it IS good to have friends in low places. But, it's also important to have friends in high places, and every place in between. This is how you gain a city's respect. Salvation on Top.
  16. Nivek


    Hate that I missed the wedding! But I'm glad I could be there to witness you say yes to our boy!
  17. Nivek


    Before I officially joined Salvation, this is exactly how the organization was portrayed to me, and I agree it would be something fun and different. Plans don't always go exactly how you want them to during the chaos of trying to build up a new organization/faction, but this particular aspect is definitely something I'd like to start focusing more on.
  18. Nivek

    Fear rp limits

    It is mentioned in the rules or in a server guide somewhere that you cannot force other players into giving you money/items that aren't on their person. If I remember correctly, they give an example of a player robbing another player, and trying to force them into taking all of their money out from an ATM. It just wouldn't work, as you would have many players trying to stick up rich players in order to steal all of their wealth.
  19. Its going to happen, unfortunately. I'll admit, I've seen new players doing questionable things. Have even had 2 of them hit me head on because they were driving in my lane. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt if it seems accidental, and then have a talk with them IC about what they did wrong and what they should have done. I will admit that some folks seem to have no idea about the basics of RP, and all you can do is record and report.
  20. Nivek


    Reserved space for future entries.
  21. Nivek


    Art Montana "Devil In The Jungle" We don't know with 100% certainty why we exist, and we may never know, but I always looked at life as a sort of culmination of experiences. Every person is made up of all the things they experience and that is what makes them who they are. So I never struggled with the worry of what I was going to do with my life. I just knew that I was going to go out there and take in as much of the world that I could. To see and do things that only a handful of our species will experience...And if I could see or do things that only I would ever experience. That was the ultimate goal. I didn't want to go on these adventures so that I could brag about them to others, nor did I want to post these experiences to Lifeinvader in exchange for likes and "internet clout." These encounters were mine. I guess that's hard for some folks to understand, but I have always felt strongly about this, and it strongly defines my character and outlook. "Times have changed." It's a popular saying, but most people don't truly understand just how much they have changed. Not unless they have lived through those times themselves. In 1974, I was 14 years old. Most 14 year old's in today's world are chronic masturbators and the largest problem in their lives revolves around social media in one way or another. When I was 14, I was lying to everyone about being 14 and enlisting into the military. The Vietnam War was coming to an end and I was looking for purpose. I was looking for an adventure. Before I knew it, I was deep in the shit, out in those godforsaken jungles just itching to soak up as many experiences as I could. Our unit's CO (Commanding Officer) had us in quite a predicament, pinned down, and behind enemy lines. As enemy mortars were exploding on our six, and small arms fire was raining down on us from the front, I remember thinking that I should be scared in that moment, but I wasn't, and I didn't know why. This was exactly where I wanted to be. Soaking up this experience that we were in. I don't remember when I lost consciousness, or even how it happened, but I imagine that enemy mortar fire finally hit it's target. I woke up to Vietnamese soldiers slapping me and shouting. They had captured me and the rest of our unit and had us all bound and gagged, on our knees in a line. My first thought was they were about to start executing us, and unfortunately, I was right. War tends to bring out the animalistic nature of human beings, but the Viet Cong were particularly savage with the methods they used. Everyone has heard stories of Vietnam. A popular topic was the types of traps they would set up for unsuspecting American soldiers. These traps were barbaric in nature and were not meant to kill us if we happened upon them. Their purpose was to maim. If an American soldier is killed, then there is nothing else we can do for him in that moment. We would of course retrieve them and bring them back home, but that could be done after all immediate threats were neutralized. If an American soldier is maimed, then it might take as many as 6 other men to protect, and then haul him out to safety, and they must do so while the battle still roars on. So, kill one, and you've only taken one man out of battle. But, if you injure one, you take another 3 to 6 men out of the fight and even put them in greater danger of being killed as well. Which is better? A shot rang out, jolting me out of the day dream I was having. Our CO's body hit the ground with a thud after one of the VC soldiers shot him in the head, point blank. I still wasn't scared, but I was no longer pondering the "why?" behind it. Instead, I felt a huge wave of sadness because I realized that my life was about to end here. I was sad that I wouldn't have any new adventures, or experience the millions of things that I hadn't yet had the chance to. My mind was still jello at this point, so I can't say what happened exactly. I can only share my experience as my mind remembers it. I must have blacked out again, because I was standing in a sea of blackness. My injuries were healed. "I must be dreaming." is the exact thought I had...Then it called out to me. "Art." I heard it, but I couldn't see it. So I asked, "Who's there?" "You want to make it out of this jungle alive, don't you?" They sounded as if they were standing right next to me, and I just remember rubbing my eyes and staring into this darkness for movement. "I'm going to help you. Then you're going to help me." The next memory I have is being jolted out of the darkness by a hard punch to my face. The thought I had in that moment was, "Well, I'm not dead YET." I could barely see with the sweat and blood in my eyes, but I saw that Viet Cong soldier raise his pistol above his head and then he brought it down swiftly on the top of my head. Instantly, I found myself standing back in that sea of darkness. I didn't know if this was some kind of spiritual experience, or just my brain trying it's best, and failing, to function through a severe concussion. "You want me to help you, right?" This is when I felt fear tingling up my spine for the first time in this hellhole, but it was more of a panic. Although I wasn't experiencing actual reality in that moment, I could sense that I didn't have much more time. So I shouted, "Yes! I want to live." "So be it. Remember all that I've said." I was still in a state of panic, so I wasn't exactly digesting every thing that this invisible voice, inside a sea of darkness, was telling me. I just wanted to know who this was that was claiming that they could help me, so I asked him, "Who are you?" "Lucifer." Now, my memory immediately after he says this just goes blank, and I do not remember anything until I woke up in a hospital bed in an infirmary. I was still so young back then, and although I remember this encounter perfectly, I certainly wasn't going to entertain the idea that any of it was even remotely real. I was told that they rescued me and a couple other of the survivors from that enemy camp. They said we were lucky that the VC had decided they were going to decapitate us with machetes as another way to put fear into U.S. troops. This apparently bought us a little more time alive as the machetes they had wouldn't cut branches, much less flesh and bone. They were busy sharpening them when our boys rolled through with force. That's beside the point though. I didn't put any stake into my experience with this...voice being something that was real. Hell, I didn't even think about it for so many years. I was alive, and I experienced as many things as you can imagine, and still, I was hungry for more. It was about 3 weeks ago that this hunger brought me to the city of Los Santos, and I was really enjoying it as I settled in. About a week after moving to LS, I meet a man. He was a very polite and well spoken man. He tells me that Los Santos is plagued with bad things happening to good people, and that he is part of somewhat of an organization that aims to do something about it. He seems to like me, and tells me that he needs my help. Then he tells me his name...Lucifer. TO BE CONTINUED...
  22. I think it may also be dependent upon who is reviewing your application, in my opinion. Different people have different standards, so one person reviewing your application might think that it's great, while another person may think your entire app needs revising. I think a big percentage of denied apps are done so because of 1 reason, sometimes 2. So getting denied one or more times probably doesn't mean that you are a trash writer. Most of the time, it might just be the staff pushing you to add in just a little more flavor in order to make your character unique. Also, popular server = many applications, and I'm sure there are only a certain amount that can be comfortably approved in order to keep stress off of the game server. But, I could just be pulling all of that out of my arse. What do I know, heh.
  23. +1 brother. And if there were any cost issues associated with letting players collect water from the tap in their homes, then I'd recommend adding something like a "water bill" where the cost of the bill depends on your homes water usage. Although, I know that would definitely require much more work as far as scripting goes.
  24. As an active player, I am still learning new things every day. This isn't a bad thing, as it makes the server more fun to play, and gives you a feeling of accomplishment and all. I do think that players should have to discover things for themselves IC, so I just wanted to clarify that I don't mean that the /help menu should be more robust with what it displays. I'd just like to see all of the non-working/outdated commands and info taken down, and a COMPLETE list of current and working commands added and maintained. Hell, I don't even write code, and this would be something even I would be willing to sink however many hours into to get done. Not a stab at the dev team, as I'm sure they have bigger things to worry about other than the /help menu. Maybe you guys could take on an "intern" or two to knock it out.
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