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Posts posted by Thebearski

  1. Dear Office Vyse,


    I am one of the high command at LSC and we have reached out to Jay Gamble on multiple occasions to see what the reason was and why they continue.  They do not have a reason and continue to attack LSC's employees and customers.  There is no stopping the prejudicial targeting of LSC.


    We have also had more patrols recently but when we make calls for the issues there is rarely enough police that respond to counter the number of Zetas at Los Santos Customs.   Low employment or low funding? Either way it needs to be addressed. 


    And as to why I am calling out the chief. I do not know him personally but, the time of their robberies and his start date have a direct correlation. Where there is smoke there is usually fire.


    Sometimes it takes a loud noise to draw attention and make change. Consider this the start of my loud noise.


    I am interested to see what you and your co-workers come up with in regards to the need at LSC but until there is change, my position stands.  


    Billy Gorganzola

  2. Dear Los Santos Citizens, 

       Since Mick Reefer became Chief of Police a little over four months ago, there has been an apparent lack in the LSPD’s ability to protect and serve its citizens.  As a manager of Los Santos Customs, I have felt that since Mike Reefer took over, I have no trust in our city’s police force to protect me or my place of work.  The Los Zetas gang specifically has increased their activity in the city and specifically at Los Santos Customs.  They rob, loot and kill with no fear of LSPD being able to do anything to stop them.  More than once a week the Los Zetas gang waltzes into Los Santos Customs and clears out the customers and employees of their vehicles and of their possessions.   This issue is not just one of Los Santos Customs but throughout the city.  Us citizens pay more than enough taxes to fund a police force to be able to contain the Los Zetas and other gangs in the city.

      The time has come for someone to take over for Mick Reefer that can handle the criminal activity in the city.  We need someone that will dedicate the time and resources to staff a police force that will be able to protect us citizens.  

    Join me in signing this petition to remove Mick Reefer as Chief of Police.

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  3. I would like to recommend @Doey.  Ever since i came into town he has driven the crappiest of vehicles.  Seriously, they all have rusted floor boards and the roof paneling is falling out.  Any who he has been a great boss for me at LSC and has done wonders for me getting established at LSC.   Not a better person in town than Darion Rueb.

    Hail King Darion Ruler of LSC

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  4. Date and time (provide timezone): 10PM EST

    Character name: Billy Gorganzola

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Both of my properties (Rub St.7 and Rub St. 10) are unresponsive.

    Expected behavior:   When pressing E Y or K nothing happens.  I am unable to get my vehicles out of the house, lock and unlock or enter my houses.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate
    I have reconnected and restarted Rage.  

    https://streamable.com/mw1dp   (footage of the bug)


  5. +1

    Yea waiting on the flatbed stink but is going to be great when it comes back for towing bikes.

    Not sure how i feel about the helicopter proposal personally.  LSC would have an issue being able to access it quickly, so it would be a bayview only thing?

    I think a motorcycle would be some of a stretch as a quick repair vehicle unless the mechanic was required to carry a bag on them as well.  I do like the idea of a coupe being a quick repair vehicle.

    My bigest grip as a mechanic is the lack of horsepower the trucks have....its a pain to go up the hills to grab someone at the mine and you can almost not even move a semi truck with the biggest truck.


  6. Today I was robbed and had an admin called onto the scene for Fear RP issues.  One issue he had was that I hopped in and out of the house to "Peak" to see if a suspicious man was still nearby. I was told that was fail RP.  When I did it my character had only seen him outside my next door neighbors door, it was not my neighbor.

    My house has windows and I know that I could personally IRL crack a door open to peak out and lock it back quickly.  So I quick hopped in and out to grab a peak.  But if the admins see that as fail RP,  can we make a way to use a command to see if people are outside of your home when standing next to a door or window? 



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