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Victor Einhart

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Posts posted by Victor Einhart

  1. Firing a gun effectively takes practice and realistically a bullet doesn't always go exactly where you intend (there are hundreds of variables that can affect shot placement).  Taking the aiming dot away removes the dumb spoon feeding the game gives you and forces you to develop the skill of shooting.


  2. Reckless Operation of a Motor Vehicle is issued if you drive over 80 kph over the speed limit (150kph or above, speed limit is 70kph) in NCZs within the city, and is issued automatically by the speed cameras set up in these zones.  You don't get fined anywhere else.

    Reckless Operation carries 45 minutes of jail time, and a $2,000 fine.  Paying the fine is only half the story: you'll still have an active warrant for your arrest.

    My advice, don't floor it everywhere you go.  Or at least just drive slowly in NCZs.

    • Like 1
  3. -1, this is the wild west version of bounty hunting back when the US relied on freelancers to help enforce the law.  Your suggestion is now considered vigilantism which is a crime in Los Santos.

    "Bounty hunters" in the modern day are bail bondsmen, and because there isn't a full court system in place there isn't a place yet for them.  While I like the idea of putting more wanted folks behind bars, this wouldn't realistically be a thing.

  4. Date and time (provide timezone): 12/APR/2019 2200 UTC-5

    Character name: Victor Einhart

    Issue/bug you are reporting: A dropped weapon cannot be used or selected on the weapon wheel when picked back up again.

    Expected behavior: Picking up a weapon should place it in the inventory, and when the inventory item is used, the weapon should appear on the weapon wheel.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 

    Equipping a weapon via the inventory menu works as normal the FIRST TIME you use that weapon.

    Type /dropgun to put it on the floor.

    Pick it back up again, use it in inventory.

    Weapon does not show up on weapon wheel after being used.

    However, if you type /dropgun again after "equipping" it and it not showing up, it will leave the item on the ground as normal.  Picking the weapon back up and trying again does not solve the problem.


    Logging out and back seems to fix the issue.


    Video of the bug in action:  https://streamable.com/th199

    Vehicle license plate number*:  N/A


  5. -1.  While I sympathize with the farmers, the explanation of NCZ is that they are supposed to have an unusual level of security which would not exist in the rural area of the farm.  I think a better suggestion is to demand higher quality RP from criminals.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Known repro:

    Pressing NUM-1 (quick print of vehicle plate into chat menu) on a vehicle sometimes gives an error: "vehicle does not exist."  This does not crash the game.

    Pressing NUM-5 to search the plate on a vehicle that throws this error, however, crashes the game.

    Closing the mini-MDC and re-opening it sometimes fixes the error in step 1 which allows the NUM-5 search to proceed without issue.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Mr. Mandude said:

    -1 It's unfortunate that your car is vulnerable, but still it breaks the roleplay aspect to have a car with an invisible Iron Curtain all around it and a giant lightning text box. It's supposed to be a serious roleplaying experience

    It also breaks roleplay to have somebody be beamed up to the mothership and steal their car while they're indisposed.

    Rules already say a player should have the same advantages they had in the event of a crash, I'd say stealing somebody's car while they're gone breaks that rule.  This issue is already covered by the existing rules in my opinion, the problem lies in situations where you're alone and somebody happens across your car.  There's no way for them to know you're trying to get back in or if the vehicle is truly abandoned.

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