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Posts posted by Msato

  1. 1 minute ago, mikebumbum said:

    i mean just to put this into perspective here one of our guys sold 1 gun under the councils ''market price'' and instead of having some interesting RP with that you guys decided it was this huge fuck up and gave our gang 2 options pay 2 million or fight us as we were not official yet and still building we wanted to enjoy our RP so we just paid you the 2 Million wow that was such great RP. I've heard Triads didn't even have the 6 mil in their treasury that they were asking from us to stop the war some people aren't here to RP and it really shows. You only see it in your shoes but realistically you guys don't want anyone to enjoy crim RP other than yourselves.

    If you really think a war was waged off one mistake, I guess your leadership failed to show you the full two pages of reasons we provided to FM and it was also accepted, the mistake you point out was the very last mistake in a long chain of attempted forgiveness. 

    People need to stop turning this post into a personal issue and instead get back to the discussion at hand. 

    • Like 1
  2. People seem to be getting the idea that we want the cap increased beyond 60, is is not the case. All we are asking for in relation to this is for it to revert back to 60.

    As for the remark of "all the large three groups do is kill off small gangs" which is totally untrue and 99% comes from players who participated in a war that their gang brought upon itself, as for smaller gangs funnily enough we advocate their growth and have many diplomacy meetings with them, but people do not witness this,. All that is seen is the bang at the end. 

    If you really think our only goal is to kill off groups you're blind, yes people are obviously going to dislike competition and put of a fight against it. This should not mean ooc restrictions are introduced to compensate for icly weaker gangs. 

    Triads weren't always "on top" we earned it, from fighting against the council prior to us, then surviving an e moving to building relations, eventually the time came where we got a slot. The exact same has recently happened with another group. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Johhnie_Everdeen said:

    I would also like to point out that the f4 cap is an ooc limitation, what's to stop official gangs from having more members, just not all of them in the f4? 

    That is exactly what official factions don't want to do? I'm sure we have earned enough trust by now to manage our numbers reasonable or fm would have intervened. 

    People should be allowed to have pride in their faction and share the official status it has earned, not have Team A with official and F4 then Team B & C left as stragglers. It goes against every aspect of aspiring to move forwards to offficial. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Aldarine said:

    Due to positioning, let me preface this by stating that I am simply reading through this thread out of interest for all commentary and am not here to take a side or explain. While reading through this I did have a question that continued to come up in my head, in particular regarding the new member cap and some of the comments regarding gang recruitment and cutting players.

    With a newly implemented cap and knowing that a gang cannot recruit into an official faction, what is to limit a gang from technically expanding? Created gangs tend to be off branches of much large organizations so could this be done on a seemingly small scale of sub branches of larger powerful factions?

    Please note that this is simply a question that just came up in my head while reading it so I felt it okay to simply pose it here. 

    There is already a larger organisation at play formed of seperate factions, but all that has always been kept IC, and I personally dont like even mentioning it OOC. 

    As for existing factions breaking off, I don't see how it makes any sense that after a 15+ months a faction be OOCly forced to essentially branch off, where one branch becomes the "B Team". 

    • Like 6
  5. 33 minutes ago, Jaquan Smith said:

    Not with credits as it should be default for everybody because I don't understand how is it realistic to live in a 3G but having Low End interior

    It makes 0 sense that current houses are just magically swapped out, it would ruin the placemat of safes etc. 

    There should be an upgrade path, and if you can afford it then you can buy it with cash, the added option for credits to be used if people don't have the ic cash flow.

    People seem to forget that these houses were once worth 1/10th of what they are now. Why would an original inflated house have its interior magically changes with no IC investment. 

    Example, I bought a 3g for 200k in early 2019, why would my house magically renovate its self due to inflation? 

    A house upgrade path would give players yet another goal to work towards. 

    • Like 2
  6. The current treasury logs are not arranged in any order, and applying any sort to them just messes it up more, making it horrible to track anything. New deposits end up on page 3/4 where as older ones end up on page 1, even with sorting applied.

    What the Treasury logs current look like:




    Faction has received $1000 of treasury funds to [Warehouse Order 1 | 1000 | 0.01 by Bruce_Wong]! (new total: $1000000)


    Faction has lost $500000 of treasury funds to [Warehouse Order 30 | 500000 | 2.00 by Bruce_Wong]! (new total: $500000)

    What I propose is the treasury log is split into more than only two columns, see below:





    Treasury Total


    Bruce Wong

    Received $1000

    1x Pistol



    Bruce Wong

    lost $500,000

    30x Assault Rifle


    This would make it much more user friendly and allow for proper sorting filters to be applied.

    • Like 7
  7. 42 minutes ago, Trenix said:

    Summary of this discussion.

    "I don't know how to RP so I need to rob people in broad daylight and in public places to do so. Otherwise I'm not playing or I'll stop playing! Let me also show you some videos of criminals who were caught on camera, were most likely caught and arrested, knowing the same outcome is not possible in a limited 3D, programmed world, where a city only consists of at peak, 600 players rather than 3 million like Los Angeles, which Los Santos is based off of. Also what is roleplay? I came here to have fun and somehow passed the vetting process and have played this way for months!"

    Interesting summary considering you only included the clear negative points. 

    The point of this post was to discuss the current effect that this rule was having on current the state of criminal rp. 

    Everyone seems to fail to understand that this post agrees with the rule being used to protect civilians, the issue is the removal of literally almost any conflict between criminals due to this. 

    Civilians shouldn't be targeted by criminals I've always said this, however a civilian protection rule shouldn't eliminate criminal rp. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, awp8883 said:

    -1 Have you ever tried to type a name like @GiorgosK's name like over and over and over into the MDC? Misspelling it by one letter and having to go over it again and again, just to place charges, check records, get any information? I would be fine with removing it, if, there was a history section, that shows my recent searches, so I dont have to type a 50 letter name every time I need to check something. Ive only seen it used, when they already know their name/already put it in the MDC


    Almost as if you'd have to type it into the system correctly irl? Lemme just get the floating ID over the guy gave a speeding ticket to.

    You can type his partial name and it will result in his full name, especially since he has such a unique name. 

  9. 11 hours ago, Havana said:



    He said they are "too often acquired illegally". Purchasing these substances funds criminals and in turn funds illegal guns and violent crime


    Yeah all criminal empires out there were funded by blunts, you got them. IQ of a brick wall.

    This message was sent from an anonymously from a Nokia brick.

    • Like 4
  10. This discussion raises some really good points, having been one of the people to give initial input on the robbery rule, criminals asked that there be some leeway and that if an attempt to engage and then conceal a robbery this would be allowed, because this is genuine roleplay and the criminals clearly display their urgency in carrying out this rp.

    Unfortunately the current rule is a straight removal of basically every single robbery or public criminal engagement and it needs to be changed. Criminals have been more than vocal about this since it was introduced yet nothing has happened. 

    As for the risk vs reward aspects, frankly I find it perfectly reasonable for a group of 3/4 gang members to run up on an icly weaker party and take their assets, especially considering the current state of acquiring weapons & ammo. Its actually very low risk considering the group are often powerful enough to defend off anything that comes their way in retaliation to said actions. 

    The current state this rule imposed on criminal rp has obliterated it, let alone criminal already being in a critical state, everyone is more scared of the ooc punishments that comes with being a criminal. To put this in comparison gov employee recently said "I've made one recording in 72 days" where as criminals have to record pretty much every interaction in fear of a forum report. 

    The current ruleplaying and forum reporting has reached its peak of all times on the server, and its slowly ruining the little amount thays left criminal rp. It is absolutely beyond me that I'm witnessing criminals report other criminals over robbing each other. 

    As I've said previously, there needs to be exceptions added for criminals to prevent this otherwise it will always be abused. Gang turfs and criminals who openly choose to display their relations to an illegal organisations should not be protected by this rule so long as there is realistic depth to the robberies. Along with the gang exclusions, not every area should be subject to this rule. In what world does it make sense that someone cannot carry out a street robbery on an area such as Jamestown or Grove Street. 

    This rule was intended to reduce the random robbing on civilians and it achieved exactly this, the only people currently abusing this rule are unfortunately criminals.

    Something needs to change. 

    • Like 13
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  11. 3 hours ago, WobblierDog15 said:

    In this case, why did you not report it? If you are (or were) in PD and you directly witnessed the system being abused it seems quite easy to have reported it. In this case, the abusers get in trouble and other LEOs don't get punished.

    Furthermore, if it came to light that the ID search was being abused, I'm sure this feature would have been removed a while ago.

    Edit: More often than you think we arrest criminals with the name along the lines of "Freddfersfklesfrt Handletebsyeto". I sure as hell am not typing that Non-RP name into the MDC.

    I did report it, initially to IA where the case was dropped as the player resigned from pd and by that time the evidence was older than the required report time. 

    This post was made when this was at its peak level of abuse, however instead of changing it, it was swept under the rug and only recently revived. 

    You can type a partial name into the mdc and it brings up the closest result to the current online players. 

    • Like 1
  12. You can all sit and say there are drawbacks for nor having the ID to search, but frankly why should one group be give access to essentially ooc systems ic to acquire names at the risk of a rule breach. Report it like everyone else as you want to showcase. 

    As for it being a rule breach, yes we know this and its been covered in depth. However, it is very hard to prove this, if you can't afford to take the extra seconds out of your time to type a name them it's beyond me. 

    Your "scenarios" are simply solved via rp believed it or not:

    /do would your prints be in the system

    /do what name would they match 


    To say you require this incase of rule breaches is obscene. 


    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, WobblierDog15 said:

    Big -1. This is a feature for ease of access and I've never witness it being abused. Has this ever directly affected you?

    Yes this has directly affected me, I've both been in PD and watched it happen, also been on criminal and faced it happening to me. 

    • Like 3
  14. Crime levels vary in areas irl, run down areas are more likely to have higher crime rates than richer neighbourhoods. 

    The following should be added as a sub point to the current rule:

    "Known gang turfs and lower income areas are subject to higher and less restrictive criminal activity" 

    This would resolve the current issues of criminals "abusing" the rule that was added in order to protect civilians, whilst adding a realistic dynamic to crime levels in seperate areas of the city. 

    An example, Grove Street is far more likely to have a street robbery, than an area of Vinewood. 

    • Like 16
  15. +1 overall, Gang Hq's should not be included as active public areas. 

    The increasing number of criminals abusing these public rubbery rules is obscene, and unfortunately it won't stop until exceptions against criminals are added. The rule was to protect civilians not known criminals. 

    • Like 5
  16. +1 this is a great suggestion and very well needed. I was literally writing this 20 minutes ago, here are some of the current number to expand on the situation:

    Following numbers will be based off the current 195 Official Criminal Faction members.

    Pistol 50 ammo:

    • Restocks at 10 bullets per hour.
    • Takes 5 hours to fill a pistol with 50 rounds.
    • 975 Hours to supply each criminal 1x filled .50 aka 40 days.

    Assault Rifle ammo:

    • Restocks at 30 bullets per hour.
    • Takes 3.33 hours to fill an AK with 100 rounds.
    • 650 Hours to supply each criminal 1x filled AK aka 27 days.

    SMG ammo:

    • Restocks at 14 bullets per hour.
    • Takes 7.14 hours to fill an SMG with 100 rounds.
    • 1392 Hours to supply each criminal 1x filled SMG aka 58 days.

    Micro SMG ammo:

    • Restocks at 20 bullets per hour.
    • Takes 5 hours to fill a Micro with 100 rounds.
    • 975 Hours to supply each criminal 1x filled Micro aka 40 days.

    Shotgun ammo:

    • Restocks at 14 bullets per hour.
    • Takes 1.42 to fill a Shotgun with 20 rounds.
    • 277 Hours to supply each criminal 1x filled shotgun aka 11 days.

    The above number do not factor in other Factions purchasing the ammo from the same pool, or the 5% chance each drop has to get hit.

    The current supply does not even realistically meet the demand of official factions, let alone the gun sale RP to sell so other factions and individuals.

    • Like 11
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  17. The current inventory system feels a little clumsy, having to drag back and forth mass quantities of items that do not stack is horrible. Along with this most items do not stack 

    What to change:

    Shift Click to move items between Inventory and Side Inventory, this would move the shift clicked item into an empty slot.

    Dynamic Stack Split - Right click the item, and select split, then enter the number you wish to split off.

    Make any identical item stack, unless the item has an inventory.

    Store "Carried" bags into Inventories by pressing E.

    Our current inventory system already resembles that of Minecrafts, the QoL features also from this inventory style should be added.

    • Like 16
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  18. -1 having been a mechanic in the past this is something that would vastly harm the already damaged mechanic factions. 

    There has been a development request made for further features to mechanics in the past such as a /mechoffer for towing etc. 

    The restrictions on tow truck usage need to be removed from LSC, as they are left as essentially the sole faction to service in city, but only select members of their faction can use a tow truck. 

  19. Before this thread becomes active again, people need to remember this was from early 2019. A lot has changed since then, especially in terms of rp and immersion.

    A vast number of the rules/systems that were tying the server to GTAO have since been removed and improved upon, KoS for example. 

    Even since then there has been I believe 2/3 quiz revamps, along with stricter joining regulations. 

    This thread is far outdated to be used as a simple +1.

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