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Everything posted by Msato

  1. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Honor is everything in the Triads. We recently found out that a member was trying to sneak out behind our backs. When we arrived at the HQ an attempt was made to talk about it civilly, Kyle wouldn't tell us a word. It was a totally different story when he had a gun pressed against his head. He admitted to dishonoring the Triads. He then decided to show his arrogance towards the organisation. Blatant disrespect us as a whole. This man was not fit to be with us any longer and he got what was coming for him. After taking care if the business we loaded what was remaining of him into this own trunk and headed out. Just abandoning the car with the body left in the trunk wasn't enough. We made sure to deal with it fully and leave no traces of Kyle behind. The men lined up and said their goodbyes, most of the men didn't even bother to show respect to the traitor. The detectives will have some good fun trying to solve this case. Goodbye Kyle Florence.
  2. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads decided it was time to change a few things up with their Tradition. The group wanted to make a more relaxed environment throughout the organisation. To help with this they decided it would be a good idea to make the uniform more laid back for some of the ranks. To match the new uniform the Triads decided it would be a good idea to match certain masks to ranks. This is to assist in distinguishing each of the ranks throughout the Triads.
  3. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads decided to fight against the worst gang in the city. The Pigs were holding up a man taking his well due money from the counter of the store. The Triads moved in to help the innocent man. The officer thought he would be smart and get his partner to follow the men after they had left the scene. This didn't turn out well and the finest garbage truck was called for collection of the body. The Triads noticed another easy pick, they grouped up just down the road and set up a plan. They moved in as a unit, swiftly took the weapons and left the scene.
  4. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads had been staying away from the business of chopping cars recently as it was too much hassle to get the car every time and deliver it to the shop. One of the members had a great idea. The group reached out to their contacts and got the most recent location of the chopshop and prepared to head out. Why steal cars and take them to the chop when you can steal from the chop? The Triads occupied this chopshop for a decent length of time and some good money was made. It saved everyone from travelling around the city looking for cars. A smart move overall.
  5. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Following the recent success of their Chinese takeaway, the Triads decided it would be a good time to invest back into the business. Together the group headed towards the hardware store and collected some materials for the job. Two of the men loaded the materials up into the cars and headed back to the Chinese. Once arriving at the restaurant some of the men were unsure of what they were meant to be doing. Now that the men knew what to do, they headed to work and took the tools inside the shop. One of the men Nick had previous experience with this kind of work, he was left to handle it. Now that the new notice board was in place it was time to share keys to the other members. Bruce took out a bundle of keys and handed them to everyone. The Wong House will be opening again soon.
  6. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Following the previous incident of the man acting on his own and being punished. He never learned. The Triads decided to take the matter into their own hands, they went to a private area. No one knew what was about to happen apart from a select few. The men dug out a hole and flung the shovels to the side. Curl was then pushed into the hole. His mask was removed and he was given a chance to look the men in the eyes one last time. Respect is everything in Chinese culture, disrespect it and you will be taken care of. Fair to say he will be causing no more issues for the Triads. R.I.P Curl Foreman
  7. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    One of the Triads newest members came with quite a lot of weight on his back. During his first couple days at the organisation he made some solo moves against other gangs in the city that the Triads were working to make a good relation with. This caused some issues. We arranged a meet with members from the Irish as they were one of the groups that the man insulted. The Triads expected a rough conversation to occur, they stood back and watch what was about to unfold. The new member somehow lived through the situation. Fair to say he should have learned his lesson from this day.
  8. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    It was time to reward some of the OG members from the Triads. They had been in the organisation for a long time and it was time for a promotion. The two members met a few of the higher-ups at the dedicated ceremony site. The responsibilities of the new role were explained to the men and the ceremony began. Po Wong the Incense Master made his preparations ahead of time and begun to light the incense sticks. The oath was performed by both individuals and they were officially promoted into the 49ers.
  9. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Some of the Triads gathered in their cars and another in a stolen car, they decided it would be a good time to race. They stopped at a petrol station as a unit, filled up and moved out to prepare for the race. Now that all the cars were filled up and ready to go it was time to choose the location of the illegal drag race. The race was nice and clean for most members. However, Jack is known for not being able to drive at all and he flipped the car not long after leaving the starting line.
  10. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Whilst driving around the Vinewood Hills one of the Triads noticed some people standing conversing at their front door. The men quickly moved the conversation off the street and took them inside and searched the house for any valuables. Whilst the Triads were inside one man stayed out as a lookout and kept them constantly updated over the radio. After the house was fully searched it was time to check the garage for anything valuable, However the garage was locked. Upon lifting the garage door, something was hidden under a tarp. After removing the tarp it revealed a high value sports car. However the car was locked and the man wasn't wasting anytime. He put his elbow through the window, smashing it open. However after breaking into the high value car all it contained was a collection of undershirts for a suit. A postal van arrived at the house with a delivery for the house. At least one thing went well for the couple. The members decided to clear out before other members of public ending up involved.
  11. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    It was almost time to open the business for it's first day, a couple things were still required. To attract new faces to the shop the Triads went across the road to their neighboring business Weazel News and got some help. Everything was in place and the people started to appear in large numbers. It was time to take some orders and serve the best Chinese cuisine in the whole of Los Santos. Now that the orders were rolling in, we used this chance to take care of some other business matters. Ding had a meeting with some key members from another gang in private whilst the store provided a distraction. It was a busy night and more new faces came to see the new business in town. Overall a very successful business venture for the Triads. The Wong House will be opening again soon.
  12. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    After the Triads recent operations they managed to rack up a decent amount of cash. With this cash the Triads invested in their first Legal Front: A Chinese Takeaway Business. After receiving the keys to the shop the members got to work and began the preparations. They hired a postal delivery man for the day who helped transport their furniture and goods to the shop. Now that the truck had arrived, it was time to call down the backup for the heavy lifting. The members worked tirelessly throughout the day but the shop was soon ready to open. Look out for The Wong Place opening on a street near you and pop in for the best Chinese cuisine available in the city.
  13. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Following the Triads previous antics of store robbing some of the members were caught. It turns out that the members who were grabbing the cash had forgotten to place on gloves and left some prints behind. Jack wasn't a fan of the prison sentence he was about to receive, he tried to make a break for it but was unsuccessful. Following this, during his sentence he took any opportunity to escape. This resulted in some angry Prison Guards. Aira and Kyle managed to pull some strings and get in the same cell for their sentence. Whilst inside they made new plans for the Triads in preparation of their sentence ending.
  14. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads needed another influx of cash, they set out as a group and scouted out some stores. They stayed together and began to hit separate stores throughout the night. Whilst some of the members were robbing the stores, others positioned themselves up the road to lookout. After a long successful night of hitting stores the Police caught up with some of the members. This resulted in a shootout. The Triads got away with the cash but some of their members had to serve time. They will be compensated for their loyalty.
  15. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads acquired a boat and decided it was time to get some food. After a little bit of waiting, a fish caught onto the bait and it was reeled into the boat. One of the members decided it was best to punch the fish, knocking it clean out. The men continued to fish, there was little success. Suddenly the bald man noticed a big fish on the line. Same procedure as last time, the fish was knocked out to prevent their dinner escaping. Po decided it was best to use a bat this time. After a short fishing trip the men decided to return to land. Dinner was sorted. It's not always business at the Triads, the men enjoy some fun and games.
  16. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Another couple of people reached out to the Triads and showed their interest in the organisation. The two were members of the Marcello Family looking for a change in their careers. After the two old friends met up with the Triads they were given more details on how the organisation operates. Being old friends of the Triads the members had already proven their worth to the organisation and were taken to get their kit. Now that the two new members had been introduced to the others, it was time to get to work.
  17. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    Whilst patrolling the city of Los Santos, Bruce ran into some potential recruits. After speaking with the man, he came up with a little test. Turns out the man had a friend coming along as well. The Triads tasked them to rob the store until they said stop, cars were put in lookout positions. After collecting a sustainable amount from the store Bruce shouted for them to leave. They then followed the Triads back to a secluded area and they were initiated into the organisation.
  18. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads took the the street to look for Los Santos' next top dancer. A dance off circle was formed at the bank, multiple members of the public joined in. No promising acts were found.
  19. +1 to this idea, the fines are over excessive for the crime being committed in my opinion. The main issue is the fact that you can get 120 minutes in jail for only two speeding tickets. The fines should be lowered and citations shouldn't be automatically added to your record by an unmanned camera. +1 to the suggestion of adding a cooldown timer before receiving a ticket. -1 to the idea of having an automatic speed limiter in NCZ' as this would imply restrictions to IC actions. Overall the system is still very new and clearly needs some fine tuning. I'm not against having the speed cameras in place but it would be nice for these implementations to be trial run before implementing into a server of 300+ active people.
  20. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads were out on the lookout for any houses that could be raided. Unluckily for this man he coughed a little bit too loud whilst standing in his garden. The man was quick to realize the situation he was in. He was searched for house keys and the men moved him into the house. It was a successful find for the Triads, the man had an exquisite house. He was nice enough to even make some of the men feel sorry for him, he even waved goodbye.
  21. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads ran into a little trouble with the clowns. They attempted to rob Ding and it never turned out well for them. After a big shootout, Ding decided to steal the car from the men. The Triads made a quick pit stop at their friendly local garage Triads Deluxe Motorsport. Together the men gave the car it's first service, the owners were so uncaring of such a nice car. The men finished off the service and prepared to move onto their next job. Look out for Triads Deluxe Motorsport coming soon to the city of Los Santos.
  22. Msato

    Los Santos Triads

    The Triads don't always go around with the goal of committing crimes. Some of the members filled up and went our for a long drive. However, the men couldn't resist. An on the spot street race was arranged between them, the winner gets a cash prize.
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