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Everything posted by PopTarts

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 13/12/2023 UTC. Character name: Tom Brown. Issue/bug you are reporting: Paleto Impound MDC Missing. Expected behaviour: /mdc or CTRL+P to work inside the booth. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://streamable.com/c1o4t6
  2. LSSD Beach Party Basic CQB/Active Shooter Training
  3. I've seen in a lot of fights that players are using painkillers mid-combat to give an unfair advantage due to the healing effects they give. When a player is in combat (has been shot or shot recently) then it should disable the ability to "pop" painkillers mid-fight even if it's only a few minutes. While there are rules in place to prevent this as it can be seen as Non-RP it can easily go missed if a player hides in a bush or behind a building etc.
  4. Welcome AJ! Hopefully you've enjoyed your time so far on the server!
  5. Hi! Can't wait to see what you make of this!
  6. Personally I see no need for this at all, similar to how we had the action timer for unlocking-locking vehicles it was a pointless addition that only caused more annoyance than anything. There's a clear target of what this suggestion is for and that's to stop criminals from changing frequencies while running from police worsening the QOL even further of what criminals have to put up with. If a player has changed freq while under FearRP or while tazed then that's an issue that can be resolved either between the players in OOC which most people realise what they did was wrong and change it back to continue the roleplay or you can report them. Same goes for accidentally changing freq when placing hands up, simply resolve it with the player or report it.
  7. Hello! If you could visit https://time.is/ and check if your computer time is synced up If it is any seconds behind it will give you this error. You can also do this in windows settings and it should fix your issues(Also fixes speakers having a delay while playing). (Unless a restart fixed the issue Happy Hunter store CCTV is working fine)
  8. Archived as per request.
  9. Welcome! Hopefully you can enjoy your time on the server and have fun with your roleplay!
  10. That's sad to hear... I heard @Harley can assist you with ERP, contact them for more details!
  11. PopTarts


    Hi! Hopefully you enjoy your time here and have fun getting back into roleplay!
  12. Would really like to see these suggestions implemented! +1!
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