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Everything posted by MrSix

  1. Hi! If you got denied for "Copy & Paste" that's because we can either find your exact answer in our rules or on the internet. If we're unsure if something is Copy & Pasted we will not deny your application for it. I'd advise adding one or two examples to when you're explaining a certain rule. This'll help you to make your answer more unique and it will show the reader that you understand the rules.
  2. MrSix


    Hello! It can and will take a few days till we get to your application. We currently have over 4k pending applications which we have to review. Sorry for the long wait and inconvenience! We'll do our best to get to you ASAP.
  3. Maybe give it the /hq BEEP to track attention as well? +1
  4. By our rules they are not allowed to do that. The sniper is an active deployment weapon only. The MP5 is not a weapon allowed to be used by a Police Officer 1 either. About your new suggestion, police officer 1 is not a rank eligible to apply for divisions. SWAT requires you to be a PO II at least. Obviously our SWAT members are supposed to keep up high rp standards and respond to fear rp properly if rp’d well. If you however, see any officer breaking any server rules or you think an officer is abusing their power or taking out weapons they’re not supposed to, you always have the chance to report said officer. We try to keep High RP standards here in PD. I hope I was able to clarify a few things for you!
  5. Hey there! Regarding your first idea, me being in PD myself actually find the current armor state more than enough. If we do happen to get in shootouts, it's never really a 1v1 where the criminal has a disadvantage. Besides, the 50% armor is shot away in 2 shots, so it's really not all that strong. Idea two is already a thing. You'll never see a cadet running out the station with a shotgun, mp5, sniper, AR,... Currently, it's that, when you get promoted to certain ranks, you get the ability to send in an application in order to be allowed to use a weapon. Those applications are very strict and weapons are not to be abused. If so, the officer should be reported and their weapon will be removed. Idea three I'm not all too sure about. I think it would make it difficult to have a said stock of weapons with the number of officers we have. Besides, it wouldn't make sense to have officers ending up on patrol not being able to bring a weapon cause we're out of stock. That's just something that doesn't happen IRL. Idea 4: Having both radios in-game, hearing both all the time, would be EXTREMELY annoying. Units not involved in a pursuit or SWAT or whatever tactical situation shouldn't be hearing what other officers are saying. We do have the rule that officers are to talk in-game and on TS at the same time, to make it fair. Idea 5 I do not agree with. Snipers are only used for very tactical situations by SWAT and usage is strict. We don't allow people to take out the sniper and begin shooting at you. Again, we're very strict on that knowing how strong they can be. Idea 6: I only agree with good RP being rewarded by admins handing you the weapons you take. Officers are currently victims of "gangs hating cops and thus willing to shoot them for no good reason" and you having the ability to take our weapon wouldn't really better that. I have many concerns with this suggestion. It'd only be abused.
  6. I feel as if we had a 60% chance of PD being notified upon store robbery it'd be more realistic and fun as well. This way PD doesn't get more spammed with calls and robbers are not ensured PD will even show up/be notified. It adds that extra piece of action.
  7. +1 would be really great and realistic to have some of the modifications on PD weapons
  8. +1 It would be more efficient to have two digit numbers.
  9. Snow would be really cool if possible :D +1
  10. Seems a bit like an odd bug to me...but okay. Anyhow if you'd like to get unbanned you should go ahead and make an appeal here : https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/3-punishment-appeals/ :)
  11. MrSix

    No login box.

    Go to your GT-MP installation folder and delete the "resources" folder. After that, go to your CEF folder and delete "GPU Cache" plus "Cashe". This should hopefully fix it!
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