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Murphy Azalea

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Murphy Azalea last won the day on April 21

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About Murphy Azalea

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  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 16:40 GMT Character name: Peter Dunmill Issue/bug you are reporting: House Robbery UI dissapeared during lockpicking returning to normal house Expected behavior: house robbery UI stays open until closed by police Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  2. Being on both sides of this being in PD and playing crim I 100% agree with the low wellness suggestion. The tasers not being roleplayed is a good suggestion as from the cop side it is completely irritating when there's no way to stop them doing what their doing when the time you stand over them typing a /me they are back up and running away again. However from the crim side I feel the tasers are too spam able from officers. The short reload time on the tasers mean even if you dodge a shot or an officer misses they are back up and firing another at you within a second rather than the time it would actually take to remove the cartridge add a new one in and re aim. Melee whilst being tased/cuffed I agree with this however its not so much of a problem since the melee damage nerfs but still very irritating when people are spamming it. I can see the odd 1 sly shot here or there being ok but constantly getting up and down swinging or kicking is unrealistic.
  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 11:40 GMT Character name: Peter Dunmill Issue/bug you are reporting: failed picking up furniture even though it was correct then it bugged reset the pick up and triggered alarm without noise going above half Expected behavior: pick up the furniture normally Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
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