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Everything posted by Glaikit

  1. Could unofficial gangs get fchat or a substitute for fchat, like some sort of grouping system that wont be displayed on the F4 menu? There are a good couple of criminal gangs now with 25-35 members and if you've spent any time on their frequencies then you'd know that certain amounts of mixing is completely unavoidable, as they need to inform their members to "save bodycam" or "don't do that" and when asked why? You simply have to go silent because you can't say it. It's very inconvenient and if an Fchat (or a substitute) could be implemented for unofficial gangs it would make the RP over frequency so much more immersive.
  2. https://gyazo.com/d1745ec7b900b4e41129bfb524541e9f The exact moment the helicopter starts spraying automated rifles.
  3. https://streamable.com/n6lctk We put a lot of effort into getting a hostage all night, eventually I managed to get one totally naturally. You don't get a lot of chances to get a hostage in ECRP so when you get one it unlocks so many possibilities for RP and for it to be wasted like this doesn't feel great. I feel as though no one cared for Harrington's life, I had a gun on him while I'm being shot at, as well as the other cop being literally shot 5 times in the head (it's a whole different story of how wild it is that he doesn't get scriptly injured from that). We have to use various /me's to keep the gun on the officer so we still have some sort of leverage (as you can't scriptly keep a gun on them while driving), so for a cop to pull up and start blasting like they did, doesn't make sense and is far too fast paced roleplay considering the amount of text RP involved in these situations. I don't think PD truly understand how much we risk going into these types of situations, we've both been put in DOC for 5 hours with some heavy fines. For the roleplay to be terminated so fast by pulling up and shooting both of us, including hitting the officer at gun point is absurd. None of the officers pulling up checked in /do what the situation is with our guns, the text based roleplay is extremely important when there's so many script limitations at the very least these situations could be slowed down and RP'd properly. It feels as though taking hostages is just not an option as no one actually cares what happens to them, there's no IC or OOC down side to just pulling up and blasting as PD, the officer who got shot 5 times in the head is going to go about his day and the officer who started shooting me while I could've very easily put a bullet in my hostages head will face no repercussions for their actions, on the other hand we're fucked for 5 whole hours. My main question is what more could we have done in this situation? We have 2 guns pointed at 2 officer's heads both scriptly and RPly (using /me's) and we get gunned down. The only reason Tony didn't have his gun pointed directly at the officers head in the trunk was because he was teaching him how to get out of the trunk in /b. It says in the rules you are still under fear RP, just because the player is typing doesn't mean his gun is no longer pointed at you, but this wasn't checked or looked into before PD started shooting.
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