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Posts posted by Paulius

  1. jtn7xPT.png


    Building Rules - Overview

    Ever since the release of the building script on Eclipse Roleplay, there has been a lot of excitement and opportunities to allow players to customize both their houses and properties how they wish. While this does give everyone a lot of freedom, it is important to remember that this is a roleplay server, so it is crucial to note that consideration needs to be taken into consideration when building in the sense of what looks good and realistic, whilst also taking the building rules that we have in place into account.

    In an easy way of explaining it, think of what you would see on a day-to-day basis if you were to go for a walk or a ride in the car. Would you see a house with a staircase leading to the roof with no support? Would you see gates blocking off alleyways that are publicly owned? Would you see a large wall that is 30 feet high without any structure that would keep it standing? You would not, which is why it's important to take these rules into consideration when you begin building.


    0. Staff Discretion

    Rule 0 is in place to allow players to understand what "Staff Discretion" is in relation to building, as well as explain the normal process that happens when a staff member deems a build to be Non-Roleplay or a breach of the building rules.

    Staff Discretion - "What is this?"

    • Staff discretion with building can come in many forms, but the main form is when it's decided if a build should be removed or not. When a staff member finds a build that is improper or not realistic the normal process is to inquire with other staff members to get second opinions on the build. A staff member can deem a build to be Non-RP or in violation of the rules at any time, and it can be subject to removal with or without notice depending on the severity of the build.

    Removal Process - "How does it work?"

    • The handling staff member will begin by placing an admin marker on the property explaining that something that was built needs to be removed. If possible, the next step would be to find the owner of the property so that the staff member can notify them. If the property owner fails to remove/amend the build in question, then a senior staff member will go to the property and remove any of the conflicting furniture items. Following the build being marked, you will have 48 hours to make the necessary changes. If you fail to do so it can result in some or all of the build being removed.


    PzJWQVX.png Important! If a build is found to be breaching a rule to the severity that it is/has the possibility of negatively affecting another player's experience it may be removed without any notice per discretion.


    1. Realistic Building (Physics, Item Clipping, Realism)

    All player-built structures must be realistic and follow the concept of real-world physics. In an easier way of putting it, what you build must have realistic support and not be floating or unattached to the 'main structure' that you are building in or around.

    When placing items players must ensure that they are not clipping through the default furniture in the property (this mainly applies to houses/apartments) and what is built must be realistic or make sense. A few examples of what not to do can be seen below;

    • A staircase that does not have realistic support or is not attached to anything that would support a staircase (within reason)
    • A floating roof or floor that is not attached to another structure such as a wall or support pillar
    • Floating items that are not attached to a floor, roof, or wall as they should be to be properly supported
    • Placing a raised floor in an apartment/house to gain more space in the interior, which realistically would not be done to an expensive property
    • Placing a drug table inside of another drug table to save space
    • Placing a large storage container inside of a pre-existing furniture item to avoid taking up space in a room
    • Placing multiple doorways with doors inside of each other to create an airlock that players cannot get through


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be unrealistically supported, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be issued.


    2. Public Building

    Player-built structures cannot block public accessways such as roads, sidewalks, or waterways. Additionally, buildings cannot block large alleyways or public gathering areas such as a park or gateway to a public area. Finally, player-built structures cannot block public parking areas that would be considered 'shared parking'. Below are a few examples of incorrect builds;

    • Building a fence on a sidewalk that would obstruct foot traffic
    • Building a covered parking area in an alleyway on the side of an owned property
    • Placing a fence/gate on an opening that leads into a public space
    • Building parking spaces on the side of a shared apartment building and taking up spots for other residents

    It is important to note that when you purchase a property you are purchasing the building, not the public sidewalk or alleyway nearby. Just because you own a property and you have the ability to block something off (such as an alleyway), it does not mean that you are necessarily allowed to.


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be blocking a public access point, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be issued.


    3. Utilizing Furniture During Active RP

    Players may not utilize the building script whilst actively engaging in active RP such as (but not limited to) a shootout, chase, raid, or kidnapping(s). A couple of examples of what a breach of this rule would look like can be seen listed below;

    • Creating cover whilst actively being shot at
    • Adding additional furniture to a pre-existing property interior whilst a robbery/raid is happening
    • Creating cover in preparation for an impending shootout
    • Creating a blockade to prevent traffic whilst being in an active chase


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If found to have breached this rule, the build will be removed and Non-Roleplay punishments or warnings can be issued to any involved player(s).


    4. Building Permissions

    Players are only allowed to build on properties that they would realistically own. With how the building range script currently works, there is a chance that a player may own a property and have conflicting build 'zones' with another player's property. Below are a few examples of how you should not build when near another player's property;

    • Placing or removing items within another player's property range without permission
    • Placing an item on another player's driveway, or blocking a driveway that would be realistically shared
    • Placing a staircase on another player's house so you can get to the roof of yours
    • Adding fences or gates within another player's property's build range so you can have larger private parking

    It is permissible to build on another player's property only if the other player has given you permission to do so.


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If furniture items are found to be built on a property that is not owned by the player that placed the item it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the same player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment or warning can be issued.


    5. Building Shapes

    Players may not create buildings that recreate or replicate an obscene shape or image such as (but not limited to) genitalia, hate symbols, etc. Below are a couple of examples of what is disallowed;

    • Creating a building that recreates a hate symbol or other offensive symbol
    • Creating a building that replicates genitalia


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be a breach of this rule, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. Additionally, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be issued depending on severity.


    5. Blocking Entry Points

    Players may not block entry/exit points of their property(ies), ATMs, Public Scripted Businesses, Chopshops, Drug Labs, or Drug Drop-Off points. Below are a couple of examples of what not to do;

    • Placing a doorway and a locked door at your house so only you (the property owner) can access it
    • Creating a small shell around an ATM that is on a property in an attempt to "claim" it
    • Blocking off a general store and only giving specific players access to open the doors
    • Fencing in a drop-off location, NPC, drug lab, or chop shop to prevent other players from accessing them

    The reason for this rule is due to the fact that all of the listed things are key to player interaction or required for a scripted job and we do not want possible interactions to be cut off or prevented.


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be blocking a public access point, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said build, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be warranted.


    6. Storage Accessibility

    Storage containers or other furniture items that can be interacted with must be accessible without needing to remove a piece of furniture. Additionally, storage containers (cabinets & safes) should not be hidden from plain view and should only be placed in a realistic position. Below are examples of what not to do;

    • Placing a safe or cabinet inside of a wall to the extent that only the UI is visible
    • Creating a room full of safes or cabinets with items in them and blocking entry with a wall, painting, or another furniture item that only players with build permissions at the property or house can (re)move
    • Placing a safe inside of a bed without any supporting roleplay
    • Placing a wall in a doorway to block access to a drug lab

    Exceptions can be made for creating storage out of a non-container type of furniture items, such as making a large wooden box have a safe in it to RP storing items in the box. If a player wishes to roleplay a hidden storage container (such as a safe inside of a couch), detailed roleplay should be done for setting up the storage, and proof of RP should be readily available in the situation that staff requests it.


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be blocking access to storage or other relevant interactable furniture items, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be warranted.


    7. Aesthetics

    Players are expected to follow the visual aesthetics of the surrounding area when building on the exterior of their property. What this means is that players must take into account how the build looks, if it visually fits the surrounding area it's in and if it makes sense to use certain furniture items. Below are a couple of examples of what not to do;

    • Using a gate that you would see in vinewood to create a small parking area in a trailer park
    • Using marble flooring to create a garage shop floor in downtown Los Santos
    • Placing an orange tree outside of a property in the desert
    • Using a brick wall to make a parking structure where the base game map design utilizes chain link fences
    • Converting a broken-down house into a new home whilst being surrounded by other broken-down houses


    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be in breach of this it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said build, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be warranted.
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  2. Yh2Uo7A.png

    Discord Rules
    • Nudity or explicit content of any kind is not allowed.
    • Offensive language or content that can offend someone else is not allowed.
    • Spam in general is not allowed.
    • Complaints must be posted on the forums with the correct form, not on discord.
    • Cyber threats, or threats in general will be taken very seriously.
    • Harassment, excessively targeting a player or staff member or excessively messaging a player or staff member will not be tolerated.
    • Server advertisement of any sort is not allowed.
    • Discussions about politics or religions are not allowed.
    • This is an English-speaking community, therefore only English is allowed in our channels.
    • Do not advertise other Discord servers without ECRP owner approval.

    Keep in mind that we also expect all members of the Discord to follow Discord's ToS.

    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: Server Staff may kick, timeout, ban, or add read-only/no-fashion/no-NSFW roles to members who act disorderly and jeopardize the general health of our community discord. Depending on the severity of said rulebreach staff also reserve the ability to issue a server punishment.
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  3. ZTEu8Vf.png


    Thank you for participating in our community. The Eclipse Roleplay Forums is intended to be a place of communication, discussion, sharing suggestions and ideas as well as connecting with other users of this community. In order to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time, we have created a series of different rules. We ask that all members of this community follow these simple rules in order to create a better player experience as well as an atmosphere where everyone feels safe and comfortable.

    By using and participating in this forum, you agree that you have read and familiarized yourself with the below forum rules. You also agree that you will follow the aforementioned forum rules to the best of your ability. Please take note that Eclipse Roleplay Staff reserve the right to remove, edit, close, and or lock any forum post which is not in accordance with the forum rules without prior notice or warning. If you observe another community member breaking a rule or displaying problematic behavior, please utilize the “Report Post” button which can be found at the top right of every submitted post in order to alert a member of staff.

    Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following rules listed down below.


    1. Harassment and Remaining Respectful
    • Creating posts that attack, insult, flame, defame, or abuse members of the community is not permitted. Members are expected to remain respectful which involves not belittling, making fun off or insulting another fellow member. Members are not always going to share their own point of view, so agree to disagree.


    2. Explicit Content
    • Any content that is considered unacceptable by the general public is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to Gory/graphic images of families, or children, and pornography. This rule also encompasses any content that may offend a race, religion, or a member of the community.


    3. Spamming and Trolling
    • Spamming and trolling are not permitted. This includes excessively communicating nonsense, the same phrase, or similar phrases in a short amount of time as well as creating threads for the sole purpose of causing agitation or disruption within the forums. In addition to this, please refrain from bumping threads or creating non-constructive posts which contain no thoughtful meaning (i.e -1 or +1 without further information or context).


    4. Plagiarism
    • Plagiarism is not permitted under any circumstances. This involves copying someone else's words and using them as your own to benefit yourself.


    5. Promoting Illegal Activity
    • The promotion of mods, trainers, and or any type of software that provides players with any type of advantage is not permitted under any circumstances. This rule also encompasses inciting and or encouraging any type of violence or criminal act pertaining to the community, another community member, or in general.


    6. Server Advertising
    • Advertisements of non-beneficial and or non-related websites and communities is not allowed under any circumstances. In addition to this, players should refrain from releasing or discussing other communities as well as posting IP addresses or links.


    7. Disclosing Private or Personal Information
    • The safety and privacy of all players is something that should be respected at all times, and players may not post or message others to disclose private or personal information about another member of the community.


    8. Creating Accounts to Break Rules and Ban Evading
    • Creating forum accounts with the sole purpose of breaking forum rules and creating agitation and disruption within the forums is not permitted under any circumstances. In addition to this, members may not create a forum account to use after being banned from the forums.


    9. Cyber Threats
    • Any type of cyber threat such as DDOS'ing will be taken seriously. We do not joke when it comes to cyber threats and attacks.


    PzJWQVX.png It is important to note that a punishment resulting in a breach of one of these rules is up to the discretion of the handling staff member. This can be in the form of a forum punishment such as an account suspension or a forum ban, or a punishment in accordance to Rule 7. IC and OOC Interactions which can range from a warning, admin jail, to an indefinite ban depending on the severity and the context of said breach.
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  4. 6vpamz6.png


    In the prison, all of our general rules apply to everyone just as much as they do outside. These prison rules aim to highlight widespread issues and provide more in-depth clarifications relevant to the prison environment.

    The content in this thread revolves around the only prison in our server, Bolingbroke Penitentiary (also referred to as DoC). Prison Break for example does not apply to jail as you cannot break out from jail (Mission Row or Paleto Sheriff's Station).


    1. Prison Roleplay Environment
    • The prison exterior is considered public and therefore should be acted as such unless valid RP reasoning justifies any form of escalation (e.g. an approved prison break).
    • Have realistic expectations upon entering the property of the prison. Attempting a robbery or crime in the parking lot of a federal prison is considered NRP unless the justified means are met.


    2. Deathmatching
    • All normal deathmatching rules (Rule 14, Deathmatch) apply within the prison as they do outside.
    • To attack a prison guard, there needs to be proper escalation and reason. You cannot attack prison guards for minor and petty reasons, or for simply being bored. To attack another inmate, this also applies. Remember that any crime within the prison can be met by extended prison sentences.
    • You should not deliberately insert yourself into or initiate hostile roleplay when your prison sentence is about to expire.
    • Inmates should not bait reactions from prison guards in order to attack them. This falls under DM and also ruleplaying. (Example, baiting a prison guard to tase them whilst other inmates are waiting to attack for that reason).


    3. Prison Break

    Prison Breaks are very influential to roleplay development, as becoming a prisoner is a part of your character's development and a deterrent for constant criminal roleplay. Prison time is meant as a tool to promote that actions have consequences, and it's also a tool to teach people to become better at their roleplay, and being more inconspicuous. However, breaking in or out from prison could be a part of someone's character development, but it needs to be regulated so that it does not happen too often, and if it does happen, that it is filled with roleplay and free from rule violations from all sides. Prison breaks are not light and casual RP that is a frequent occurrence, but instead a heavy roleplay scenario that involves a lot of people and should have the highest standard of roleplay when being executed.

    • Once an inmate is behind the gates or a locked door, breaking in or out requires prison break permissions.
    • Do not initiate any RP for a prison break without approval. To seek approval, submit a report in-game.
    • You must have a plan before you make the report and can work with other inmates on a plan but the prison break RP should not be initiated.
    • Since prison break RP is something not taken lightly, it is usually observed by several staff members to ensure rules are being followed and a high standard of RP is being met on all sides.
    • Attempting a prison break without permission will result in a voided situation by staff and a warning being placed on your record.
    • If you have any questions regarding what RP you can do during an approved prison break, you should consult the supervising staff member.

    Prison Break RP can be extensive and take time to conduct, so it's important to note that staff will not accept prison break requests from those who have lower sentences or those that are in for minor offenses.


    4. Smuggling & Concealing Roleplay
    • If successfully done, then smuggling small amounts of money, drugs, or other smaller items that would be realistic to conceal is allowed.
    • Trying to smuggle in larger items such as weapons or radios on your own body would not be realistic and considered as powergaming.
    • You must give the guard a realistic chance to find the item if it’s somewhere that would be discovered during a normal pat-down or visible when changing clothes, failing to provide a realistic chance would be considered as powergaming.
    • You must transfer the item(s) over to the prison guard when getting changed if hidden in clothes. Failing to do so would be considered as powergaming.
    • A screenshot of the RP with /time or UNIX timestamp should be shown to the processing guards, in accordance with 7. IC and OOC Interactions.
    • Smuggling in a phone is not allowed as the script does not support this.


    5. Taking Hostages
    • In order to take someone hostage, you must have proper reasoning and escalation as per 15. Player Theft, Prison Breakout, and Kidnapping. Remember that if you take a guard hostage (or directly involve yourself in such a situation), you are naturally involving the police and should thus only do it once per week.
    • There is no way to ask for “consent” to take someone hostage. To take someone hostage the Roleplay must escalate to that point naturally.


    6. Player Theft on Guards / Inmates
    • Robbery Rules apply in the prison. There should be proper reasoning for wanting to rob another inmate or guard, and it should be done at a proper location within the prison itself (e.g. away from cameras and guards). Refer to 15. Player Theft, Prison Breakout, and Kidnapping in our General Rules.


    7. Sexual, Torture, and Disgusting Roleplay
    • The prison is a small area where it’s easy to see other people’s roleplay. Sexual, torture, or disgusting roleplay is not allowed without the prior OOC consent of all individuals in the vicinity. It's advised not to attempt to perform this type of roleplay within the prison as many players come and go, and thus you could violate this rule. See Rule 7. IC and OOC Interactions.


    8. Guard Baiting
    • Prison Guards like any other government employee should not be baited without proper roleplay reason. For example, the DOC track is not a race track and guards should not be baited to chase you around the prison. Read 9. Non-Roleplay (NRP) for more.
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  5. dr3QsJr.png

    1. General Rules
    • Non-Gov Factions have a faction member limit of 30 people.
    • If you obtain official status as a legal faction you cannot switch to being a criminal faction without approval from Faction Management.
    • You must roleplay within your faction lore.
    • Tazers should not be used on players that are moving in a vehicle (e.g. motorcycle) or from a moving vehicle (e.g. police car). Players that are tazed off an e.g. motorcycle at the same point where they begin accelerating away does not apply to this.


    2. Backup Rules
    • Factions may not seek assistance/backup from other factions outside of a pre-established and organized activity.
    • With proper IC reasoning, individual(s) who naturally stumble upon a situation may interject but cannot call their own faction for additional backup. Players are expected to consider the risk vs reward in relation to their interjection.
    • The use of joint frequencies is prohibited outside of a coordinated activity taking place.
    • Activities are intended to be majority stationary and do not include travel from location to location. They must have a specific accomplishable purpose and may not include hunting other factions (ie: ‘rolling labs’ is not an activity). In the event of chain activities (ie: robbing stores) the activity is considered a specific robbery.
    • All parties on a joint frequency must be in the same location (surrounding areas apply should the activity require it ie: scouting). Engagements that take place while enroute to an activity location are permitted to be responded to only by the singular associated faction.
    • Calling and texting others with information about an active situation needing backup will be considered an attempt to bypass the rule.
    • Having members of different factions in a vehicle for the purpose of being able to utilize both factions during a need for backup is prohibited.
    PzJWQVX.png Punishment: Anything from a warning, admin jail, to an indefinite ban, punished under Non-Roleplay (NRP).
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  6. 2 hours ago, Cyrus Raven said:

    +1 Anyone in the 35% tax bracket shouldn't need this welfare. Surely if you've managed to drive yourself to be so illiquid that 500$ is keeping you alive you have bigger issues to deal with than welfare.

    Source: Someone who regularly blows all his money on cars just to bum drinks from @Luke Raven


    As for the maths pointed out, these sorts of numbers can only really be analysed with something to compare it too. 4,000,000$ million spawned per day in welfare might be a negligible amount of money if you compare it to the total amount of money generated by players everyday. To illustrate my point. Imagine the totality of money growth per day from people doing jobs (fishing, farming, etc...), criminal activities (chop shop, drugs, etc...) and working government jobs is 400,000,000$ per day. (this is probably not true, like I said, example.) 1% of all money generated in one day coming from spawned money given in the form of welfare all of the sudden becomes an insignificant statistic. However, if welfare is a significant percentage of total daily money generated then that would be cause to worry and an argument to further restrict it.

    As for the suggestion that was floated with regards to certain housing being fixed. This is simple Econ 101, the only reason these houses are sold for such a massive amount of money is because the supply and demand curves for those assets made it so. This doesn't have to be solved by forcing a maximum selling price, all devs have to do is simply introduce more supply into the server. Grab a few hotel/motel main doors and add an apartment like UI/Interior/Script. People walk in, press E on the door and can buy cheaper/shittier apartments than the ones available right now. Now, do this x20 all over the map and you will likely see a quick decrease in the overall price of these assets as the supply increases significantly. To further help, make these apartments 1Gs and lowest price (after a few days of introducing it) around 75-100k.

    Welfare has top spot of generated income per day

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  7. [Vehicles] Vehicles will drop their inventory if destroyed or chopshopped.
    [Vehicles] Adjusted cycles and motorcycles inventory volume to 15 from 20
    [Vehicles] Carrying a bag or a briefcase and driving over 50km/h on a bike will automatically drop the items
    [Weapons] SniperRifle volume increased to 10->20, Heavy to 10->15, Shotgun 10 -> 15, AssaultRifle 10 -> 15
    [Vehicles] Increased the amount of damage vehicles take on impact, damage no longer depends on engine location
    [Vehicles] Adjusted hakuchou2 handling, it will now burnout a bit more when accelarating from 0 and the braking speed has been lowered.
    [Bags/Briefcases] These items will no longer magically lower the volume by 10 percent

    • NAY 2
  8. [Voice] Fixed speaking players indicators bugging out on the right side of screen
    [Misc] TABBED OUT will appear above players when player is tabbed out
    [Misc] Optimizations
    [Misc] Crash Fix
    [Misc] Disabled oneshot-headshots.
    [Misc] Fixed red crosshair appearing when hovering over players 

    • Upvote 4
  9. [RageMP] Updated to 1.1 version of RageMP
    [Sheriff] Updated the SED hats and masks.
    [HUD] Added text shadows for better contrast on light surfaces.
    [Shipments] Increased the chances of illegal shipment interception.
    [Factions] Replaced /PW and /MW with /FactionLoadout (or /FL)
    [Uniforms] Added new uniforms, headware, gloves, armor, decals, weapons and equipment to the new /FactionLoadout command.
    [Misc] Fixed dropped objects not being collisionless
    [Map] Changed the map texture
    [Death] Fixed time not being set correctly after death
    [Death] If player dies in a vehicle, they will stay in a vehicle
    [Death] Improved and added more variations to death anims
    [Sheriff] Added paleto sheriff interior
    [Misc] Removed unneccasry elements from main menu
    [Misc] Added vehicle trails and ped footsteps for snow effect
    [Weapons] Decreased damage of non-melee weapons
    [Recoil] Modified default weapon recoild
    [Weapons] Added missing weapons to server
    [Misc] Added more additional free character slots
    [DLC Packs] Added a new SUV the Vapid Scout (Police).
    [Map] Added courthouse interior
    [Apartments] Fixed an issue that prevented the /ram command from working properly on apartment doors.
    [Prison] Added new prison
    [Prison] Changed minimal prison currency required for poker to 300
    [Objects] /createobject and /removemapaddition commands is now for head administrators
    [Objects] Changed visuals of object manipulator
    [Clothes] Added additional clothes for SADOC and Weazel News.
    [Fuel] Adjusted fuel consumption and fuel tank sizes to be more realistic

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